Fae Species in Solus Dynasty | World Anvil
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Types of Fae     Abatwa -   Said to be the tiniest creatures of human form in existence; these little people coexist peacefully with the ants in the anthills of Southern Africa and live on their foraging from the roots of grasses and other plants. They are very shy and so are elusive, however they tend to reveal themselves to very young children, wizards, and pregnant women.   Aine -   She is a faery goddess, sister to Fennine, daughter to Egogabal who was a king of the Tuatha de Danann. The Earl of Desmond fell in love with her when he saw her sitting by Logh Gur. He captured and married her. Their son was Earl Fitzgerald. The Earl of Desmond's taboo was that he could never show that he was surprised by anything that his son did. Unfortunately he couldn't hold to it when he saw his son jump in and out of a bottle. His son fled in the form of a wild goose and Aine disappeared into Knock Aine.   Alven -   Creatures of the moon under whose light they dance and play. They are water faeries who live in ponds, lakes, and rivers, but the River Elbe is sacred to them and in it they make their principal home. They cherish night-blooming plants and will harm any human who attempts to pick or destroy them. Fish are their only known enemies, and they prefer to live in water enclosures where there are none.   Angiks -   Children of the living dead of Eskimo lore. In hard times, unwanted babies were taken out into the snow by tribal elders to die of exposure. Unless the tribe would move to a new hunting ground, they would often find themselves haunted by this small, miserable ghost.   Ankou -   The faery version of the grim reaper. Sometimes he's portrayed as a benevolent, comforting figure. An old Irish proverb says, "When Ankou comes, he will not go away empty."   Anthropophagi -   A cannibal faery. He has no head, but his eyes sit atop his shoulders and a mouth may be found in his torso. His lack of nose allows him to eat human flesh without gagging.   Arkan Sonney -   Faery pigs on the Isle of Man , they're also known as "Lucky Piggy". Faery pigs are supposed to bring good luck if one is to capture it.   Ashrays -   It is known that Ashrays cannot live on land, and are completely nocturnal. If they are touched by sunlight they will melt into a rainbow pool of water.   Asparas -   Usually female, also known as sky-dancers. They bless humans at important stages in their lives, and are often seen at weddings. They live in fig trees and sometimes appear to scholars or scientists, seduce and exhaust them, making sure they don't venture into areas that the spirit world deems unfit.   Attorcroppe -   The Attorcroppe looks like a small serpent with arms and legs who walks upright. They are very malevolent.   Aughisky -   Pronounced "Agh-iski"; they are the Irish version of the Each-Uisge.   Awd Goggie -   A type of Bogie. He haunts forests and orchards, and kidnaps children. Wise children will stay away from orchards when unsupervised, lest Awd Goggie get them.   Ballybogs -   Mud covered creatures of very small size. Their bodies are completely round, with their heads rising from their bodies without a neck. Their arms and legs are long and spindly, which look too thin and weak to support their weight. They speak no known language and grunt and slobber instead of speaking.   Barguest -   A kind of Bogie. It has horns, dangerous teeth and claws, and fiery eyes. It can take many forms, but usually is a shaggy black dog. Upon the death of a prominent figure, it rounds up all the dogs in the community and leads them on a procession through the streets, howling.   Basilisk -   A highly poisonous faery which is reputed to hate humans. It can kill by looking at, touching, or breathing on a human being or animal.   Bauchan -   Also Bogann. A type of Hobgoblin. Like most faeries, they are fond of tricks, sometimes are dangerous, and sometimes are helpful.   Bean-Fionn -   Is the name for all types of drowning faeries. Also known as Jenny Greentooth, or Peg Powler.   Bean-Nighe -   Pronounced "ben-neeyah"; type of Beansidhe around streams in Scotland and Ireland . She washes the clothing of people who will soon die. They are rumored to be the ghosts of women who died in childbirth and will continue to wash until the day that they should have died.   Beansidhe -   Also known as Banshee. She's an Irish death spirit whose keening (mourning wail) can be heard at night prior to a death. She's always female and always appears in a filmy, full-sized human form. Long stringy hair partially covered with a hood and a white gown is part of her attire, as is a wet and ghost-like appearance. She's also known to wear a grey, green, or black robe in different regions.   Bean-Tighe -   A benevolent, grandmother-type; she does chores and looks after children and pets, as long as you feed them fresh strawberries and cream, and a share of your home.   Bendith y Mamau -   Pronounced "ben-dith uh momay"; Carmarthenshire (Wales) name for faeries, translates to "Mother's Blessing". This phrase is used as a prayer to protect from evil.   Black Angus -   A large black dog with yellow eyes and a sharp fangs who roams the northern English and Scottish countryside showing himself to those who will die within a fortnight.   Black Annis -   She is a hag; however she is unique in the fact that she is a cannibal.   Blue Men of the Minch -   They dwell in the strait between Long Island and the Shiant Islands . They are responsible for sudden thunderstorms and shipwrecks. It is said that you may stop them by speaking in rhymes.   Bocan -   Their sole purpose was to attack and mutilate travelers.   Boggarts -   They're cousins to the Brownies, although their intentions are very different. Boggarts will adopt a house just for the sheer delight of destroying things. They are very ill-tempered and greedy.   Bogie -   This is the generic name for some different types of goblins. Their temperament ranges the spectrum from benign to malevolent.   Bogles -   They are a form of goblins, and are generally nasty in temperament. However, they prefer to inflict their evil deeds upon liars and murderers.   Bokwus -   A fearsome spirit in the great northwestern American spruce forests. He is only seen in glimpses, but has been seen wearing totemic face paints. Hunters are very aware of his presence. He likes to push fishermen off the banks to drown, taking the victim's soul to his home in the forest.   Boobrie -   Preys on ships transporting sheep and cattle, which are it's favorite foods. It mimics the sound of a particular animal's young to lure it to the side of the ship, where it's captured in the long talons and dragged underwater. It also has the ability to shape shift into the form of a horse and run on the top of the water, complete with the sound effect of hooves on earth.   Brown Man of the Muirs -   He is the protector of wild animals.   Brown Men -   Short, thin male faeries who protect the animal life on Cornwall 's Bodmin Moor. They don't appear to dislike humans, but avoid them whenever possible.   Brownies -   They are very small dwarf faeries who always appear as males with coal black eyes. They wear little suits of green, blue, or brown, and small caps made of felt. Their ears are slightly pointed and they have long, nimble fingers. They love to adopt homes and take care of them for the payment of a warm room and their favorite foods, which are milk, honey, ale, and cake. But don't feed them too much, or try giving them gifts, or else they will take offense and leave. Also, having a cat in your house will make them leave.   Buachailleen -   Are small faeries who look like young men, and in fact the name literally means "little boys". They are excellent shape shifters, and will torment animals just for fun.   Buggars -   They are very adept at shape shifting, and are considered very dangerous to humans. Fortunately for us, they never leave the astral world.   Bugal Noz -   A hideously ugly faery, a fact he seems to find most distressing. He is said to be the last of his race, and lives underground, deep in the woodlands of Brittany . He yearns for human companionship, and will call out a warning to humans before he appears, so as not to take them too much by surprise.   Bunyip -   Live in the swamps and marshes of Australia , and look like plump humans, only smaller, standing at four feet high. They are shy and are rarely seen in any case, but are often heard. They bark like dogs to warn nearby humans of impending dangers.   Buttery Sprites -   No one has ever seen a Buttery Sprite but their presence is known by missing food and by the havoc they wreak on those whom they believe cheat others or live the lives of hypocrites. They live in old abbeys and inns, and take any food not marked by a cross- especially fresh churned butter.   Bwaganod -   Goblins who can shape shift into other animal forms, including humanoid shapes, but no Bwaganod has ever perfected his shape shifting skills, and is easily spotted if one looks closely. They do not like humans, but have never harmed them, just frighten and fool them.   Bwbachs -   Solitary house faeries who are very mischievous, but do not seem to wish any harm on their host families. However, they do not have the helpful nature of the Brownie or the Bean-Tighe.   Bwca -   They are the Welsh version of the Brownie. They have slightly nastier tempers, and are prone to tantrums if their work is criticized. They also despise tattletales and people with long noses.   Bwciod -   The Bwciod is more of a nuisance than a danger, but he can turn nasty if thwarted. He is solitary, and moves so fast that he can barely be seen by the human eye.   Cailleac Bhuer -   Pronounced "Call-y'ac V'fhoor". She is a one of a kind old woman, who walks by night carrying her walking stick, her carrion crow on her left shoulder. However, her reputation as dangerous and ill-tempered may be a mistaken one.   Callicantzaroi -   They are trooping faeries who are small, skinny, and always ride nude. Instead of riding horses, they ride chickens. They are also all either partially or totally blind, and are often accompanied on their Raids by other crippled faeries.   Cannered-Noz -   Breton version of the Bean-Sidhe.   Chi Spirits -   No one has ever seen a Chi Spirit, as they are pure energy and have no physical confines. Like Brownies, the Chi Spirits adopt a human home in which to live.   Chin-Chin Kobakama -   Appears to be elderly, but amazingly spry. They are either male or female, and are generally friendly towards humans, but can be a nuisance. They move into human homes and will bless and protect them as long as they are kept clean.   