Alchemist Guild

In the mystical and scientific world of Nyria, alchemists hold a unique position as both revered and enigmatic figures. Their guilds, scattered across various empires and nations, reflect the diversity of alchemical practices and goals. Each guild has its own history, character, and ambitions, contributing to the alchemical science in Nyria.


Eldwell Empire

The Luminary Order (Ordo Luminis)

Founded shortly after the Burn, the Luminary Order stands as one of the oldest and most prestigious alchemist guilds in Nyria. The Luminary Order primarily focuses on the innovative properties of Electrum, particularly its ability to store and convert energy. They delve into the creation of Electrum-based batteries and capacitors, exploring how these can power advanced machinery and even entire cities. Their work also includes the development of new metal alloys that enhance Electrum’s natural properties, aiming to push the boundaries of technological advancement.

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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