Rescue Station Shelley

Historical Background

Rescue Station Shelley, an abandoned medieval castle, stands as a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of the Eldwell Empire. Originally a remnant of a war between two kingdoms that later became integrated parts of the empire, the castle had long been a ruin before recent history reshaped its destiny. Before the Burn, the castle was frequently used by traveling livestock shepherds as a stopping point along mountainous routes. Parts of the castle were rebuilt with modern stone and lumber, and structural reinforcements were added to provide shelter and safety for shepherds and their herds.


The Great Deluge and Transformation

As the droughts ended and the Great Deluge began with the melting of Nyria’s ice caps, the area around the old castle started flooding almost immediately. To protect the citizens of Talitha, the city in the valley below, authorities moved food, water, and built flood defenses around the castle. This effort was part of a temporary rescue station project named “Shelley” to honor Dr. Victor Frankenstein’s wife, who personally led the redesign of the castle. Originally intended to shelter those affected by the flood, it soon became evident that the entire city would need refuge. Unfortunately, the station could initially support only 5,000 to 10,000 of Talitha’s 85,000 residents.


Expansion and Sacrifice

Facing a dire situation, authorities expanded the castle’s flood defenses, excavated under it, and used industrial equipment to create temporary flotation barges. Within a year, Rescue Station Shelley could support 35,000 people. During this time, Talitha’s population fell to 68,000, necessitating a vote on who would be allowed into the city. In an act of heroism and love, many elder citizens of Talitha organized a mass suicide, known as the Talitha Sacrifices, allowing their families to survive and providing compost for the soil to feed those who remained. This tragic event was one of the first occurrences of such sacrifices during the Burn.


Present Day Shelley

Today, Rescue Station Shelley, or “Shelley City,” is home to nearly 50,000 people, a blend of original inhabitants and refugees. The city exists as a network of connected floating barges surrounding the castle and its expanded flood wall. These massive barges are designed to rise and fall with the tide, though extreme weather often necessitates moving citizens to the safety of the flood walls and newly created underwater bronze tube bunkers and safe houses.


Economic Significance

Shelley has become an important source of food for many surrounding territories, specializing in kelp, fish, and oysters. Many of the floating barges double as sea fish farms and seaweed fields, providing sustenance and economic stability to the city and its neighbors. The innovative use of space and resources has turned Shelley into a beacon of survival and adaptation in the post-Burn world.

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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