Churn Milk Peg and Melch Dick -   Small dwarf faeries who wear peasant costumes dating back to sometime around the fifteenth century. They jealously guard nut crops and hate lazy humans, although they're quite lazy themselves.   Clurichauns -   A solitary faery who resembles his cousin, the Leprechaun. He is the self appointed guardian of a wine cellar, one he chooses in his own time, and then moves in makes himself at home. He is almost always drunk, but will prevent casks from leaking and wines from going bad, and he will chase away all those who come to take a drink uninvited by the master of the house.   Corrigans -   Appear as blonde females by night and repulsive hags by day. She awaits the day when a human man might fall in love with her and be open-minded enough to follow through to the day. If that happens, she will become human and remain beautiful both night and day.   Cucui -   Pronounced "Coo-coo-ee", has almost become a generic term for "monster" among Mexicans and American Hispanics. He has taken on a popular image similar to that of a staring zombie or ghoul.   Cururipur -   A powerful South American spirit who owned the jungle and tortures tortoise hunters since the tortoises are his friends.   Daoine Maithe -   Also known as "The Good People"; there is a question as to whether they're angels or faeries, since they were present at the Biblical Fall, but did not fall. It's generally assumed that they are awaiting salvation.   Daoine Sidhe -   This is the name assumed by the Tuatha de Danann when the Milesians drove them underground. Their King is Finvarra, who to this day holds court in his palace beneath the faery hill of Knockma. They are skilled chess players, and no human has ever beaten Finvarra in a game. Finvarra is a womanizer, frequently kidnapping human women. The Daoine Sidhe are also quite fond of hurling; an odd cross between hockey and lacrosse.   Devas -   They are most often seen not as a body, but as a faint golden glow clinging to healthy, well-cared for plants. It is thought that they often guide medical researchers who look for beneficial medical properties in plants. If a plant is neglected, the Deva will abandon it.   Dinnshenchas -   Dwarf faeries in the service of the Irish Goddess Aine, who is both a cattle Goddess and a Goddess who protects women. They have been said to shape shift into any form to help average women harmed by men. They also guard cattle.   Disir -   These are spirits who attach themselves to a particular place, usually man made, like houses. Especially old houses. They are generally feminine ancestral spirits.   Domoviyr -   Male elves, who like their cousins, the Brownies, live in human homes which they protect with fierce loyalty. They have jealous natures, and are especially watchful of poultry meats, which are their favorite foods.   Dracs -   In their natural state, Dracs appear as great floating purple blobs in the surface of the water. They can also be seen in the form of a golden chalice or in a female human form. They are always on the lookout for human males to take in as mates. They appear as beautiful women to lure them in. They also appear as a golden chalice on the surface of the water, which is highly attractive to avaricious humans. When the men reach down unsuspectingly to grab the prize, they are dragged under to the Drac kingdom.   Drakes -   Drakes have never been seen by the human eye, but have been smelled. They're benevolent house spirits who will bless your hearth and multiply and keep your firewood dry in exchange for living in your home. If they are not welcomed, they will just leave, and not one of them has been known to react negatively to human mistreatment.   Dryads -   Tree-dwelling, playful, female creatures. They seem open to human contact, but are very capricious, and it would be hard to tell if one was in the mood to help, play, or just tease. Dryads prefer to live in willow trees, and are seen as not more than enchanting wisps of pure light, sometimes gently colored.   Duendes -   These solitary faeries appear as middle-aged women in green robes. They are small and sly, and their fingers look like long icicles. They are extremely jealous of the human condition, and that can override all other concerns. Duendes seek to harm and destroy humans whenever possible, and fortunately few of them are left.   Dwarfs -   They are short, usually bearded and appear to be very old. Their aged appearance seems to be caused by the fact that they reach maturity at age three. They exist mainly in the mines in Germany , and in the mountains of Scandinavia . They are sensitive about showing their feet since they're usually deformed in some way. If you're curious about their feet, the only way to get an idea is to put flour, ash, or something of that sort in their path, and look at the footprints left. Dwarves can't be above ground during the day since sunlight turns them to stone. Some people say they exist as toads during the day and assume their usual dwarfish form at night.   Dybbuk -   Evil Jewish spirits whose sole purpose is invading bodies of humans to cause them to do evil or make mischief.   Each-Uisage -   Pronounced "Ech-ooshkys". They are similar to the Kelpie, but much more dangerous. They inhabit lochs and seas, and will tear their victims into pieces, and eat them, leaving the liver behind. If they're ridden inland, they're safe to ride, but if they catch the lightest whiff of the sea air, they're trouble.   Ekimmu -   One of the evil spirits of the ancient Assyrians, the Ekimmu appeared wailing and crying outside a home to signal an impending death, much like a Bean-Sidhe.   Ellylbns -   Small inland lake faeries who transport themselves by riding on eggshells.   Elves -   They are like faeries, and even have two classes, light and dark. As a general rule, trooping Elves are good, and solitary Elves are bad. They can sew and spin very well, and can even spin gold from grain if needed. They also spin cloth and make shoes and are known for aiding deserving humans in need. They have few enemies, the most noted being cats.   Elves of Light -   Tiny people of Algonquin legend. They live in the forest and enjoy dancing. Their Queen is Summer, a tiny but beautiful creature who was once captured by the God Glooskap, who kept her in a moose hide as he entered the wigwam of the giant, Winter. Her very presence caused Winter to melt away and spring to come, and woke the elves who had been hibernating.   Erlkonig -   Means "Elf King", and is from Germany . He's been known to warn people of their pending deaths. How he appears will relay to that person how he or she is going to die.   Erdluitle -   Pronounced "Aird-lou'ee-t'l". These dwarf faeries have webbed feet which they try to keep hidden out of embarrassment. However, they can't swim, and sink like stones if placed in water. They used to be helpful to farmers, but now seem to dislike humans.   Fachan -   Pronounced "Fah-kan. This Highland faery might appear comical if not for his extremely nasty disposition. The Fachan has one of everything-one head, one eye, one ear, etc.- all centered directly down the middle of his hairy and feathered body. He is extremely bad temperament and carries a spiked club which he swings as he chases away visitors from his home.   Fays -   The word Fay is similar to the Latin word fautum , which means "fate", a word from which many Romance languages take their generic names for faeries. Other such names are Fee, Fada, Fae, Fata, and Fas. They're tiny, winged seasonal faeries who are born teasers and have very capricious natures, but are never malicious.   Feeorin -   This word can be used as a collective word for faeries. It usually indicates small green faeries, almost always with red caps. They love dancing and music. They are thought to be more or less friendly to humans, and have given warnings to them.   Fenoderee -   He is a type of Brownie from the Isle of Man. He is enthusiastic about helping the farmers, but isn't all that bright. The Fenoderee once was tricked into trying to fetch water with a sieve. The Fenoderee was at one time a handsome member of the Ferrishyn (the faery tribe of Man), but he was exiled and his good looks taken when he missed the Autumn festival to court a human girl.   Fin Folk -   Anthropomorphic faeries who have made it clear that they wish to avoid humans, though they seem not to wish us any harm. Their favorite pastime is gardening, and their underwater world is a paradise of vibrantly colored flowers and lush foliage.   Fir Darrigs -   Pronounced "Fear Durgs". They're fat, ugly faeries with dark, hairy skin and long snouts and tails which give them a rat-like appearance. They like fairly gruesome practical jokes, so it's best to appear friendly until you can banish them.   Fireesin -   Pronounced "Fear-ee-sheen"; they're solitary faeries who help farmers. They're nude, covered with patches of brown, coarse hair, and in general are not very physically appealing. They seem to want to be of service to humans, but they're not known for being very bright.   Foawr -   They are Manx stone-throwing giants. They often ravish cattle, and are nasty beings.   Folletti -   Pronounced "Foe-let-ee". They're so small and light that they are practically invisible, but their distinguishing characteristic is known to us-their toes point backwards. They seem to pay no attention to humans and change the weather merely for their own sport rather than for any baneful purpose.   Formorians -   Sea monsters, the survivors of a banished faery race driven out of Ireland by the Tuatha De Danann. They have grotesquely misshapen bodies which look as if they have been haphazardly thrown together with the leftover part of assorted animals.   Fossegrim -   Pronounced "Foe-say-grim". They're smaller than humans, perfectly formed except for their feet, which tend to taper off into a misty nothingness. They can be either baneful or playful depending upon their mood of the moment.   Fyglia -   A sort of personal spirit. They often take an animal form. The Native Americans call them "fetches" and use them as totems. They serve mostly as personal guardians.   Fygliar -   They can only be seen by its human familiar just before the person dies. Their only human aid and concern goes to this one person, and they ignore all others. Only children born with a caul over its head have them.   Gancanagth -   Pronounced "Gon-cawn-ah". He's a faery who materializes in lonely places and attempts to seduce human females, who will eventually die of love for him. He carries a clay pipe, although he doesn't smoke it-faeries generally dislike smoke.   