The Assault of Kythyss


The assault on Kythyss resulted in an overwhelming victory for the Alliance and the Solaris Sanctum. The battle, lasting just over an hour, saw the combined forces swiftly taking control of the city. In a dramatic encounter, Lady Elriza herself was found within a large cathedral in the city. The soldiers of Fort Vegapath managed to drive her and her kin into the crypt of the church. As the enemy attempted to retreat through a portal, the cathedral began to collapse. The body of Elriza was not recovered, but a powerful member of her organization was captured.   The victory, however, came at a great cost. A total of 357 Ffolk lost their lives, 47 Norlanders perished in battle, and the Sanctum mourned the loss of two members. Fort Vegapath suffered significant losses, including Major Rem, Caelindriel, and Halar. Despite these losses, the successful assault on Kythyss marked a pivotal moment in the long waged war.

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