The Theocracy of Solaris Aeternum

The Theocracy of Solis Aeternum is a formidable theocratic nation centered around the worship of the twin suns, Ayin and Yesh. It is a land where the spiritual and the secular are intertwined, with every aspect of life influenced by the celestial dance above. Dominating the heart of the equatorial desert, Solaris Sanctum is the capital and spiritual center of the theocracy, known for its grand temples, bustling markets, and impressive religious ceremonies. The influence of The Theocracy extends beyond its borders, with its temples and religious institutions holding sway over numerous surrounding settlements and the vast regions of the Shifting Sands of Yesh.    


The government of Solis Aeternum is a strict theocracy governed by the High Cleric and an advisory council of eleven Primarchs. Each Primarch oversees a specific domain of the theocracy, ensuring that the will of Ayin and Yesh is enacted throughout the land. The High Cleric is the supreme religious and political leader, while the Voice of the Sanctum serves as the intermediary between the celestial powers and the people. The two Custodians, the Luminary Custodian and the Umbral Custodian, safeguard the spiritual and arcane integrity of the theocracy.  

Demography and Population

The population of Solis Aeternum is diverse, with Lumin, Luminari, Sunspark,and various other races coexisting under the twin suns. The society is deeply hierarchical, with one's position often determined by their devotion to Ayin and Yesh and their ability to wield solaether. The people are deeply religious, participating in numerous rituals and ceremonies that honor the celestial entities. The major cities and settlements are hubs of religious activity, trade, and cultural exchange.  


Solis Aeternum's territory encompasses the central deserts of Ayinel, dominated by the sprawling city of Solaris Sanctum. The theocracy also controls numerous smaller settlements, oases, and outposts strategically placed across the shifting sands. These locations serve as both spiritual retreats and defensive positions, ensuring the stability and security of the theocracy. The influence of Solis Aeternum extends to regions where the power of Ayin and Yesh is most potent, including the verdant Crescent Commons and the resource-rich Verdant Expanse.  


The military forces of Solis Aeternum are vast and highly organized, boasting over 100,000 active soldiers stationed across its expansive territory. The military is overseen by Primarch Vaelithar Dawnweaver, known as the Primarch of Radiance. Under his command, the forces of Solis Aeternum maintain order and protect the theocracy’s interests with unwavering dedication.  


  The Sunward Legion: The main infantry force, comprising highly trained soldiers skilled in both conventional combat and solar magic. They are stationed in key locations to ensure rapid response to any threat.   The Solar Cavalry: Elite mounted units that utilize light-infused mounts and are equipped with radiant lances. They are deployed for swift, decisive strikes.   The Eclipsed: Specialized reconnaissance units that operate under the cover of night, gathering intelligence and executing covert operations.   Flameguard Battalion: Heavy infantry units equipped with enchanted armor and weapons that channel the destructive power of solar flames.   The Radiant Fleet: A fleet of airships and arcane vehicles that provide logistical support, rapid troop deployment, and aerial superiority. These vessels are equipped with advanced aetherial solcraft technology.   The soldiers of Solis Aeternum are rigorously trained in both martial and magical disciplines, ensuring they can effectively wield the power of Ayin and Yesh in battle. Regular drills, spiritual rites, and combat simulations keep the troops in peak condition, ready to defend the theocracy at a moment's notice.  


  Trade within Solis Aeternum is a vibrant and diverse enterprise, managed under the watchful eye of Primarch Thalia Sunscribe, the Primarch of the Archives. The Sunlit Bazaar in Solaris Sanctum serves as the central hub for trade, where merchants from across Ayinel and beyond gather to exchange goods.  

Major Trade Goods

  Enchanted Textiles: Fabrics imbued with protective and enhancing enchantments, popular among nobility and adventurers alike.   Sacred Relics: Artifacts blessed by the high clergy, often used in religious rituals and as status symbols.   Exotic Spices and Herbs: Valued for their culinary and medicinal properties, sourced from the Verdant Expanse and other fertile regions within Solis Aeternum.   Solar Metalwork: Weapons, armor, and decorative items forged using solarium alloy, prized for their durability and aesthetic appeal.  