Gandharvas -   Extra small faeries who live underground and possess vast musical talents. They will cause humans no harm, but avoid them if possible.   Gans -   Vaporous spirits who inhabit the mountains of the North American Southwest. They are neither good nor evil.   Geancanach -   Pronounced "Gan-cahn-ock". They're pixie-like in appearance, with huge eyes that curve upward on the ends and pointed ears. They are the guardians of home hearths, and they crave the warmth of the fireside and are quite harmless to have around, although they do have a tendency to play pranks.   Ghillie Dhu -   Pronounced "Gillee Doo or Yoo". They're guardian tree spirits who are disguised as foliage and dislike human beings. They prefer birch trees to all others, and jealously guard them from humans.   Gianes -   Pronounced "Gee-ahwn-ayes"; they're solitary wood Elves who occasionally will aid humans. They are master cloth weavers, but they weave for fun rather than for anyone's benefit.   Giants and Ogres -   Giants look like humans but are much bigger. They have also been known to be both friendly and nasty. Ogres are about the same size as humans but have deformed faces, excessive body hair, and sometimes a hump in their backs. Ogres are usually unfriendly.   Gitto -   Pronounced "Ghee-toes". They have the heads of horses and the bodies of goats, but they have human speech and laughter. Through they have no wings, they can fly for short distances. They don't like people.   Glashtin -   Pronounced "Glosh-teen". It's a goblin who is half cow and half horse. If the head part is a cow he is stupid; if a horse, he is shrewd and cunning. They appear during storms in which they revel and play, seeming to take delight in the havoc they leave behind.   Glaistig -   She is a water faery, a beautiful seductress with the body of a goat which she hides under a long billowy green dress. She lures men to dance with her, then feeds like a vampire on their blood. She can be benign as well, often tending children and the elderly or herding cattle for farmers.   Gnomes -   Dwarf faeries who appear to be quite old because they mature very early, though their average life span is around a thousand years. They reach maturity in about a hundred years, at which time they stand about 12 inches tall and look well past middle age. They're kind-hearted and will always aid sick or frightened animals.   Goblin -   They are somewhat malicious little creatures. They can appear as animals. They are thieves and villains, and count the dead among their companions. They like to tempt people with faery fruits. They're not truly completely evil, however. Some of them can be rather nice.   Golem -   They're human in appearance, but is not a thinking creature, it's a Jewish a zombie.   Grant -   Looks something like a small, oddly-formed horse, though he walks erect. He warns humans of approaching trouble and is said to be very friendly, if somewhat terrifying to see.   Green Lady of Caerphilly -   She haunts ruined castles, and often appears as ivy.   Gremlin -   They range in size from very small to almost human-sized, and they're hairy all over and tend to be dun to dark brown in color. They don't like humans and seek to destroy them whenever possible.   Gruagach -   Pronounced "Grew-g'ac"; it's a solitary female faery, extremely grotesque in appearance, but with a heart of gold. She enjoys any brief human contact she can get and will offer whatever help she can in your spiritual pursuits if you don't show fear or revulsion.   Guriuz -   Pronounced "Goor-ee-use". They used to help bring the weather needed by Italian farmers.   Gragedd Annwn -   Pronounced "Gwergeth Ai-noon"; they're beautiful blonde water faeries who love children and are helpful to human mothers, children, and the poor. They seem uninterested in males except as occasional mates.   Gwyllions -   Mountain dwellers who care for the wild goats of Wales and are rarely seen. They dislike humans, whom they regard as arrogant, and so they keep their distance form them.   Hags -   They are the personification of winter in the British Isles , and are thought to be the remnants of the most ancient goddesses. Some hags turn from hideously ugly (their usual state) to breathtakingly beautiful at the turn of winter to spring.   Hamadryadniks -   Tree spirits who, like the Lesidhe, appear as living foliage. But unlike the Dryads, they hate human beings.   Hathors -   Nature spirits of Egyptian mythology. When a child is born, seven Hathors gather to plan the life of the child. The Hathors are often portrayed as the sky-goddess Hathor, goddess of beauty, love, marriage, and childbirth. She often takes the form of a gigantic cow.   Heather Pixies -   Like other Pixies, the Heather Pixies have clear or golden auras and delicate, translucent wings. But these faeries are attracted specifically to the moors and to the heather which covers them. They are not averse to human contact, but they don't seek them out. They have a pranksterish nature.   Hobgoblin -   He loves to live in homes where he makes much trouble for the people who live there. Though he seems to have no moral code of his own, he is very happy to enforce the one by which he feels his human hosts should abide.   Huacas -   Incan myth speaks of Huacas, stone forms of spirits or divine beings who watched over fields.   Huldafolk -   The huldafolk a fairly reclusive Scandinavian faeryfolk. Shy doesn't even begin to describe them. But in their dealings with humans, they are very fair, even generous when they experience human kindness. The story goes that there was once a farm girl who came across a woman giving birth in a field. She helps her to deliver the baby and is rewarded with an apron full of woodchips. Disgusted, the girl dumps them out and returns him. Then a look at her skirt reveals that the chips still stuck to her apron had turned to gold. She went back in search of the rest of the woodchips but they had disappeared.   Huldrafolk -   These dark Elves are known not only because of their dark coloring, but also because of their nasty personalities. They have the ability to blight humans with deformities, especially with very small ones such as baldness or a crooked nose. They cause these deformities with a lick of their dark brown tongues. To be touched like this will eventually turn a person against the world of mortals.   Hyldermoder -   The guardian spirit of the sacred Elder tree of the Norse tradition, and is always dressed in a flowing green gown. She has the appearance and countenance of an elderly and kindly but protective mother. She bears no malice toward humans unless they tamper with the Elder tree.   Hyters -   Pronounced "High-ters"; they're shape shifters who appear as birds. They are not predisposed to showing kindness to humans, though they have never harmed anyone. They have been known to gather in groups and buzz humans for the sheer joy of frightening them though.   Ieles -   Pronounced "Ee-lays"; they look like large, bipedal cats. They will wait near crossroads for a human victim to approach. Like vampires, they suck the blood from their human prey. They can't get into the middle of the crossroads-long seen as a place of protection because they were made like an equilateral cross-or their power is forever grounded.   Illes -   Pronounced "Eels". They're Trolls who live underground and can only come out at night. Like other Trolls, they are hairy and dark in color and are completely unclothed. They are very confusing if not dangerous to humans because they can shape shift into beautiful human forms for just long enough to lure humans into their underground world.   Irish Elves -   Elf in Ireland is a generic term for non-winged faeries. These trooping faeries are beings who live within he earth among the tangled roots of sacred trees. They go abroad during the night to aid woodland animals and occasionally reward a virtuous or unselfish human being by some act of kindness. Irish Elves do their rare good deeds to humans out of the joy of giving, and any act of overt thanks will drive them permanently away.   Irish Sea Water Guardians -   These Manx sea guardians are very small faeries, only a few inches tall, who guard the stormy Irish Sea and are beloved of the se God Manann. They're both male and female and are beautiful to see, with a green-blue aura of light that dances around them. They are fierce guardians bt are still disposed to help all living creatures in need on the sea if they're specifically asked to do so. They sail on broken eggshells through the Irish Seas and surf on seashells during storms. Sailor in the Irish sea often feared nearing Man for all the faeries in its waters.   Jack-In-Irons -   He is a giant from Yorkshire who haunts lonely roads.   Jenny Greenteeth -   She is the Yorkshire River version of Peg Powler.   Jimaniños -   Pronounced "Heem-awn-neen-yo's"; they're the seasonal faeries of Mexico . They are winged, trooping faeries who look like pudgy children. They aid the Goddess in the turning of the Wheel of the Year. They tend to shy away from people except on the Mexican festival El Dia de Muerte (the Day of the Dead, November 2} at which time they, like the people around them, dance in the streets and visit the cemeteries. This is also a day when they play pranks.   Jimmy Squarefoot -   His appearance is said to be frightening, but he is really harmless.   Jinn -   They're the same as Genies. When the lamp or bottle that they live in is rubbed, the Jinn is summoned forth and must do its master's bidding.   Jungle Spirits -   The Amazons believed in an amazing variety of ogres, demons, and powerful spirits, often shaped like animals. Some were ghosts of the dead. They also regarded birds as demonic spirits who battled with dead spirits.   Kachina -   Ancestor spirits of the Pueblo Indians in North America . The Hopi also believed in Kachinas, believing them to be the souls of virtuous dead people.   Kelpies -   These small, bulbous-shaped faeries with huge teeth and painted ears are sly, stupid, and extremely foul-tempered. These cannibalistic faeries once densely populated the North Sea and all the lochs of Scotland . They have limited shape shifting powers and can appear as friendly seahorses and allow passing humans to mount them so that they may be drowned, or as handsome young men to lure young girls to them. However, they can be detected when in the shape of a young man, because they're unable to keep their hair from appearing like seaweed.   