High Class



The high class often believes that they are entitled to their wealth and status, seeing it as a natural result of either birthright or superior ability. They view themselves as the rightful leaders of society, tasked with maintaining order and guiding the less fortunate. This sense of entitlement is often reinforced by centuries of tradition and a belief in the inherent superiority of their class.


While they may feel entitled to their position, many in the high class also believe in the responsibility that comes with it. They see themselves as stewards of culture, wealth, and power, with a duty to preserve and protect these for future generations. This belief in responsibility can manifest in philanthropy, patronage of the arts, and involvement in governance.


The high class values exclusivity and the maintenance of clear boundaries between themselves and the other classes. They take pride in their refined tastes, education, and social connections, which they believe set them apart from the masses. For them, maintaining the exclusivity of their class is essential to preserving their identity and status.

The Other Classes

Lower Class

The high class often views the lower class as necessary but fundamentally different. They may see the lower class as lacking the refinement and education needed to understand the complexities of governance and society. While they might appreciate the labor provided by the lower class, they are likely to see them as inherently inferior, both socially and intellectually.

Middle Class

The high class may view the middle class with a mixture of wariness and disdain. They see the middle class as ambitious and resourceful but may also view them as social climbers who lack the breeding and tradition that define true high society. While they may respect the middle class for their hard work, they often believe that true leadership and culture are the domain of the high class alone.

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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