
Information pertaining to anatomy and many name suggestions were taken from the Player's Handbook for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition.

Basic Information


They are slightly shorter than humans on average, ranging from well under 5 feet tall to just over 6 feet. They are more slender than humans, weighing only 100 to 145 pounds. Males and females are about the same height, and males are only marginally heavier than females.

Elves’ coloration encompasses the normal human range and also includes skin in shades of copper, bronze, and almost bluish-white, hair of green or blue, and eyes like pools of liquid gold or silver. Elves have no facial and little body hair.

Wood Elves

Wood Elves have darker skin and longer ears. Their hair color also tends to be darker, and can include various shades of green as well as many different shades of brown. Blond hair is rarer in wood elves. Wood elves are likely to have eyes that resemble the colors of the forest, such as chestnut, honey, spring green, or autumn orange.

High Elves

High elves are typically taller, with more slight features. Their hair is often pale, and may even come in colors such as brilliant blue or metallic silver. High elves also have paler skin. Their eyes range in a wide spectrum of colors, include metallics.

Biological Cycle

Instead of sleeping, elves undergo a process known as a Trance. This habit is a remnant left from their fey ancestry. While an elf is Trancing, they are unaware of their surroundings, much like when a regular humanoid is sleeping. If they are awoken from the trance, however, they will be immediately alert, rather than retaining the drowsiness that other humanoids might.

Elves dream while they Trance, but they are much more controlled, detailed dreams than other humanoids. As such, elves experience lucid dreams quite commonly. Some elves use their Trance time to explore the depths of their mind and learn new things about themselves. Other elves could care less, and treat Trances and the dreams therein much like other humanoids treat sleeping. Elves have clearer memories of their dreams when they awake, and are rumored to be more likely to have prophetic dreams.

Elves typically Trance for about 4 hours. With training, some elves are capable of Trancing for very specific amounts of time. After a 4 hour Trance, the elf is as rested as a different humanoid would be from 8 hours of sleep.


Contrary to popular belief, elves are capable of regular sleep, though it is rare. Elves usually only sleep if they are ill or have been knocked out. Sometimes, though, an elf may see fit to sleep instead of Trance. The Congregation of the True Prophet views Trancing's unique affect on dreams as blasphemous, and therefore elves of that religion specifically shun Trancing in favor of sleep.

However, is generally believed that Trancing is a part of an elf's natural biological cycle, and consistently avoiding it can have severe consequences on their health. Many find themselves feeling fatigued, even if they have slept regularly. Sometimes they may even experience dizziness, confusion, or in extreme cases, hallucinations.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Large populations of elves are most often found southeast of the Varian mountains. Outside of that region, elves are much less common, but not extinct. Small companies of elves have even migrated all the way to Solesia.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Elvish names tend to have a flowery or sing-song quality to them. Many elvish names have to do with trees or other aspects of nature.
Male names: Adran, Aelar, Aramil, Arannis, Aust, Beiro, Berrian, Carric, Enialis, Erdan, Erevan, Galinndan, Hadarai, Heian, Himo, Immeral, Ivellios, Laucian, Mindartis, Paelias, Peren, Quarion, Riardon, Rolen, Soveliss, Thamior, Tharivol, Theren, Varis
Female names: Adrie, Althaea, Anastrianna, Andraste, Antinua, Bethrynna, Birel, Caelynn, Drusilia, Enna, Felosial, Ielenia, Jelenneth, Keyleth, Leshanna, Lia, Meriele, Mialee, Naivara, Quelenna, Quillathe, Sariel, Shanairra, Shava, Silaqui, Theirastra, Thia, Vadania, Valanthe, Xanaphia

Family names

Elvish family names are often derived from Old Varian--a language that was spread throughout most of the continent during the days of the elvish empire. Some elves have opted to instead use the Common translations of their Old Varian names. These names often have something to do with nature.