Killmoulis -   He's an ugly Brownie who haunts mills. He has an enormous nose and a missing mouth. He eats by stuffing the food into his nostrils. He works for the miller but he plays pranks so often that he is more of a nuisance than a help.   Klaboutermannikins -   These are invisible faeries who inhabit the figurehead of any ships which they choose to protect. They guarded the ship from sickness, rocks, storms, and dangerous winds. If a ship with one of these faeries aboard sank, the faery sank with it and then aided the souls of the sailors out of the waters and into the Land of the Dead.   Knockers -   These are the most popular faeries in Cornwall . They're dwarf faeries who live in the mines and caves of the region and like to play games and aid respectful miners. They get their name from the knocking sound they make when directing miners to a rich vein. They're always accurate, though sometimes they scatter their knocking just to play games with the miners who regard them as friends. Frantic knocking in any mine is a warning of imminent danger, and Cornish miners won't go into a mine after they are warned off by Knockers.   Kobolds -   These are the German version of Knockers. They're known for causing problems for the miners and undoing their progress. To keep the miners guessing, they occasionally help them.   Kolbalds -   Pronounced "Coe-bolds"; they're dwarf faeries who can be very helpful but will turn abusive if ignored or belittled. They're a German version of the Scottish Brownie, though they have a less helpful nature. Alone or in small groups they adopt homes where they will live, expecting the full benefits of the household even if they do not choose to work for their keep.   Korreds -   These Elvin creatures always appear to be male. They have hairy bodies, spindly legs, and bird-like arms, but sport huge heads in comparison. They're the faery guardians of the dolmens (stone altars) and standing stones of Celtic Brittany. Faery lore says that it was the Korreds themselves who brought the stones to Brittany and erected them.   Kubera -   King of the Yakshas, the god of wealth. Usually depicted as a dwarfish figure with a paunch, bearing a money bag or pomegranate and sealed on a man.   Kul -   A water spirit of the Eskimos in the Artic, Kul may be malevolent but generally helps the Northern people with their fishing. As a show of gratitude, it is customary to offer him some of the fish caught at the beginning of the season.   The Lady of the Lake -   She lives in Dosmary Pool, a lake in Cornwall . Her arm, holding the famous sword Excalibur, is most frequently seen by human eyes. She is the woman who gave Arthur his famous sword Excalibur, and to whom it was returned upon his death.   Lamas -   Kind, protective spirits of ancient Chaldea , the Lamas supervised the welfare of mortals and were usually female. Most often, a winged, hybrid creature.   Landvaettir -   Spirits of the land that inhabit stones, rivers, animals, and such. Some say they are the stones and trees. They mostly keep to themselves.   Leanansidhe -   Pronounced "Lan-awn-shee"; she's a beautiful vampire faery. She is said to give inspiration to poets, but the reward for her services is death or, at best, captivity in her kingdom.   Leprechauns -   Pronounced "Lep-rah-kahn". He's a solitary faery and a trickster who loves to play pranks on the humans he meets. They are always seen wearing green clothing of costly material and green tri-cornered hats. They're mischievous, but will be helpful to humans if approached with respect. They're quick-witted unless they are drunk. He guards a pot of gold, and if one can gain control of one of these wily creatures one can have the cauldron, and three wishes along with it. If he can trick you into making a fourth wish by sundown, you lose all you wishes and the crock of gold.   Lesidhe -   Pronounced "Lay-shee"; a guardian of the forests who is always disguised as foliage. They appear to be androgynous and, even though they're usually found in groups, they seem to have little to do with one another. Therefore, they can be classified as solitaries rather than trooping faeries. Unless one gets up and walks about it is hard to distinguish them from the green plants and trees they hide among. They like to mimic mockingbird to confuse hikers and travelers, and over time they have learned to make even more confusing human noises. It is believed that they have come to dislike humans for their callous treatment of the environment, and even though no Lesidhe has ever actually harmed anyone, their pranks are nasty, usually involving trying to lose people in deep woods.   Limniades -   Pronounced "Leem-nee-od-ayes"; it's a word from which we derive our word illuminate. They're small blobs of pure light, and like their cousins, the English Will-O'-the-Wisps, they avoid humans.   The Little People of the Passamquoddy Indians -   They're two kinds: the Nagumwasuck, and the Mekumwasuck. They're both two to three feet tall and ugly. The Nagumwasuck are closely involved with their humans, often singing sadly when there's a death in the tribe, and dancing at weddings. They're self-conscious of their ugliness, and it is near fatal to laugh at them. The Mekumwasuck live in the woods and dress outlandishly, their faces being covered with hair. They're the guardians of the Catholic Church. If a Mekumwasuck looks directly at you, you either die or acquire a contagious disease of some sort.   Lob -   A small dark blob that looks rather like a rain cloud with arms. He spends all his time deciding how he can make the most trouble. Fortunately, he is lazy and rarely carries through with his ideas, though he delights in human misery. The Lob is attracted to ugly, raw emotions and to argument and fighting.   Lunantishess or Lunantishee -   They are the tribe which guards blackthorn bushes. They will never allow a stick to be cut on November 11th or May 11th. If you manage to cut a stick on those days, you will experience misfortune.   Lutins -   Expert shape shifters who have not held one form long enough for any human to characterize their appearance. They are extremely capricious, being useful one minute and destructive the next.   Ly Erg -   There is only one Ly Erg. He dresses like a soldier and can only be distinguished from a real one by his small size and his red right hand. He's seen as a portent of death, but unlike so many such portents, this is one with whom you have a second chance at life. It is reported that he will stop his mark on a road or path (especially if it is near water) and challenge you with a raising of his red right hand. The best thing to do in this instance is to retreat, because if you allow him to engage you in combat you will die within a fortnight. His red hand is said to be the result of many years of bloodstains from those he has killed in combat.   Mab -   She's the traditional queen of the faeries.   Mal-de-Mer -   They've never been described or even seen by a human. They live in the sea near Cornwall and Brittany and prey on ships.   Masseriol -   Pronounced "Mahs-air-ee-oel"; he dresses all in red, has an elderly face, and a booming laugh that is somewhere between the cry of a horse and a goat. He can be helpful, but he has a very high opinion. They've been known to occasionally help out on farms as long as they don't have to get themselves dirty. They can also be of help in the kitchen when one of them has taken a shine to the lady of the house.   Mazikeen -   Winged faeries who can't fly. They are often mistaken for angels, but they are faeries whose soul purpose is to steal food and drink for their endless revelries. They don't need sleep and can party all the time.   Menehunas -   Pronounced "Mi-nee-nahs"; they're the most well-known faeries in Polynesia , and are seen as Elves in native dress who live in tropical forests. They can be tricksters, but they will also serve humans. Like the Leprechauns, they guard a crock of treasure and can grant wishes if they're caught. They have also been known to help lost travelers find their way out of the jungles, and some accounts say they have even provided fresh water and food for these people.   Menihuni -   Also known as "Menehune"; the Hawaiian little people. Islanders believe they're responsible for the events that can't be explained. One example being if someone finished a task more quickly than expected, the Menihuni were credited for the unexplainable speed. Example two being that if something was so old that no one knew who built it, it must have been the Menihuni.   Merpeople -   Commonly called Mermen and Marmaids, depending upon their gender. They have the lower bodies of fish and the upper bodies and heads of humans. They appear as adult males and females of great beauty, but no children have ever been slighted. They are usually friendly and are slow to anger, but their ire can be aroused by persons who desecrate and pollute their home. Occasionally Mermaids wish to take human mates, but Mermen rarely take human brides. They seem to have trouble reproducing themselves and may need human males to further their race. Merpeople are excellent parents who cherish and protect their young.   Merrows -   They are the Irish Merpeople. They wear red feather caps, and if their caps are stolen, they can't return to the depths of the sea where they live. Female Merrows are beautiful and to see one is an omen of a storm. They are benevolent and often fall in love with fishermen, probably because the male Merrows are so repulsive. Makes are, however, generally friendly. They often come ashore in the form of small, hornless cattle.   Moerae -   These faeries of Greece usually appear in groups of three representing a young girl, a middle-aged woman, and an old woman, or else they appear just as three middle-aged women. They are neither helpful nor harmful to humans, but dispense fate as they see fit. They determine the fate of children.   Monaciello -   Pronounced "Moe-nah-see-ail-oh". That means "little monk", which is how their hooded cloak-dress makes them appear. He always wears red and is always drunk, but is not unfriendly. They have merry personalities and they like to steal human clothing for sport.   Moss People -   Are both male and female and have large butterfly wings attached to lithe bodies that look mostly human. They're very beautiful creatures, though hard to detect in the wild, where they tend to hide in moss and other dark wood foliage. They're shy of people and very capricious. Moss People are good luck to have around. Keep their environment clean and natural if you wish to continue to have them.   