Lower Class



Members of the lower class take immense pride in their ability to endure hardship. They believe that their strength comes from surviving the harsh realities of their daily lives, whether it’s the grueling labor of the factories, the dangers of the mines, or the constant struggle to put food on the table. To them, resilience is not just a trait but a badge of honor that distinguishes them from the more privileged classes.


Community and mutual support are central to the lower class’s worldview. They hold a deep belief in the importance of standing together in times of need. This solidarity often manifests in the form of strong neighborhood bonds, collective action, and shared resources. In their eyes, their unity is their greatest strength, and it is what allows them to survive in a world that often seems stacked against them.

Work Ethic

The lower class sees hard work as the defining feature of their identity. They believe that their labor is what keeps society functioning and that without their contributions, the world would fall apart. This belief fuels their sense of self-worth and gives them a purpose, even when their work is undervalued by others.

An employed lower class player needs to spend 3 Sixths working a day to receive his wages

The Other Classes

Middle Class

The lower class often views the middle class with a mixture of envy and resentment. They see them as having access to comforts and opportunities that are just out of reach for themselves. However, they also see the middle class as closer to them than the elite, sharing some of the same struggles and working hard to maintain their status. This duality often results in a grudging respect tempered by a sense of competition.

High Class

The lower class generally views the high class with suspicion and distrust. They see the wealthy and powerful as out of touch with the realities of everyday life, often blaming them for the inequalities that persist in society. To the lower class, the high class represents an unattainable world of privilege, one that they believe is built on the backs of their own labor. They often perceive the elite as exploitative and disconnected, and this can fuel a deep-seated resentment.

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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