Welcome to Solspire

Welcome to Nyria, a world where the past is etched in stone, the present is forged in fire, and the future is yours to shape.

A world forever changed by the cataclysmic event known as The Burn. Once a vibrant planet of great continents of vast meadows and plains, Nyria has transformed into a landscape of romote island archipelagos, formed of the towering peaks of submerged mountains in treacherous oceans. The Burn, a series of devastating solar storms, stripped Nyria’s magnetic field, melted its ice caps, and reshaped its geography, leaving behind a world where survival demands ingenuity, courage, and resilience.

Themes and Genres

Nyria is a rich tapestry of genres, blending steampunk, magipunk, and biopunk elements to create a setting where technology, Alchemy, and biology intersect in fascinating ways. Airships soar through the skies, powered by alchemical engines; towering robots labor in the mines and fields; and alchemists explore the hidden properties of metals and the arcane secrets of the world. The themes of exploration, survival, innovation, and power struggles run deep, as the inhabitants of Nyria navigate the challenges of a world on the brink of both extrordinary discovery and ultimate destruction.

Who Your Character Can Be

In Nyria, your character can be anyone from a daring Airship Captain to a mysterious Alchemist, a noble with a hidden agenda, a lumbering whale hunter, to a hardy Miner seeking fortune in the depths of the earth. The world is born anew, offering countless opportunities for adventure. Whether you choose to be a knight of The Radiant Shield, defending the Eldwell Empire, or a cunning member of the secret cult, weaving intrigue in the shadows, your journey will be shaped by the choices you make and the paths you forge.

A Short History of the World

Nyria’s history is marked by The Burn, which began in 1819 AF and lasted until 1826 AF (About 60 years ago). During this time, solar storms ravaged the planet, leading to the melting of the ice caps and the flooding of much of the world’s surface. The Burn reshaped civilizations, forcing them to adapt to a new reality of scattered islands and treacherous oceans. Before The Burn, Nyria was home to civilizations like the legendary city-state of Alada, considered the cradle of modern civilization. The Burn’s aftermath saw empires, rise, being reborn and vanish into obscurity in the great gaunlet that seperated those who were capable to continue the Alsian legacy and those that could not..

The Powers of the World

In the world of Nyria, several powerful factions vie for control, influence, and survival. Each faction has its own unique identity, shaped by the events of The Burn and the years that followed. As they navigate this transformed world, these nations and empires try to assert their dominance and protect their interests in a world that is still in the process of healing.

The Eldwell Empire

The Eldwell Empire is a bastion of technological and scientific innovation, standing as a beacon of progress in Nyria. The Eldwell Empire is governed by a strong central authority, with Empress Sophronia II at its helm, guiding her people with a vision of a prosperous future. The Empire’s cities are centers of industry, where steam-powered machines, airships, and the relentless advancement of new inventions shape the daily lives of its citizens. Despite its focus on progress, the Eldwell Empire is not without its challenges, as the divide between the upper and lower classes, that stood united and as equal during the crisis, continues to grow, and the remnants of the old world clash with the new order.

The Leidenstein Consortium

The Leidenstein Consortium is a ruthless and pragmatic corporation-nation, thriving on commerce and exploitation. Unburdened by moral constraints, the Consortium’s leaders prioritize profit above all else, manipulating markets and resources to maintain their power. The Consortium’s economy is driven by industry and trade, with vast networks of merchants and industrialists controlling the flow of goods and wealth. Despite its cold and calculating nature, the Consortium has become a formidable power in Nyria, its influence felt across the Altian Ocean. The Consortium’s navy, known for its speed and merciless brutality, enforces its will on the seas, ensuring that its interests are protected at all costs.

The Kelean Mandate

The Kelean Mandaate is a theocratic state born from the teachings of the prophet Kel. Following the prophecies inscribed on the ancient Sundial, the Kelean Mandate believes itself to be the chosen nation, destined to Lead the world into a new era of peace and prosperity. The Mandate is governed by The Church of Kel, with its leader Scarlett Rebekah Brownlow-Hawk interpreting the will of Kel to guide their people. Religion is at the core of the Mandate’s identity, and its citizens live by strict religious codes and rituals. The Kelean Mandate’s influence extends far beyond its borders, as it seeks to spread its beliefs to other nations with an army of hierophants and missionaries, often coming into conflict with those who do not share their vision of the future.

The Sacred Yun Empire

The Yun Sacred Empire remains an enigmatic and isolated power, its great fortresses guarding its lands and allowing few to enter its ports. The Yun Empire’s culture is deeply rooted in tradition, with a rigid social hierarchy and a strong emphasis on discipline and order. The Emperor and his family are wary of outsiders, and its borders are tightly controlled, with few foreigners ever permitted to enter. Despite its isolation, the Yun Empire is a formidable force, its armies trained to perfection and its fortresses nearly impenetrable.Its citizens appear fiercely loyal to their rulers, and their society is marked by a deep sense of duty and honor.