Mother Holle -   An older woman, but not elderly. Her hair is long and black, and she wears a dark green robe. There is only one of her, and she is neither good nor evil, but dispenses justice fairly as she sees fit. She spends her days at her spinning wheel, and gives advice when asked and can instantly divine the future. She rewards those who are industrious, especially while in her service. She's most disposed to aiding young women.   Muireartach -   She is a one of a kind old woman who is bald, has jagged teeth, a blue-gray complexion, and one great eye. Her intent has always been painted as malevolent, but this is unclear.   Mumiai -   Best known for persecuting peasants, especially those of the lowest castes, who had stolen from their neighbors or demonstrates their dirty habits. The Mumiai toss their belongings in the air, break their pottery and trample on their gardens, finally forcing them to move out of their villages.   Murdhuachas -   Pronounced "Mer-oo-khas"; one of several races of Irish sea faeries, and are often mistaken for Merpeople. Like Merpeople, they have fish-like lower bodied, but rather than having human upper bodies, they have the upper bodies and heads of other mammals. Their temperament is ambivalent. They've been known to be helpful in locating fish or in finding one's home port on a fog-shrouded night. They've been just as well known to turn nasty and lure sailors to their death on coastal rocks with their haunting songs.   Muryans -   It's the Cornish word for "ant". They are the souls of those sent to Purgatory. Their souls dwindle in size until they're the size of ants, and then they disappear, and no one knows where they go after that.   Nagas -   They're upper bodies are human, and their lower bodies are that of a snakes. They're often seen wearing hooded canopies or with seven or more heads. Both sexes are extraordinarily beautiful, and several royal Indian families claim to be descended from them. They bite humans who're evil or destined to die prematurely. Buddhists regard them as minor deities and door guardians.   Neck -   A shape shifter water faery who is an expert harper and singer. It is likely that possess no gender or concrete form, but usually appear to humans as poor reflections of themselves. They're seductive and cunning and should be avoided. Necks are very alluring to human males. They're usually seen lounging beside the edge of a lake or stream. They're been credited with the drowning of many people.   Nereides -   Pronounced "Nair-eye-deez"; they're beautiful and graceful female water faeries, most usually seen in the Aegean Sea . They're dangerous to humans, especially children. They inflict insanity on anyone who sees them under a full moon, and they can't bear children, so they steal them instead. The only thing they love more than children is milk and honey, and setting some out will distract them from their mischief. But don't get sed to feeding them or they will hang around like stray animals. They can shape shift into the bodies of swans and like to sing while swimming in this form. Nereides wear white shawls when they're on land, and if a human man can capture one of these, he can gain control over the faery.   Nibelungen -   These Teutonic dwarf faeries live in a hidden subterranean crystal palace. They are tricksters and quite capricious, with a temperament most resembling that of the Irish Leprechaun. The Nibelungen's gold is guarded when they're not around by a dragon named Fafnir. Humans can obtain the gold only in the astral world; it will not travel back to the physical realm. Those who try to take it lose everything they have gained spiritually. These faeries are goldsmiths who make golden rings with magickal properties. They are best known for their rings of fertility which many a barren human has sought but failed to obtain. The Nibelungen seem to take great delight in the failings of humans who seek their magick and their world, and their merry laughter is often heard just as some hapless human falls, trips, or loses the prizes they believe they have just won.   Nixen -   Water sprites who primarily live in the rivers of Germany and Switzerland . They are seen in both genders, but the females seem to predominate. The females are very lovely, and the males are quite handsome except for their green teeth. Their temperament runs somewhere between mischievous and dangerous. Nixen have been known to lure swimmers and sailors to their deaths on rocks and to invoke storms in the rivers they inhabit. Metal is an especially potent weapon against them, which renders them powerless and can even kill them if they are exposed for too long a time. Nixens have on a few occasions been helpful to humans by warning of drownings and approaching storms, but this is rare.   Noggles -   A solitary faery who lives near the edge of inland streams, which he jealously guards against human encroachment. They look like small gray horses, complete with miniature tack. His two favorite pranks are jamming mill wheels and chasing people into the water.   Nokke -   Pronounced "Noe-keys". They're both male and female, and can be heard singing at dawn and dusk. They avoid humans completely. When humans try to find them by following the sound of their voices, they either stop singing or move somewhere else and take up the song again, leaving the frustrated follower behind. Whether this is done for sport or because they really don't want humans around is unknown.   Nucklelavees -   Pronounced "Nuke-lay-lah-veez"; they're Scottish sea faeries native to the Hebrides Islands . They are ill-tempered in the extreme, are hideous, have large, powerful bodies, and can take almost any form they wish-but they always appear very ugly to humans. When not shape shifting, they appear as half-human and half-horse with fins for feet. If cut, they bleed black blood. They enjoy coming out of the sea and chasing humans just to frighten them, but no one has ever been reported to be actually captured by one. They also prey on other faeries. These foul faeries can be smelled approaching long before they show up. The odor they emit has been described as a cross between spoiled fish and rotting eggs all covered with mildew.   Nymphs -   Nymph is a classification of faeries rather than a single type. There are wood nymphs, water nymphs, sea nymphs, tree nymphs, grove nymphs, etc. They have a reputation for excessive sexuality. They exist in every conceivable place in nature, and are all over Faeryland.   Oak King -   The Oak King is usually depicted as wearing a small breech cloth and a crown of oak leaves and acorns. In his right hand he carries a staff of oak wood. He is the king of the waxing year and the other half of the Holly King, the king of the waning year. From Yule to Midsummer the Oak King reigns, taking over the mantle of ruler ship from the Holly King.   Oakmen -   Male dwarf faeries with huge heads who are the guardians of sacred oak groves. They are not very friendly towards people, but no one has ever been harmed by one.   Oannes -   Fish-headed beings from another world, these were considered to be sea-gods by the ancient Chaldeans. Oannes lived among men by day, building the great Sumerian civilization and teaching art, science, and religion, while at night they returned to the Persian Gulf to swim in the ocean.   Ohdows -   A race of small, well-formed people with the features of the Native Americans who live underground in North America . They use their magic to subdue the earth spirits who cause earthquakes.   Orculli -   Giants with a mean disposition and a cannibalistic diet. On the rare occasions that they are seen, they appear as bearded males. They live on clouds and descend to earth only to obtain food. They prefer to eat their own kind, but will settle for beef and human meat if they must. Their touch alone can sicken cattle to death, and they are adept thieves. One Alpine legend says that these giants fear cats and will flee in terror from them. One can always tell when an Orculli is around because of the vile smell they produce, said to be like that of a rotting carcass. Despite their size they're slow and clumsy, and humans can easily get away from them.   Paian -   Not an individual or even a single type of faery. It is a faery gathering, a congress or forum, of all the dwarf faeries of Scandinavia . They meet in secret at the Sabbats to worship, play, and discuss business. No known human has ever witnessed this gathering. Their most famous ruling was against a dwarf named Ammaze who was censured and then excommunicated for trying to live as a human.   Painajainen -   These faeries lool like small white horses who ride through the Alps . They like to tease and sometimes harm children, but they never steal them, and no child has ever been killed by one. Bringing nightmares is their most usual way of tormenting. Even today their tiny, ghostly hoof beats are occasionally heard echoing through the Alps , though no horse and rider can be seen.   Pamarindo -   This Italian male dwarf faery is very small, mean, and obese. He is a scavenger who kills animals. He wears a hat of fur and red clothes which are stained with animal fat. He is lazy and disliked by other faeries. He's a carnivore who is either forbidden or unable to make his own kill. Therefore he must engage in creative ways of obtaining his meat, such as running animals off cliffs or causing them to fall and impale themselves on fallen tree branches. He has ghastly table manners, and his clothes are usually streaked with grease and animal fat. He will not move out of the way for anyone, and has been known to knock down travelers he meets on the road. He is extremely rude and antisocial.   Peg Powler -   She inhabits the River Tees. She is a green water hag with long hair and sharp teeth. She is fond of grabbing the ankles of those who stand too close to or wade into the water and pulling them underwater to drown.   Penates -   Pronounced "Pay-not-ayes"; they're dwarf faeries who wear peasant costumes and small tool belts. They always are seen as male. They're similar to the house Brownies of Scotland in that they adopt a home and do good deeds for their adopted family by night. They can go abroad by daylight if they want, but he chooses not to. A Lare, pronounced "Lahr-ay", is a Penate who is a solitary, and can't be exposed to sunlight, or he'll perish.   People of the Hills -   English faeries who live under green mounds.   Phi-Suk -   They wear the ancient native dress of southeast Asia. They're neither good nor bad to humans, but are dispensers of justice and lessons.   