The Iron Crusade


The Iron Crusade is a militaristic, dictatorial state that operates under the absolute rule of Balthasar Aquilla Chandler. This non-religious, command economy-driven society is notorious for its reliance on slavery and brutal raids across the Altian Ocean. The Crusade is fueled by the forced labor of enslaved populations, who are compelled to work tirelessly for the benefit of the ruling warrior class. The Iron Crusade's reputation for ruthlessness and efficiency is unmatched, and its presence on the seas strikes fear into the hearts of all who hear of it.

Leadership and Structure

At the helm of the Iron Crusade is the Great Warlord Balthasar Aquilla Chandler, a formidable and feared leader who commands absolute loyalty from his subjects. Under his rule, the Crusade is divided into flotillas, each governed by one of the 13 Lords of the Crusade. These lords rule their respective coves with an iron fist, following the directives of the Great Warlord without question. The society within the Crusade is strictly hierarchical, with warriors occupying the highest status. There is no distinction between men and women among the warrior class; the only requirement is the ability to stand one's ground and fight.


The Warrior Class and Society

Within the Iron Crusade, only warriors possess any rights or privileges. Warriors are responsible not only for their own survival but also for the well-being of their families and retinues. Society is largely based on a system of honor and strength, where respect is earned through combat prowess and loyalty to the Great Warlord. The warrior class lives by a strict code, and any deviation from this code can result in severe punishment or even death. In this society, weakness is despised, and only the strong thrive.


Naval Prowess

The Iron Crusade's navy is one of its most feared assets. Known for its speed, maneuverability, and stealth, the Crusade's ships are legendary for their ability to appear suddenly out of the mist, strike with deadly precision, and vanish without a trace. These ghostly vessels are the terror of the Altian Ocean, and their raids are swift and brutal. The Crusade's navy plays a crucial role in the acquisition of resources, materiel, and enslaved people, all of which are vital to the Crusade's survival and expansion.


The economy of the Iron Crusade operates on a system based solely on Silver and Alsian Livestock. Silver mines are the exclusive property of the Great Warlord, and the extraction and distribution of silver are tightly controlled. Livestock, another key component of the economy, is managed by the Committee of Livestock Quality (CLQ). The CLQ is responsible for determining the value of all livestock within the Crusade's boundaries and issuing deeds of ownership. The value of livestock can fluctuate, and individuals can request a reevaluation by paying a fee to the CLQ. This rigid, controlled economy ensures that all wealth and resources remain in the hands of the ruling class, further entrenching the power of the Great Warlord and his loyal lords.


The Iron Crusade stands as a stark example of a society ruled by brute force and fear. Under the ruthless leadership of Balthasar Aquilla Chandler, it thrives on the exploitation of the weak and the glorification of strength. Its militaristic and hierarchical structure, combined with its fearsome naval capabilities, make the Iron Crusade a formidable power in the Altian Ocean. The relentless pursuit of resources and the enslavement of populations ensure that the Crusade remains a constant threat to the surrounding nations, as it continues to expand its influence and secure its place as a dominant force in Nyria.

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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