NereidLykandos1 Organization in Solus Dynasty | World Anvil
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NereidLykandos1 (Near - idd- lie - con - dose)

The Royal Heads and Crowned Head(s) of The Kingdom of Nereid Lykandos reside in the SiTara Region. They Rein over the 5 remaining Regions within the Kingdom

  The Floating Island of SiTara has long been a mystery to surrounding Regions and Kingdoms in Tir Na Nog. One's view from Wynter's Castle, might not be able to see all the way down, to the other Regions, as it is covered in thick clouds that pass by.


TIr Na Nog's Monarch rulership lies within the Kingdom of NereidLykandos.

King Lux Paxton and Queen Wryn Paxton are the Royal Heads of this Kingdom, and thus the Royal Heads of the entire Realm of Tir Na Nog (currently). Because the Astral Realm of Akasha has not yet established Tir Na Nog, it is not qualified (yet) to be considered an Empire.
Within the Realm of Tir Na Nog, there are 7 (seven) Kingdoms - NLK is the Head of the Astral Realm of Tir Na Nog.
There are 6 (six) Regions inside NLK. The Capital Region, of this Kingdom, SiTara, is where the Royal and Crowned Heads reside.
Each of the 5 (five) Regions, within NereidLykandos, is ruled by a Phylarch.
The Capital Region, SiTara, contains the following, within Capital the Region -
1. 4 (four) Mines
2. 3 (three) Farms
3. 1 (one) Carcer (Dungeon)
4. 1 (one) Hunting Ground
5. 1 (one) Fiscus (Treasury)
6. 1 (one) Bibliotheca (Library)
7. 1 (one) Academia (Academy, not for Children)
8. 1 (one) Militaris (Military Base)
9. 4 (four) Basic Market Stalls: Located in all 3 (three) Markets - Underground, Region, and Kingdom.
a. a Macello (Butcher's Stall)
b. a Pistrina (Bakery Stall)
c. an Apotheca (Apothecary Stall)
d. an Armamentarium (Armory and Blacksmith Stall).
These are run mostly from Hostel workers and NPCs.
Each Phylarch will deligate the correct Titles to those within their Region.
The following Titles are those under the Regional Phylarch's rule:
Ridiri -
Faction Knights
Each Region within the Kingdom was initially given five (5) Rigeard, to stand in the place of the Phylarch's Regional Militia. As time passed, the Phylarch replaced these Rigeard with their own, and renamed them Ridiri. The Ridiri are almost as fierce as the Rigeard, in regards to the Region they live to serve and protect.
Faction Teacher
The graduated Masters of RVA have come home and dedicated their lives to teaching the young and old of their Region. Muinteoir are the specific teachers within each of the Regions. Leading Classes at the local Ludi Litterarii (Region School), the Muinteoir live within the Region, but often time, nearer to the school than other Residents.
Faction Managers
The Riathoir are the Faction Clerks. These characters are only two (2) per Region; the Officer and the Fardel. These positions were once filled by the Scholars of RVA but have, since being retired, passed down their Family Names with this Rank. The children of once renown Scholars have grown to inherit their parent's talent for giving value to and managing monetary items within the NLK. They have become the trusted advisors to each of their Regions Phylarchs by right of Education and Knowledge in their Fields of Study at RVA. Riathoir study the Kingdom's Fiscus and anything related to the overall monetary gains of its Citizens.
Faction Managers
Leaders in their "Field of Study" at their local Ludi Litterarii, Bainisteoir often take their knowledge beyond expectation by furthering their studies at the RVA, however, it is never required for them to earn this Rank. Bainisteoir, also called Faction Managers, work closely with the Riathoir (Faction Clerks) by overseeing and managing the Factions Markets and Factories as well as the Farms, Mines and Hunting Grounds belonging to the Faction they reside in.
Region Resident
Regions Residents who obtain one (1) or more, of the following, can qualify to advance to this Rank:
1. Character has a job.
2. Character is a student in either the Ludi Litterarii (Region school) or RVA (Royal Volsung Academy).
3. Character owns their own Stall, within the Region they reside.
This Rank can be earned by becoming a Citizen of NLK, naming your character's Region of Residence, collecting sufficient Experience Points, and becoming an active member within your Region by participating in one (1), or more, of the three (3) qualifiers above.
Children who begin their journey in this Kingdom, either adopted or conceived and living in an Established Home of an Adult (Plebeian or higher), automatically receive this Rank. Just like Luch, Paiste are considered precious to the growth and continuity of the entire Realm of Tir Na Nog and therefore are guarded by Citizens of NLK. Children are often given Chores and are required to attend their local Ludi Litterarii (Regions School) until they "Come of Age" (16+ irl) to earn the Rank of Adult Francach or higher. While under the care of their biological or adoptive parent(s), each Paiste is expected to respect and obey those with higher Ranks and Titles and their ultimate goal should be to not ever tarnish their Kingdom, Region, and/or Family Name.