Phookas -   Pronounced "Pook-ahs". They're the Hobgoblins of Ireland. They have heads resembling human males, but the bodies of horses. They can fly for limited distances, though they have no wings. Phookas are trooping faeries who run in destructive packs. They are said to be extremely ugly and ill-tempered and to have frequent quarrels among themselves. Wreaking havoc is their favorite pastime, and they will go out of their way to harm children and crops. The Phookas lay claim to any crop which is not harvested by Samhain night, and to cut a plant after this time risks provoking these dangerous faeries and their malevolence. In spite, for taking what they believe to be theirs, they have been known to kill herd animals, particularly cattle. They especially love human babies and are always on the lookout for a newborn to steal. And because of their limited powers of flight they are jealous of airplanes and will do them harm whenever they can.   Phynnodderees -   They're completely naked, revealing wizened, emaciated male bodies. Their skin is leathery, and they have small patches of silver hair tucked here and there all over themselves. By human standards they are very ugly. They're believed to have been expelled from faery society and now are solitary beings condemned to their watery realm and their hideous form for all time by the curse of an offended Faery King. They're very ill-tempered, but have never caused humans any harm.   Pillywiggins -   Seasonal faeries associated with spring. They are small winged creatures who resemble Pixies, and they are very playful. Their sole purpose seems to be to tend to spring. Pillywiggins live among wildflowers which grow at the foot of huge oaks. They're trooping faeries who have no ill will toward humans, and they seem only mildly interested in us. They have been seen mimicking human behaviors such as weddings and dances, but do not lower themselves to playing pranks. They are quite diminutive and like to ride bees from flower to flower. Their queen, Ariel, often rides bats, and is blonde and very seductive. She wears a thin, transparent garment of white, sleeps in a bed of cowslip, and can control the winds. She can't speak, but communicates in beautiful song. Though she is not seen any more, she is still believed to exist in Faeryland.   Pixies -   They're small, winged creatures with heads too large for their bodies. They have pointed ears and noses and arched eyebrows. Their wings are shiny and translucent, and they are usually seen wearing seasonal colors and flora. Pixies are generally friendly but are extremely capricious and given to nonmalicious mischief. The little caps they wear are the tops of foxglove or toadstool, plants they hold sacred. No gender differentiation seems apparent. Excessive contact with iron can kill Pixies. These faeries are wildly attracted to flowering gardens and are often seen around Beltaine. Their queen is said to be a tiny woman of sublime beauty who has created a spring world in Faeryland which few humans can resist. They loathe human laziness and have been known to pinch a couch potato until he springs into action. Pixies are trooping faeries who love playing, dancing, and music above all else. They like to have large gatherings known in northern England as Pixie Fairs. A few humans have come upon these revels and have been allowed to watch briefly, but never asked to join in. While Pixies do not seem overanxious for human contact, they have been known to be very helpful to deserving people.   Plant Rhys Dwfen -   They're a tribe of faeries who inhabit a small invisible land. It is invisible because of a certain herb that grows on it. They're beautiful people, quite short, and they are fond of outbidding at Cardigan auctions. They are honest in their dealings, and kind to people who are kind to them.   Poleviks -   Pronounced "Ph-leh-vicks"; they look more like bipedal goats than anything resembling a human. They aid in the growing and harvesting of crops. Generally they are benign where humans are concerned, but they are not to be trusted. If they aid with your crops, they expect excessive payment at the harvest's end. This can be combated by drawing up a contract stating just what you will give them and leaving it in the fields overnight for them to find. They will then usually decide your fields are not worth the trouble and move on. Even today some Polish farmers who wish to have no trouble with them leave extra grain in the field each week as a libation. This way they know their next year's crop will be looked upon favorably by them. Farmers in the field using sickles are protected because this is an instrument which the Poleviks fear and will flee from.   Portunes -   They look like old men and are among the smallest of all faeries, less than an inch tall. They have a trickster's nature. Portunes are best described as English Leprechauns. They are superb horsemen, grant wishes if captured, and guard a treasure. But unlike Leprechauns, they can be persuaded to help with farm chores. The Portune can grant wishes-one per customer-if he can be physically captured.   Pyrenees -   No one has actually seen a Pyrenee, but their energy can animate the ancient standing stones of Cornwall .   Rakshasas -   Shape shifting demon-goblins. They can appear as monsters, animals, or beautiful women to seduce holy men and then eat them. They have side tusks, ugly eyes, curling awkward brows, bull's heads, bloated bellies, tangled hair, and backward pointing hands. They can cause leprosy, raise the dead, and regenerate severed limbs.   Ravan -   The ten headed, twenty armed king of the Rakshasas, Ravan ruled in the kingdom of Lanka (possibly Sri Lanka ) until he was killed by a Rama. He was once imprisoned in a mountain for a thousand years, but he can be destroyed by a mortal. He was finally after kidnapping Sita, Rama's wife, when Rama and his army of Indian faeries stormed his castle.   Red Cap -   The Red Cap, an emaciated man with a leathery body and little or no hair, carries a sharp wooden scythe to strike down all who invade the area he has decided to guard for the time being. Solitary and hateful in nature, we can all be grateful there is only one of him. He moves from place to place on a whim throughout the extreme lowlands of Scotland along the English border. He haunts the ruins of old castles and cairns which he guards with his life. The Red Cap he wears, and for which he was named, is said to be made of dried human blood. Some say he is a cannibal who will consume faeries and humans alike.   Robin Goodfellow -   Robin Goodfellow, also known as Puck from Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream , looks like a Greek Satyr, with the head of a young male and the body of a goat. He has a playful, lusty nature, and loves to play pranks on humans. He has small horns on his head, and he carries with him pan pipes which he loves to play while he dances. In English legends, Robin is the son of a faery father and a mortal mother who loves to play tricks on humans who venture into his woods. Some have claimed to hear his laughter after the trick is successfully completed. He is also adept at animal and bird calls.   Rubezahl -   Pronounced "Roo-bee-zahl"; these are male dwarf faeries in short black cloaks who each carry a thin, spiky walking stick. They're mean to human travelers. They wear large cloaks which hide their faces and seem not to want humans to know just what they look like. Because of this it is believed that they can't shape shift. They were once credited with being able to summon the wind or the rain, if only for a brief time. They would bring whichever one would most annoy a human traveler in their woods. If the human had no water they would summon a hot sun, and if he or she had no shelter they would summon a cold rain. They like to yell confusing noises so that travelers lose their way. They make their homes in the mountains.   Rusalki -   Lovely female water faeries with long green hair who like to play water games with people. They do not seem deliberately malicious, but sometimes their games get rough and dangerous.   Salamanders -   The elemental Salamanders look identical to the lizard-like amphibians of the same name. They are regarded as powerful beings who are well aware of their value to magicians.   Saleerandees -   Scaled faeries resembling bipedal lizards. They may be a corruption of Salamander, the elemental fire archetype of ceremonial magick. Saleeranddees are nude and always cold, so they seek out human fires. They don't harm humans, but their sudden appearance can be frightening. It is said they can start no fires of their own.   Santa Claus -   Santa Claus, a one-of-a-kind faery, is always portrayed as portly, a condition indicative of abundance. He wears a red or green winter suit and has a sprig of holly in his hat. He is also shown as smiling and happy. He is benevolent, especially to children.   Seelie Court -   The Seelie Court are the blessed trooping faeries of the winds who have been heard but never seen. The Seelie Court and its counterpart, the Unseelie Court , are a rare example of duality-completely separated opposing forces-in paganism. The Seelie Court is thoroughly good and benevolent, made of the most heroic and beautiful faeries of Scotland . They ride the winds looking down at the earth for any good which they can do. They acquired the title "Court" because they also act as arbiters and judges in faery disputes. Scottish mythology tells us that the Seelie Court once interacted very much with humans. There is one legend which shows their great compassion for human misfortune when the Queen of the Seelie Court removed a curse from a man destined to live his life in reptilian form. Some accounts place the Seelie Court underground when not in trooping flight.   Selkies -   They're seaside faeries native to the Hebrides and northern Scottish islands. They appear as seals with some human characteristics, but legend says that they can shed their sealskin and appear with perfect male or female forms which are very alluring to young men and women. Their attitude and intent towards humans is an incomplete and foggy picture. Some Selkies have been lured into the human world where they live as mortals, but more often they lure mates into their realm. They can't steal human mates as some sea faeries do, but must induce them to come willingly. They are capricious, but less so than many of their kind, and humans who mate with them must always keep their jealous natures in mind. When they tire of their human mates, as they inevitably do, they will leave them to die of broken hearts.   