The Church of Kel

The Church of Kel is a religious organization that follows the teachings of Professor Samuel Bartholomew Hawk, based on his interpretation of the writings found on “The Sundial.” This ancient artifact, a sundial shell inscribed with symbols believed to be written in the ancient Atlean language, was discovered by Professor Hawk in 1710 AF during an excavation in the Atulahai Ridge. This significant find was unearthed within the ruins of an old circular marble structure, protected by a heavy metallic box. The discovery of the Sundial, inscribed with an unknown ancient language, revolutionized the field of archaeology and gave rise to “Altian Archaeology,” focusing on uncovering the mysteries of what appeared to be the most ancient civilization known to date.

Dating to approximately 15,000 BF, the Sundial and its associated temple predated any previously known writing systems by over 10,000 years, which had originally been thought to have emerged around 3,000 BF in the ancient city-state of Alada. This groundbreaking discovery shocked the world and prompted extensive excavation and research efforts in the Atulahai Ridge and other surrounding sites. Over the next two decades, Professor Hawk dedicated himself to deciphering the Sundial’s inscriptions, which he claimed prophesied the Burn and the subsequent global flooding that would occur in 100 years.

Formation of the Church

Initially, the scientific community largely dismissed Hawk’s interpretations as speculative and fantastical. However, a small group of followers took his findings seriously and formed the Church of Kel. This religious sect revered Kel, the prophet believed to have inscribed the Sundial, and saw Professor Hawk as having a semi-divine ability to transcribe and interpret the ancient text. The Church preached that its believers would be the ones to survive and inherit Nyria after the prophesied flood, and that their efforts would bring about a new era of global peace and prosperity.

The Burn and Rise to Prominence

In 1819, 119 years after the discovery of the Sundial, the Burn occurred, confirming the prophecy. Led by Scarlett Rebekah Brownlow-Hawk, the apprentice and young lover of the now-departed Professor Hawk, the Church of Kel gained significant attention. As the world faced the catastrophic events of the Burn and the subsequent floods, desperate people turned to the Church, seeking hope and salvation. The “Book of Hawk,” a sacred text containing rules for living, stories from the life of Professor Hawk, and interpretations of the ancient texts, became a central guide for the believers.

By the time the floods began, the Church had grown powerful and radicalized. They openly challenged the decisions of Empress Sophronia II, disrupting rescue efforts and criticizing the unbelievers within the empire. Tensions reached a breaking point, leading Scarlett Rebekah Brownlow-Hawk to write the “Kelean Mandate,” a manifesto calling for the exodus of all believers to the southern colonies of the empire, specifically to the holy sites of the Atulahai Ridge.

The Kelean Exodus Declaration

The Kelean Exodus Declaration was a historic document penned by Scarlett Rebekah Brownlow-Hawk and signed by the 17 guides of Kel. It proclaimed the believers’ right to claim the lands of Atulahai Ridge, the site where the Sundial was discovered, and declared that only those pure of heart and intent could settle there. The document named their new homeland “The Mandate,” or the Kelean Mandate, signifying their divinely inspired mission to create a society based on the teachings of Kel. The Declaration outlined the core values of the Kelean faith, emphasizing faith and devotion, purity of heart and intent, community and brotherhood, justice and integrity, inclusivity of believers, and adherence to the sacred texts, including the Word of Kel, the Book of Hawk, and future interpretations of the undeciphered passages.

The Exodus and Establishment of the Kelean Mandate

In 1823 AF, over 750,000 believers embarked on a perilous journey, leaving the last remaining safe islands to travel south amidst the longest and most violent storm in Nyria’s history. Despite the estimated loss of 50,000 lives at sea, the survivors arrived at the islands around the Atulahai Ridge and declared their independence from the Eldwell Empire, forming the Kelean Mandate. This new nation was established on the principles and values outlined in the Kelean Exodus Declaration, striving to build a society aligned with the divine teachings of Kel.

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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