The following Titles are those under the Kingdom's Royal Heads rule:

The King and Queens Royal High Advisor
Also known as the Áes dána or Tuatha Dé Danann, the ancestral gods of Ireland, the Aois-Dana is the Rank/Title given to the King and Queens Royal High Advisor.
The KingsGuards
The Rigeard, pronounced Ri-geard, are the KingsGuards men. There are a total of ten (10) that sit at this position, as very few are able to defend the Royal Heads and Crowned Head(s) with such passion and devotion. These creatures have given up every other aspect of their lives, for the service of the Royals of the Kingdom of NereidLykandos; swearing oaths of loyalty, honesty, trust, love, and honor to them for eternity.
Royal Volgus Academy Professor
After becoming Scholars themselves, the Ollamh went to the highest mountain in UnEnding Agony and lived in solitude for five (5) years each, in a small house, atop it's peak. The Region of UnEnding Agony was in shambles after the Battle of Dagda was won by the Royals and although there were Dark Fae still acting on orders given by the fallen dictator, after they left the area locals began calling the house on the peak, the Cabin of Solitude. To this day, graduates from RVA visit the Cabin of Solitude to collect their thoughts, before returning home or creating their anew.
Hall of Shadows Priest
Each Deity has a specific following dedicated to them. 9 (nine) Deities means 9 (nine) Sagart. They live in a monastery under the Hall of Shadows so that they may attend the Tomb and live under it's constant guardianship. Sagart are mostly creatures of the night, and do not travel in daylight, although some are considered Light Fae themselves. This is because they take with them knowledge and powers within each travel that other creatures across the land may/have attempt to steal. These Sagart are known to be shapeshifters that take the appearance of simple Plebeians or Francach (and even the Paiste and Luch), in order to thwart or divert creatures, so that they may travel to different Regions in peace, spreading the knowledge of their represented Deity.
Region Ruler/Faction Leader
The Phylarch are the rulers of the five (5) Regions below SiTara. These five (5) Creatures have earned their Rank/Title by fighting, in the name of the great Kingdom of NereidLykandos, Fae who insisted on continuing the orders and dictatorship of their fallen leader, Dagda within the Regions across the Land. After taking back the rule of the Region, these Phylarch were then sent to the Royal Volgus Academy, to obtain their Scholarships. Afterwards, they were given rulership and management over the Region they fought for.
Adult Residents of NLK
These are the Citizens of NLK who have not become residents of a specific Region outside of SiTara, yet. They are either too poor, uneducated, homeless, and/or lazy to become active Citizens (members) within any of the other five (5) Regions. This is why the Francach can be found living in the Hostels of the SiTara Capital. They are known to be dirty peasants and are oft-times looked down upon by the higher Ranks. They beg, for Gold and Wares in the streets during the day, or on "Kingdom Open Market" days and some are even thieves. They are rarely seen closer to the Castle unless specifically invited. They live off a monthly Personal Stipend, given by the Royals of NLK, known as a "Francach Stipend".
Street Mouse
These are the choreless, orphans of NLK. They reside in Grelda's orphanage, in the Royal Capital Region of SiTara, in the Kingdom of NereidLykandos. These children are often seen being picked on by the Paiste from other Regions of NLK, during "Open Kingdom Market days". They oft-times beg for Gold and Wares that are not allowed for the Resident Children of the Orphanage, and if caught, the giver could receive penalties for aiding in the Luch receiving forbidden Wares and/or Gold. Because even the Luch are considered valuable to the Kingdom's growth and continuity, they too are guarded by all Citizens, to an extent, and sometimes thrown a coin or two out of pity. Although they are fed at the Kingdom Orphanage, it is oft-times, left-over scraps from the Royal Castle, up the road. This causes them to beg in the Hostel streets when they are thrown out of the Orphanage and told not to return until the Sun sets. They will also beg in the Kingdom Market area, since they cannot work and have no chores, nor allowance given by Grelda (the NPC Orphanage's Head Mistress). It is not a happy life to begin, but it is a life, nonetheless.
These are the choreless, orphans of NLK. They reside in Grelda's orphanage, in the Royal Capital Region of SiTara, in the Kingdom of NereidLykandos. These children are often seen being picked on by the Paiste from other Regions of NLK, during "Open Kingdom Market days". They oft-times beg for Gold and Wares that are not allowed for the Resident Children of the Orphanage, and if caught, the giver could receive penalties for aiding in the Luch receiving forbidden Wares and/or Gold. Because even the Luch are considered valuable to the Kingdom's growth and continuity, they too are guarded by all Citizens, to an extent, and sometimes thrown a coin or two out of pity. Although they are fed at the Kingdom Orphanage, it is oft-times, left-over scraps from the Royal Castle, up the road. This causes them to beg in the Hostel streets when they are thrown out of the Orphanage and told not to return until the Sun sets. They will also beg in the Kingdom Market area, since they cannot work and have no chores, nor allowance given by Grelda (the NPC Orphanage's Head Mistress). It is not a happy life to begin, but it is a life, nonetheless.