Servan -   No one has actually seen a Servan, but we know they have very mischievous natures. Though Servans have never been seen, we know of them because they leave behind their mischief and their footprints. Like the Trows of the Shetlands, they like to go abroad at night and hide things in odd places.   Shellycoats -   Small faeries who dwell in pools of shallow fresh water and in woodland lakes. They're fish-like in appearance but have huge mouths and huge eyes which enable them to see very well at night. They have very round bodies with very few scales and are usually dark red or purple in color. They bob near the surface like large beach balls, usually with only their big eyes showing. Shellycoats like to play harmless pranks. These water faeries like to baffle travelers who are looking for water to drink or in which to recreate. They are not evil, but their pranks are sometimes mean.   Shopiltees -   Playful little water horse which have not been reported as having been seen for more than a hundred years. It is believed that these playful sprites of the North Sea have died out. But once they heavily populated the Sea and were playful and friendly with both sailors and with people along the seashore.   Sidhe -   They're Irish faeries who are very attracted to beauty and luxurious locales, and detest penny pinchers.   Silvani -   Winged wood nymphs who have a very filmy appearance, almost ghostly. They are of no use to humans, but don't seek to harm us. They wear red clothes and animal furs, particularly goat skins. These harmless faeries do not look whole when they are seen, but this may be simply the way they look when manifesting on the physical plane. Humans appear much the same way in the astral world. Silvani, whose name means "wooded", love the color red. They wear it all the time and are very attracted to anything of this color. They're rarely seen any more.   Skogrsa -   Short, hairy, large nosed wood elves who are very dangerous. These shape shifting wood elves usually appear as owls. In the past they were often sought out as oracles, but the price they demanded for their services was very high and dangerous. Don't let them lure you into playing their game by believing their claims that they know something important which they have to tell you. Though they are rarely seen anymore, they still have the reputation of being a hazardous contact.   Sleigh Beggy -   Little is known about these shy, stocky Manx faeries who live in underground burghs. It is known that they hate the taste of salt and don't like ashes or artificial light, so you are unlikely to find them in your modern home. They're believed to anger easily. The Beggys go nude and have crow's feet which make their footprints easily recognizable.   Sluagh -   The most formidable of the Highland faeries, they are the Hosts of the Unforgiven Dead. Some account them as being dead, some think they are fallen angels. But most popular view is that they are the souls of dead mortals.   Snow Faeries -   They take on many different appearances depending in which land they live in. These faeries bring on winter, encourage the snow, and paint frost on windowpanes.   Spriggans -   They're small and round, but can inflate to enormous proportions by sucking in large amounts of air On the ground they're often mistaken for sharp rocks, and they live both in the mountains and in the sky. They're dangerously malevolent. In Cornwall , Spriggans are bodyguards of the Unseelie Court . In centuries past they were accused of leaving changelings, blighting crops, and being superb thieves, and they can command destructive winds at their will. Though they're immensely greedy, they don't like human misers and will save their worst for them.   Sprites -   A name for spirit faeries, not usually used for earthier forms.   Spunkies -   They've never been seen, but they're not friendly faeries. Reports of their appearance varies, but they are all said to be short, ugly, and long-armed. They're stealers of "unprotected" children. In the place of the stolen infant they leave an ugly faery changeling.   Star-Folk -   A handsome race of spirits of Algonquin myth. They line in Star-Country in the sky, a beautiful, Eden-like place. The Star-Folk can cast spells on people so they fall ill. They may intermarry with humans.   Stray Sod -   Some faeries appear as though they are merely a part of the grass. If you unwittingly step on them, you will be unable to continue on your way, no matter how well you know the place.   Succubi and Incubi -   Neither faery has been seen by human eyes, but their presence has been keenly felt by many unfortunate persons. They see humans as existing for their own perverse amusement. The Succubus is a female faery who sexually attacks human men, and the Incubus is a male faery who sexually attack human women. Their unprovoked attacks have been documented throughout human history. Their assaults are still going on today. Persons who have been attacked by these malevolent spirits display mild to severe bruises and bite marks, many of them in places where they could not be self-inflicted. Women may also show torn vaginal tissue after an attack. There are two folk remedies which may help keep them from you. A peony flower taken to bed or a cauldron in the room is said to keep away the Incubus, and bluebells or phallic-shaped magickal tools are supposed to ward off the Succubus.   Sylphs -   They appear as very small, winged creatures whose features are vaguely human. They are so light in color and body to be virtually transparent. The wings they bear seem only to be there for show, because they appear so buoyant as to defty gravity, and they can hold themselves aloft for long periods without ever moving their tiny wings. Sylphs can be helpful to humans who seek them out.   Sylvans -   Beautiful faeries who lure humans to their deaths in the woods. As the name suggests, Sylvans are wood faeries.   Tengu -   Pronounced "Tin-goo"; they're winged faeries who characteristically carry a fan of feathers. They don't aid humans or seem to want to any human contact, but they do not bear humans any grudge. They are reputed to have great magickal powers which they keep to themselves, and they can shape shift with great ease, usually going into animal forms.   Thussers -   Thussers are a community of small faeries of both genders and their children who live in earthen mounds near the fjords of Norway . They tend to avoid humans, but they're not malicious. They love to dance, and are expert fiddlers who specialize in the folk music of Norway . Humans have seen their revels and tried to join in, but these shy little faeries flee when people approach.   Tiddy Ones -   These are usually groups of influential spirits, rather than individuals. They are generally helpful. They're often invoked to withdraw flood waters. However, if they are hurt, they throw tantrums and cast pestilence on cattle and children.   Tighe Faeries -   No one has ever seen a Tighe, pronounced "Tee or Teeg", but they are believed to be relatives of the Scottish house Browni and, like their Scottish cousins, they attach themselves to the service of one home. Tighes will go abroad in the night in pairs and take care of household tasks which were not accomplished during the day. They are especially careful of the fireplace and porch and get along well with animals, except for cats. If you have a cat, you will not have a Tighe Faery. They're very delicate of feeling, hate loud noises, and abhor any display of gratitude other than food offerings.   Tokolosh -   A South African faerie; Tokolosh is a sullen spirit who lives beside streams, throwing stones into the water on still nights. He is famous for frightening lone travelers, usually by jumping on a small animal or bird and strangling it so that the poor animal's cry alarms the traveler. He is described as being something like a baboon, but smaller and without a tail, and covered with black hair.   Tomtra -   The Tomtra is a Brownie with a somewhat less likeable disposition. He always appears as a male wearing a small green cap and brown clothing. The Tomtra, like the Scottish Brownie, adopts a human home as his own, but he demands a neat and orderly environment, which he will help maintain. If the people of his house are sloppy, he can torment them until they either mend their ways or until he gives up and moves on. The ground of his home must also be kept clean or this sprite will become disgusted and leave, taking all his good luck away with him. Thursday is their holy day, during which time they rest, treating it like a Sabbath. They work and play hard and feel they owe themselves one day a week. Even though he shares the bounty of you home, a Tomtra feels he must be paid for his assistance around the house and asks for warmth and food. He loves to look after horses, and he hates cheats and will not tolerate being treated stingily. Give him Yule gifts to keep him around. The Tomtra will steal hay and milk. He is an expert fiddler, though he is not known to entrap dancer. Dance with him without worry.   Tooth Faery -   She is a kindly faery who keeps a tooth collection. When a child looses a tooth, if he or she wraps it carefully in tissue, cloth, or in a special tooth pillow, she will come and collect it, leaving approximately a dollar per tooth.   Trolls -   Trolls vary in size, but they are larger than most faeries. They are hairy and bipedal, and some are quite grotesque. Trolls hate humans, animals, and other faeries. They've been best known as guardians of byways, though their help seems arbitrary and dubious. They're more like neighborhood bullies who decide upon a territory and then stake it out for the sheer meanness of doing so. Sometimes they do this all alone, but like all bullies they are really cowards who prefer to run in packs. They have little or no loyalty to these packs, and fighting among themselves is a frequent occurrence. One of their favorite pastimes is throwing rocks at other creatures, and they love to laugh for long periods of time for no reason at all. Other faeries and wild animals tend to avoid them if possible. Trolls are said to find humans ugly and are often more afraid of us and of our power than we are of them. But they are the "macho men" of the faery world and will not back away from a showdown.   Trows -   Trows, pronounced to rhyme with row, are squat, round, and misshapen faeries who have no legs, so they move about by rolling on their bulbous forms or by bouncing like rubber balls. They're not wicked, but love to prowl about in the night and move things around or hide things in odd places. They are completely nocturnal and sneak around at night moving things around just for the fun of aggravating humans.   