The Kingdom of Espen

The Kingdom of Espen, once a mighty power, now exists as a shadow of its former self. Despite its decline, Espen remains dedicated to the worship of Solis, the "one true god", and upholds the ideals of chivalry and nobility. The Kingdom’s knights are renowned for their honor and skill in battle, and its people are proud of their rich cultural heritage. However, the Kingdom’s influence has waned, and it struggles to maintain its place in a world that has changed drastically since The Burn. The Kingdom of Espen is a land of old traditions and fading glory, where the past weighs heavily on the present.

The Thierry Free States

The Thierry Free States are a coalition of survivors from tens of smaller kingdoms, democracies, and republics that banded together to form an uneasy alliance in the aftermath of The Burn. Forged in the pain and suffering of the cataclysm, the Free States are a patchwork of different cultures, traditions, and governments, each vying for influence and control within the alliance. The States are marked by their diversity and the constant tension between their member factions. Despite these challenges, the Free States are determined to find their place in the world and rebuild from the ashes of the past.

The Iron Crusade

The Iron Crusade is a militaristic and dictatorial regime that rules through fear and force. Under the leadership of Great Warlord Balthasar Aquilla Chandler, The Iron Crusade raids across the Altian Ocean, enslaving those it conquers and forging a brutal empire. The Crusade’s society is based on strength and honor, with warriors holding all the power and those unable to fight reduced to servitude. The Crusade’s navy is feared for its swift and devastating attacks, emerging from the mist to strike without warning. Within its borders, The Iron Crusade is a harsh and unforgiving land, where only the strong survive and the weak live their lives toilling in the fields, slaving in plantations and serving the ruling class.

In Nyria, these powerful factions shape the world’s political landscape, each pursuing its own vision of the future. As a player, you will navigate this complex web of alliances, rivalries, and conflicts, carving out your own destiny in a world that is still healing from the scars of The Burn.


The World of Possibilities

In Nyria, the possibilities for your character’s journey are endless. Whether you choose to explore the depths of the ocean, the forgotten ruins of the ruined and ancient civilizations, sail the turbulent oceans in search of lost treasures, or uncover the mysteries of ancient alchemical texts, the world is filled with opportunities for adventure and discovery. As you navigate the challenges of this transformed world, you’ll encounter allies, enemies, and challenges that will test your character’s resolve and shape their destiny.

Tools and Technologies

The tools and technologies of Nyria are as diverse as the people who wield them. From steam-powered airships that skim the skies to mechanical walkers that trudge through unforgiving landscapes, technology plays a vital role in daily life. Alchemy, the ancient art of transmuting metals and harnessing their hidden properties, has experienced a resurgence since The Burn, providing those with the knowledge and skill the power to bend the natural world to their will. Meanwhile, technological advanvements and biological innovations, influenced by the strange new lifeforms that have emerged since The Burn, offer new ways to enhance, heal, or even transform the body or promise a chance to eternal life.

The Role of Fate and Destiny

In a world shaped by such powerful forces, the concepts of fate and destiny are ever-present. The Burn itself is seen by many as a divine or fated event, leading to a renewed interest in prophecy, omens, and the search for meaning in a chaotic world. Whether your character believes in destiny, or seeks to forge their own path against the tides of fate, their journey will be influenced by the world around them—by ancient prophecies, the ever-shifting political landscape, and the forces of nature that govern life on Nyria.

Your Story in Nyria

As you step into the world of Nyria, remember that the story is yours to tell. Whether your character is a lone wanderer seeking redemption, a noble striving to uphold a fading legacy, or an ambitious Entrepreneur looking to carve out a new empire in the ruins of the old world, Nyria offers a rich and complex setting where every choice matters. Your actions will leave a mark on the world, shaping not just your character’s future, but the future of Nyria itself.

Welcome to Nyria — a world of fire and water, of ancient secrets and new discoveries, of heroes and villains, where every dawn brings the promise of a new adventure.

The Challenges Await

The Struggles of Everyday Life

In Nyria, survival is a daily struggle for many. The aftermath of The Burn has left large swathes of the world submerged, with only the highest peaks and man-made structures standing above the waterline. The once-great cities are now reduced to islands, and the vast oceans are both highways and barriers between nations. Resources are scarce, and the competition for them is fierce. The lower classes toil in harsh conditions, whether in the fields, the treacherous mines deep beneath the surface, or the dangerous waters where sea creatures and pirates alike pose constant threats. For the wealthy and powerful, life is a delicate balancing act of maintaining control over these resources and the people who extract them.

Exploration and Discovery

For those with a thirst for adventure, Nyria is a world ripe for exploration. The oceans that now dominate the planet hide the ruins of the recently destroyed and ancient civilizations, forgotten treasures, and mysteries waiting to be uncovered. The Burn has also revealed new lands, islands born from volcanic activity, and vast underwater caves filled with precious metals and strange new fauna and flora. However, these rewards come at great risk. Treacherous weather, hostile creatures, and the remnants of old conflicts make exploration a perilous endeavor, where only the brave—or the desperate—dare to venture.