Solis Aeternum prides itself on its self-sufficiency, producing the vast majority of its required goods within its own borders. The fertile lands of the Verdant Expanse, combined with advanced agricultural practices and magical enhancements, ensure a steady supply of food and medicinal herbs. The theocracy’s workshops and forges produce everything from everyday tools to advanced aetherial solcraft devices, minimizing the need for external imports.  

Export Practices

The theocracy's exports are highly valued across Ayinel and beyond. Traders from other lands eagerly seek out Solis Aeternum’s enchanted goods and rare materials. The export of these items brings significant wealth into the theocracy, which is then used to further bolster its self-reliance and spiritual missions.  

Economic Practices

The theocracy's economy is heavily regulated to ensure fairness and alignment with religious principles. Tithes and offerings are common, with a portion of trade profits directed towards maintaining the temples and supporting the clergy. This system ensures that the wealth generated through trade benefits the entire society, reinforcing the unity and prosperity of Solis Aeternum.


The culture of Solaris Aeternum is deeply rooted in the worship of the twin suns, Ayin and Yesh. Their society values balance, unity, and the harmonious interplay of light and shadow. Festivals and ceremonies celebrating the cycles of the suns are central to their way of life, fostering a strong sense of community and spiritual fulfillment.   Art and Architecture: Buildings and public spaces are adorned with motifs of the suns, using materials that reflect and amplify light. Art is often a blend of radiant and umbral elements, symbolizing the duality of their beliefs.   Magic and Technology: Both are intertwined with faith, relying on solar energy harnessed through enchanted crystals and celestial metal. This technology is exclusive to those initiated in the spiritual rites of the Sanctum.   Daily Life: Daily activities are punctuated by moments of reflection and prayer, aligning personal rhythms with the celestial movements of Ayin and Yesh.

Public Agenda

The Theocracy of Solaris Aeternum aims to spread the light of Ayin and Yesh, ensuring that balance and harmony prevail throughout Ayinel. Their agenda includes:   Defending Against Darkness: Mobilizing their elite forces and advanced technology to protect the realm from heretical darkness that threatens their dominion.   Promoting Knowledge through Enlightenment: Encouraging the pursuit of knowledge through education and magical research, sharing their discoveries with all those who worship the suns.   Fostering Unity: Strengthening communal bonds through festivals, ceremonies, and public works that celebrate their shared faith and heritage.

May the Radiance of the Twin Suns Illuminate Your Path.

Interesting Facts

    Faith and Devotion:
  • The Solari are deeply spiritual, with every aspect of their lives influenced by the worship of Ayin and Yesh. Daily rituals and prayers are common, and the sight of pilgrims traveling to Solaris Sanctum is a regular occurrence.
  •   Cultural Celebrations:
  • The Festival of the Eternal Twilight is a major event, celebrating the balance and harmony between Ayin and Yesh, a time when the world is thought to pass between the stars. The festival features grand parades, feasts, and elaborate rituals that draw visitors from all across Ayinel hoping to have the miracle of the suns bestowed on them.
    "The journey to Solaris Sanctum is not merely a pilgrimage; it is a rebirth under the gaze of the twin suns." – Pilgrim Kaelan Echowake
          Architectural Marvels:
  • The architecture of Solis Aeternum is renowned for its beauty and functionality. Buildings are constructed with materials that reflect and absorb solar energy, creating a harmonious blend of form and function that exemplifies their worship.
  •   Education and Knowledge:
  • The Solari place great emphasis on education, particularly in the fields of magic, theology, and solar energy. The Luminary Archives in Solaris Sanctum is one of the most extensive libraries in Ayinel, housing ancient texts and contemporary works alike.
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    Geopolitical, Theocracy
    Alternative Names
    The Twice Lit Dominion, The Radiant Theocracy, The Sunlit Domain, The Sanctum
    Controlled Territories
    Related Species


    "In the light of Ayin, I find strength. In the shadow of Yesh, I find wisdom. Together, they guide my soul." – Acolyte Liora Sunveil