Roseate Crystals


Material Characteristics

Roseate crystls are pinkish-red crystals with hexagonal symmetry and a faint iridescence to their coloration. They don't omit light, but when light is shined on them they appear to glow a very warm yellow orange from within.

They are just as hard and dense as rubies, leading some to theorize that they could be a modified form of ruby that has been exposed to extreme levels of fire magic.

Physical & Chemical Properties

The crystals feel warm to the touch despite how cold of an environment they are in or have been kept in. They heat up very quickly when exposed to a heat source, such as fire, but do not melt or burn. They can hold this heat for weeks on end, making them an invaluable resource as fuel for steam engines and other machinery that requires heating elements.

Crystals can be "charged" to temperatures of upwards of 500 degrees Fareinheight when they are first heated. Each subsequent reheating will be slightly cooler than the last until the crystal loses its ability to hold heat altogether.

A crystal that has been fully exhausted will feel stone cold to the touch and is considered "dead". A crystal can usually be recharged ten to fifteen times before it dies completely. Even before the crystal dies, it is usually rendered useless by about ten recharges, as it can no longer become hot enough to boil water.

Dead crystals have no known use, and there is no known way to reactivate a dead crystal. Dead crystals are often repurposed as jewelry or other decorations.

Geology & Geography

Found only within volcanic mountains within the Varian mountain range, most notably around Ra'Fida's capital, Fiera, and the mining town of Kandri.

Origin & Source

The crystals were formed under intense heat due to volcanic activity years in the past. The volcanos have long since died, but the crystals still hum with their energy, both magical and corporal. The exact processes that gave the crystals their magical properties are unknown and have never been replicated.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Roseate crystals are used in anything from forges to ovens to steam engines, but their high price means that they are often only found in very well-established businesses.

Dead roseates are used to make all sorts of beautiful jewelry and other decorations. They are popular in crystal chandeliers, due to their sunset glow when in contact with light.


Roseate crystals become more effective when they are cut. Similar to how cut gemstones trap and redirect light in order to maximize sparkle, cut roseates seem to trap and redirect energy to maximize efficiency.

Roseates are often cut into rods, which are easily stored and inserted into devices made to use them. Sometimes they might be cut into more unique shapes for specific devices. When the crystal eventually dies, these rods can be easily segmented and cut into decorative gems.

It takes a very hard material to cut a roseate. They can only be cut by other roseates, rubies, or diamonds.


Trade & Market

Fiera gains most of its wealth from selling the crystals, and trade based around them stretches far and wide over both Fairside and Dryside. It is typically very expensive thanks to its rarity, properties, and the vast distances it will have traveled before it is sold. The Empire of Blix is an especially avid buyer of the crystals for use in their newly developed steam engines, as well as for reselling within and without their borders.


Roseates must be stored in rooms with very carefully controlled temperatures. Storing a roseate in an area that is too hot will result in the crystal absorbing the heat and possibly wasting a "charge". If a roseate isn't being used, it will usually be stored completely isolated and underground to ensure that it will not be absorbing any energy it does not need to.

The complexities to properly storing and using roseates are another reason they are so expensive. Experienced users of the crystals will insist that it is worth it.

Law & Regulation

There are technically no laws or regulations on who can buy or sell roseate crystals. In Ra'Fida, however, all roseate crystals found inherently belong to the government, which carefully controls where they are exported to. After the crystals leave Ra'Fida, though, they're legal for anyone to get their hands on.

Very rare
Reddish pink
Common State
Related Locations

Cover image: Amethyst Macro by MattysFlicks
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