Solis Star System

The Solis system, home to the planet Nyria, is a small stellar neighborhood. From the scorched surface of Venari to the icy expanse of Pallas, each planet and moon within the system offers unique characteristics.



Solis is a G-type main-sequence star, similar in size and luminosity to Earth's sun. It serves as the central anchor of the Solis system, providing the essential light and heat necessary for life on Nyria and influencing the climate and weather patterns of the surrounding planets. Despite the catastrophic Burn event, Solis remains the cornerstone of the system, continuing to sustain life and drive its celestial mechanics.


The Planets and Moons of the Solis System


Venari is the closest planet to Solis, a rocky and barren world subjected to extreme heat due to its proximity to the star. Its surface is covered in vast lava plains and volcanic mountains, with temperatures too high to support any known form of life. The atmosphere is thin and composed mainly of carbon dioxide and sulfuric compounds, creating a harsh, uninhabitable environment.

Venari has only one small moon called Inferna. It is a rocky moon with a heavily cratered surface. It experiences constant volcanic activity due to tidal forces from Venari.


Nyria, the second planet from Solis, is characterized by its diverse ecosystems and significant changes post-Burn. It boasts lush landscapes, vast oceans, and a thriving biosphere. Despite the environmental devastation caused by the Burn, Nyria remains a vibrant world with resilient inhabitants, primarily the Alsian species.

Nyria has two moons, Mene and Luma. Mene is the shining silver moon that plays a crucial role in Nyria's natural rhythms. Its orbit harmonizes with Nyria's calendar, driving major tidal patterns and celebrated for its brilliant full moon phases.

Luma is a much smaller, dimly lit moon with a rocky, uneven surface. It has a more elliptical orbit, causing it to occasionally pass close enough to influence Nyria's tides slightly.


Artemis is the third planet from Solis, a gas giant with a striking system of rings and numerous moons. Its atmosphere is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, with swirling clouds of ammonia and methane. The planet's immense gravity and magnetic field have a stabilizing effect on Nyria's orbit, contributing to the overall balance of the system.

Moons of Artemis:

Titania: The largest moon of Artemis, covered in thick ice with a subsurface ocean. It is a prime candidate for the presence of microbial life.

Oberon: A moon with a rocky core and a thin atmosphere. It features vast canyons and volcanic plains.

Miranda: A smaller moon with a heavily cratered surface and a series of ridges and valleys, likely formed by intense geological activity.


Pallas is the fourth planet from Solis, an icy world with a thick atmosphere of methane and ammonia. Known for its striking blue hue, Pallas has a frozen surface believed to hold vast reservoirs of water ice. The planet's cold environment and distant location make it a subject of interest for studies on extreme conditions and potential extraterrestrial life. Pallas has two observable moons called Glacia and Frost.


The Outer Belt

Very little is known of the bodies of the outer belt since modern telescopes are unable to get any clear readings. Astronomers only know of its existance because in some cases these objects obscure some of the stars during observation.

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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