Middle Class



The middle class prides itself on its ambition and the drive to improve their lot in life. They believe in the value of hard work, education, and entrepreneurship as the keys to success. For them, life is about striving for better opportunities, financial stability, and upward mobility. They see themselves as the bridge between the lower and upper classes, often aspiring to climb the social ladder.


Middle-class individuals place a high value on respectability and social status. They believe in maintaining a good reputation and adhering to societal norms. This often involves a focus on education, professional success, and family values. Respectability is seen as a way to distinguish themselves from the lower class and to gain the acceptance of the higher class.


The middle class values independence and self-reliance. They take pride in their ability to provide for themselves and their families without relying on others. This belief often drives them to be resourceful and proactive in securing their future. To them, self-reliance is a sign of maturity and responsibility, setting them apart from those they perceive as dependent on others.

An employed middle class player needs to spend 2 Sixths working a day to receive his wages

The Other Classes

Lower Class

The middle class often views the lower class with a mixture of sympathy and condescension. They recognize the hardships faced by the lower class but may also believe that the lower class lacks the ambition or discipline to improve their circumstances. This can lead to a paternalistic attitude, where the middle class sees itself as a model for the lower class to aspire to.

High Class

The middle class often admires the high class, aspiring to their wealth and status, but they may also harbor resentment towards them. They see the elite as enjoying the benefits of privilege without having to work as hard for it. While they respect the power and influence of the high class, they may also view them as out of touch with the realities faced by the rest of society.

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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