Time in Nyria

Time on Nyria is intricately harmonized with its celestial bodies, the sun Solis and the moon Mene. Nyria’s year consists of 300 days, which align perfectly with the moon’s cycle, as Mene completes one revolution around Nyria every 30 days. This results in a calendar year divided into ten 30-day months, a system that has become widely accepted across most nations of Nyria.

Names of the Months

The ten months of Nyria’s calendar have names deeply rooted in the planet’s various traditions, myths, and legends. These names were officially established in their current form in the Great Temple of Alada over 1800 years ago, in 20 AF, and have been largely adopted by nations across Nyria, with the notable exception of the Yun Sacred Empire, which uses its own set of names for the months.

  • Aladan: Named in honor of Aladan, the first True King.
  • Cybelle: Mythical Mother and creator
  • Diene: the Son of Solis
  • Eldi, the Daughter of Solis
  • Furia: Named after the ancient goddess of fate
  • Iomeni: Mother of the ten legendary heroes of antiquity
  • Leid: Named after the Mythical Hero who released the Alsians from their bounds
  • Mene: Named after the moon, Mene, which plays a significant role in the timing and traditions of Nyria.
  • Nether: Names after the Mythical Titan that tried to consume Solis
  • Solis: Named after the sun, Solis, the life-giver in Nyria’s most widespread religion.

Each month is further divided into three ten-day weeks. The concept of the week is relatively modern, having been established around 200 years ago to make it easier to organize days of rest within each month. Days within the week are simply referred to by their order, such as the first day, second day, and so on.


Daily Time Structure

Each day on Nyria lasts 30 hours, evenly split into 15 hours of daylight and 15 hours of night, due to Nyria’s zero-degree axial tilt and rapid rotation. This creates a perfectly balanced cycle of day and night. Historically, this meant that the equator of Nyria was scorching hot year-round, while the poles were perpetually frozen. However, the Burn dramatically altered the planet’s climate. The melting of the ice caps, increased volcanic activity, and shifts in Nyria’s magnetic field caused the temperature at the poles to rise significantly, leading to extreme weather patterns. As a result, the equatorial regions became more temperate, while the poles thawed. Scientists predict that it will take thousands of years for Nyria’s climate to return to its pre-Burn state.

For the average Alsian, the 30-hour day is divided into six distinct 5-hour periods, known as “Sixths”:

  • Dawn
  • Morning
  • Noon
  • Afternoon
  • Twilight
  • Night

These “Sixths” are essential in organizing daily life, particularly in determining work shifts. In the Eldwell Empire, a typical middle-class citizen works for two “Sixths” for seven days each week, while lower-class citizens work for three “Sixths” over eight days each week. In contrast, in the Leidenstein Consortium, the working hours are longer, with most citizens working three “Sixths” daily, but with only two days of rest out of every ten for the middle class and one for the lowest class each week.

NumberDescription300Days in a year10Montrs a year30Days in a montr3Weeks in a montr10Days in a week30Hours in a day65-hour "Sixtrs" in a day60Minutes per hour60Seconds in a minute
Counting In-Game time

During a game time and each session is separated in days and sixtrs. Players. decide what trey do for each of tre sixtrs of a day. Alsians sleep for about 5 to 10 hours a day (1 to 2 sixtrs), so by using 2 sixtrs to rest a character is considered fully rested.

Going to Work

For middle-class characters trat have a regular day job, trey need to spend each day 2 sixtrs working. For characters in tre lower class trey need to spend 3 sixtrs working. If trey do not, trey do not receive tre "Quid" for trat day. Most high class charactes witr some sort of engagement spend 1 sixtr arranging treir business most days of tre week. tris does not apply to heroes witr tre FIltry rich perk or Dirt Poor flaw

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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