Tuatha de Danann-   Pronounced "Too-ah day Thay-nan". They're trooping faeries, warrior-like in temperament, but fair and just. They're male, female, and children, and look exactly like humans only somewhat smaller. When the Milesians arrived to conquer the island, the Tuatha were driven underground into the faery burghs which they still inhabit. Hurling is a popular sport among them, one which was said to need human participation to be successful. They're also fond of chess, and much folk music of the island was said to be composed by them.   Twlwwyth Tegs -   Small anthropomorphic faeries of all ages and genders. They're trooping faeries and appear to be friendly towards humans, though they seem to want little to do with us. The name roughly translates as "fair family", and they live in family structures not unlike our own were several thousand years ago. The principal difference would be that the female Twlwwyth Tegs are equal to males in both stature and in their society. They live in clan groups which are determined by the eldest female member of the family, and the eldest male is the primary defender of the clan and its namesake. The Tegs' children mature at age one hundred and go off to live in small groups with other young people until they pick mates. They've been known to intermarry with other Welsh faeries, and their offspring are known as the Bendith y Maumau, the native elves of Wales . They are harmless unless you attempt to invade their islands, in which case they will try to defend themselves. These faeries love to garden, and their islands are said to be a paradise of flowers and foliage.   Tywyth Teg -   They're Welsh faeries. They like to kidnap children with long golden hair. They live underground or underwater. They dance and make faery rings. The faery maidens often marry humans willingly. They embellish those they favor with rich gifts, but if the gift are spoken of, they mysteriously disappear.   Uilebheist -   Faeries who appear as multiheaded sea monsters who guard the inlets and waters around the rocky coasts of the Shetland and Orkney Islands . They probably came to these remote islands with the Norse invaders. Island seamen often spoke of sea monsters off the coast of northern Scotland whose purpose seemed to be the protection of the islands rather than the destruction of sailors and ships.   Undines -   They appear like small seahorses with human faces. They are stern and yet playful, depending upon what they feel is their appropriate role at the time. They are also thought to have a somewhat seductive nature, though their very small size in relation to humans makes them little threat in that regard.   Unseelie Court -   The Unseelie Court, like the Seelie Court , has never actually been seen. Attempts by humans to describe them paint them as a massive dark cloud which rides upon the wind. They are thoroughly evil. The term Unseelie is most often said to mean "unblessed". Some Scottish legends say they were all once members of the Seelie Court who fell from Grace. The Court travels on the night winds from where their unnerving cackles and howls can be heard. They have no method of reproduction, so they enslave mortals whom they think would never be missed and carry them along to become one of them.   Urisks -   They're extremely ugly, so much so that they have been credited with actually frightening people to their deaths. They are wrinkled, hairy in patches, and emaciated; have duck feathers on their backs and necks; and are topped with huge, misshapen heads. Despite their appearance they are quite friendly and seem to crave human companionship. Urisks often used to seek out human company, but their ghastly appearance frightened all would-be companions away. For that reason we see very few nowadays. They will be glad to be helpful in almost any endeavor in exchange for brief company. They are known to be very intelligent and highly psychic.   Vasily -   Dwarf faeries that are both male and female, though there seem to be more males. They live in barns and make their beds in the hay. They shun human contact, so we have absolutely no knowledge of their feelings towards humans. Vasilys are the greatest horse lovers on any plane of existence. They care for horses at all times, and are especially tender to the ones who are elderly or ill. No human has been harmed by them, but it is believed that they could be quite mean to anyone who abuses their favorite animal.   Vilas -   Pronounced "Vee-lahs"; they're female faeries, mistresses of the forest, and are so beautiful that once they are seen by human males, they are longed after forever. They don't like to get involved with humans, but they have rescued them Alpine disasters by guiding rescue teams and dogs.   Virikas -   Never more than eighteen inches tall, these unpleasant spectral entities can be recognized by their flaming red color and their horribly pointed, bloodstained teeth. They gather outside the homes of men soon to die and jabber excitedly. To prevent this, people can erect a small shrine in their honor and burn daily gifts of flowers and spices for them.   Vodianoy -   Pronounced "Voe'd-ee'ah-noi". They're small male faeries who have green hair and are bloated and wet as if recently drowned. They're completely nocturnal, and are dangerous, bringing sickness to humans, especially sicknesses associated with polluted water such as cholera.   Wag-by-the-Way -   The Wag-by-the-Way got his name because he used to guard the byways of the Lowlands for the noble families of Scotland . He has a long, cat-like tail which wags when he is irritated or angry. He is an extra small-sized dwarf faery usually covered in cinders. Only males have been reported. The Wag is generally friendly. This Scottish boarder sprite is similar to the Scottish house Brownie. He adopts a home where he is most domestic and friendly, almost like a family pet. He is intensely loyal to his family, but tends to throw things at visitors. They are always cold and love to get as close to fire as possible. For reasons unknown, the Wags are almost a vanished race, and there are very few left now.   Water Leaper -   The Water Leaper looks like a small bat bouncing along the surface of the Irish Sea . They are quite vicious and have been credited with killing humans. They mostly prey on fishermen, whom they lure into rocks or coerce overboard to drown.   Well Spirits -   Well Sprites are water sprites and well guardians who are very sympathetic to human needs, but asking their help often carries a huge price. They are superb shape shifters who usually take the form of human beings whose bodies they envy, and are then dangerously beautiful.   Wichtln -   Pronounced "Veech-l'n"; they look like very tiny elves all dressed in brown fur coats. Their bodies are very bulbous and their arms and legs are much too long for their bodies. Their mischievous nature borders on downright meanness. Some persons who are acquainted with them claim that they never sleep. While this is probably a gross exaggeration, these elves are tireless in their pursuit of fun, which is always at the expense of some unsuspecting human being or animal. Like the Scottish Brownie they adopt a human home and can do many of the household tasks and will gladly guard and protect their home, but most people feel that putting up with their poltergeist nature is just not worth it. Some of their favorite pranks are pinching, tripping, letting livestock loose, causing spills, and moving things about. Wichtlns love gifts, and such displays of affection will keep them in your home and generally keep them placated.   Wilde Frauen -   Pronounced "Veel-duh Frow-in". It literally means "wild women", and they are the female wood sprites of the Germanic and Scandinavian forests. They stand about three feet high and represent all the ages of women from childhood through old age. Wild in this context does not describe their temperament any more that it does that of any other wood faery. Wild in this case refers to their living conditions among the roots of the oldest trees in the deepest part of the forests. They're seen year round, but fewer have been seen in this century due in part to the diminishing of untouched forest lands. They dress seasonally and will always be found wearing the flora, foliage, and colors of the current season.   Will-O'-the-Wisp -   The Will-O'-the-Wisp appears as a collection of flickering, wavering, glowing lights low to the ground near marshes, meadows, and grassy hillocks. They are most easily seen an hour or so after sundown. These golden lights which are seen glittering enticingly in the distance have never been explained by science.   Yakshas -   Benevolent nature spirits; they are the guardians of treasures hidden in the earth and the roots of trees. Their ruler is Kubera, who lives on a mountain in the Himalayas . They are deities of cities, districts, lakes, and wells, and are thought to have originated from a cult of ancient Dravidians.   Yann-An-Od -   He appears as a kindly old shepherd complete with long robe, shepard's staff, and long white beard. Little is known about his feelings towards humans because he tends to fade from view when approached. Yann-An-Od is actually the name of a faery king who guards flocks of sheep. He is a one-of-a-kind, and one has to wonder where his legions are if he is a king.   Yumboes -   Located on Goree Island , south of the Cape Verde Peninsula in Senegal , West Africa . They are two feet tall with pearly skin and silver hair. They are also called the "Bakhna Rakhna" which translates to "The Good People." They enjoy dancing and feasting by moonlight and live in magnificent subterranean dwellings in the Paps, groups of hills about three miles from the coast. Guests to their homes report lavishly decorated tables and servants invisible except for their hands and feet. They like to eat fish.   Yeti -   Pronounced "Yet-ee"; it's a large, bipedal, hairy creature of light brown or white fur who is occasionally sighted throughout east Asia and North America . Rather gorilla-like in appearance, he tends to run away from humans.   Zips -   Pronounced "Seeps"; they're thin male faeries of very small size who wear tiny helmets and carry tiny speaks. For all their fierce and battle-ready appearance, they are very shy and have always avoided people. The Zips' sole function is to protect and care for deer, especially stags.
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