Old family names: Amakiir, Araqen, Eilcan, Ilphelkiir, Joran, Krisjyre, Qanvi, Xilcan
New family names (Elvish): Amastacia, Galanodel, Holimion, Liadon, Meliamne, Siannodel, Xiloscient
New family names (Common): Birchrun, Daybloom, Oak, Rosewood, Thorn, Wrencall

An example of Elvish writing

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Fairside Elvish is by far the most commonly spoken form of Elvish. The second most commonly spoken version is Solesian Elvish, which is so different from the dialects spoken in Varia that it could almost be considered a different language. Distinct, local dialects exist north of the Gold Channel, and some elves within the Empire of Blix speak a unique mixture of Common and Elvish informally referred to as "Elvo."


Nowadays most elves are found in their homelands of Southern Varia, but they used to be far more widespread then they are now. Long before the Draconic Conquests, racially supremacist high elves ruled over everything south of the Golden Channel. During this time--known as the time of Elvish Glory by some and the time of Elvish Oppression by most--elves reigned supreme over all other races. After nearly 200 years of power, the Empire collapsed. During the war-filled years that followed, elves were forced out of the lands they'd invaded, where they remain today. Nearly five centuries have passed since the Elvish Empire, but its influence still remains within Varian culture, Elvish and otherwise. No Elvish force has attempted to push north of the mountains since.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

During the days of the Empire, Elves (particularly "high" elves) were considered the "purest" of races. Other races were organized on a "hierarchy of pureness", depending on their "closeness" to elves. Those lowest on the list were subject to persecution, enslavement, exile, or worse.

Elven Hierarchy of Pureness

  1. High elves

  2. Wood elves

  3. Humans

  4. Halfings

  5. Dwarves

  6. Dragonborn

  7. Orcs/half orcs

  8. Tieflings

  9. Drow

Wood elves were still effectively at the top of the racial ladder, but they were sometimes denied certain leadership positions. They were considered "the lesser of the best," due to their lack of innate magical abilities, and the slight difference in their appearance to high elves. Some wood elves chafed at this designation, while most didn't pay it much mind.


Tieflings were another example of a "corrupted" race in the eyes of the Empire. The only reason they were not placed below the Drow is because they were not the corruption of absolute purity, just the corruption of near purity. Nevertheless, the rumors and misinformation about tieflings were so deeply woven into Varian culture that many tieflings still suffer strong prejudice to this day.

Drow were considered even worse than simply un-pure. They were perceived to be the corruption of absolute pureness into absolute vileness. Drow were barely treated as thinking individuals during the days of the Empire, and were frequently enslaved and murdered in huge numbers. Drow society suffers to this day thanks to the loss of much of their history, along with remaining prejudice.


Half elves were considered abominations. They were the result of active corruption of the Elven bloodline. They were so hated, that Imperial propaganda taught that they didn't exist at all, and that Elvish mixing with other races was impossible (thus explaining their absence on the hierarchy). Any half elves that did exist were shunned and exiled, with their Elvish parent imprisoned and their other parent almost certainly executed. With no place to call home, many half elves escaped north of the Golden Channel, voyaged to Solesia, or wandered the wilds alone. Those that could pass as pure elves carefully erased their true past and identity in an attempt at a normal life.

Gnomes were not considered in the hierarchy, likely due to their scarcity. They were not subject to extreme prejudice, but that did not make them exempt from the occasional disdainful glare from a high elf.

Now that the empire is gone, the hierarchy is no longer commonplace. Even still, remnants of its influence still remain in Varian and Elven culture. High elves are especially likely to ascribe to the old traditions of the empire. A few pieces of Imperial "science" that was used to prove Elvish supremacy still linger among the most fanatic of believers, but the general population rightfully acknowledges them as bogus.
Young male high elf warrior
Genetic Descendants
200 years
Average Height
4 - 6 feet
Average Weight
100 - 145 pounds
Geographic Distribution

Articles under Elf

Cover image: Elf Princess by hoanglap