The Balance of Power

The powers that control Nyria are in a constant state of flux, as nations, factions, and cults vie for dominance. The Eldwell Empire seeks to maintain its technological superiority, while the Kelean Mandate strives to fulfill its prophesied destiny. The Leidenstein Consortium, with its ruthless pursuit of profit, manipulates markets and resources, or simply taking by force what they consider their property to bend the world to its will, while The Iron Crusade enforces its brutal rule through might and fear.

The Call to Arms

War is an ever-present reality in Nyria. Whether it’s the large-scale naval battles fought between the major powers, skirmishes over valuable resources, or the covert operations of secretive orders, conflict is woven into the fabric of the world. Characters may find themselves called to arms, either in defense of their homeland or in pursuit of personal glory. The battles fought in Nyria are not just physical but also ideological, as different factions struggle to impose their vision of the future on the world. Your character may rise as a hero, or fall as a martyr.


The Future of Nyria


The future of Nyria is uncertain, teetering on the edge of both great potential and impending conflict. The Burn reshaped the world, forcing nations to adapt or perish. Now, sixty years later, the world is still in the process of healing, but the scars left by the cataclysm run deep. As the nations of Nyria navigate this transformed world, a growing unease has begun to take hold in the scientific communities. The resurgence of ancient technologies related to Electrum has both excited and alarmed scholars. These discoveries hint at civilizations far more advanced than anything known in recorded history, raising unsettling questions. What happened in the distant past to bury the history of these ancient empires so thoroughly? What catastrophe—or deliberate action—led to the loss of such extraordinary knowledge? As these secrets are gradually unearthed, there is a palpable fear that these ancient powers, once again awakened through their innovations, could reshape the world in ways that are unpredictable and potentially devastating.

Yet, beneath the surface, a new force is beginning to stir. The air smells of revolution, as the lower classes in the Eldwell Empire, the Kingdom of Espen, and the Thierry Free States grow increasingly restless. The rigid social hierarchies that have defined Nyria for centuries are being questioned, and the demand for equality and a more egalitarian society is spreading like wildfire. Workers, laborers, and the disenfranchised are beginning to unite, calling for an end to the stark divisions between the rich and the poor, the powerful and the powerless.


In the Eldwell Empire, the gap between the industrial elite and the working class has never been wider, and the lower classes are no longer content to toil in silence. In Espen, the ideals of chivalry and nobility are being challenged by those who believe that birthright should not determine one’s place in society. Even in the Thierry Free States, where diversity and cooperation are celebrated, there is growing discontent as the various factions struggle to find common ground on issues of social justice and economic equality.

As the winds of change sweep across Nyria, the old order faces its greatest challenge yet. The future of Nyria will be shaped not only by the decisions of its leaders but by the collective will of its people. Will the world move towards a more just and equitable society, or will the old powers reassert their dominance, crushing the seeds of revolution before they can take root? The path forward is uncertain, and every action, every choice, will have far-reaching consequences.

Monsters, Myths and Legends

Mysterious new threats have begun to emerge, whispered about in sailors’ tales and feared by coastal communities. Stories of sea monsters—enormous, unseen creatures that lurk in the deep—have spread, their attacks leaving ships shattered and entire crews missing. Some say that these beasts are remnants of an ancient world, awakened by the cataclysm of The Burn. Others believe they are a sign of Nyria’s continuing instability, a warning that the planet itself is still in turmoil.

A new breed of Alsians

Alongside these monstrous threats, there are increasing reports of individuals with extraordinary powers. Some attribute these abilities to the alchemical properties of Electrum, others to the mysterious effects of The Burn. These people, who can bend the elements to their will or perform feats beyond ordinary Alsian capabilities, are both feared and revered. As their numbers grow, they could become powerful allies—or dangerous enemies—in the struggles to come.

Awakened Giants

Meanwhile, the Eternal Yun Empire, long isolated behind its great walls and towering fortresses, has begun to stir. For centuries, the Empire has kept to itself, its lands shrouded in secrecy and protected by impenetrable defenses. But now, the Yun Empire’s Great Empror, princes and princesses are beginning to look beyond their borders, sending envoys and scouts into the wider world. What their intentions are remains unknown, but their interest in the affairs of other nations could herald a new and unpredictable force on the global stage.


Begin Your Adventure

The world of Nyria awaits you. Whether you are a hero or a villain, a Scholar or a warrior, a leader or a follower, there is a place for you in this ever-changing landscape. Your journey begins now—step into Nyria and shape the future of a world where every choice matters and every story is worth telling.

This world where your character’s actions can tip the balance of power, where the mysteries of the past may hold the keys to the future. The world stands at a crossroads, and the decisions made today will determine the fate of Nyria for generations to come. The future is yours to shape

Will you uncover the secrets of the ancient empires, or will you be consumed by them? The choice is yours, and the world is waiting.

Welcome to Solspire
Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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