The Kingdom's Fiscus is governed by the Royal Heads (after being reported to and managed by the Crowned head(s))

The Crowned Head(s) are appointed (selectively) to govern the assets and finances of the Factions. This includes all businesses, as well as each individual member in the Faction.

The Crowned Head(s) will keep a history (or report) of every Faction's Fiscus, ensuring that this is kept updated monthly.

It is the responsibility of the each Phylarch, to turn their Faction's Fiscus Report, to the Crowned Head(s). Faction Fiscus Reports are due, no later than, the day before the 1st of each month. If they do not show a change, the Faction's Fiscus will be the Faction's true Fiscus. Turning in false information could lead the Phylarch to disciplinary actions being taken against them. It is the responsibility of the Phylarch to include accurate information in their monthly Fiscus Reports.


After the Battle of Dagda, Lux and Wren were honored for their bravery and success in triumphing over the tyrannical, Dark Fae, Dagda, and bringing peace and order back to Tir Na Nog. They were inaugurated as King and Queen and given regime over the Kingdom of Nereid Lykandos.

This is the Largest, of 7 Kingdoms, within the Realm of Tir Na Nog. Soon after establishment, the couple announced to the Kingdom, the arrival of the first Crowned Head.


The Kingdom's Royal and Crowned Heads reside in the SiTara Region

The Floating Islands of SiTara are spread out above the remainder of the Kingdom of Nereid Lykandos and overlook the remaining 5 Regions, within the Kingdom.
NLK Royals reign over all 6 Regions within the NereidLykandos Kingdom.
Although they are considered the Head of Realm, their governmental structures and policies vary from other Kingdom. This is because each Kingdom is considered separate (like our RL Countries of the World). NLK rules over NLK only.


The Militaris is located in East SiTara.


Ranks within the Kingdom Militaris -

  • Strategos:
King Lux Paxton
  • Phylarchs:
(Faction Leaders)
  • Officers:
(Faction Officers)
  • Soldiers:
(Faction Officers)

Agriculture & Industry

The Kingdom of Nereid Lykandos includes the following agricultural industries

  • Farm -
The Kingdom Farm yields every crop listed below.
Flour: Eikorn   Rice: Barley   Herb: Marijuana   Dry Ingredient: Saccharomyces Cerevisiae (yeast)   Wet Ingredient: Vanilla Extract   Bean: Edamame   Nut: Hazelnut   Vegetable: Humulus Lupulus (hops plant)   Fruit: Grapes   Berry: Cloudberry
  • Meat -
Meats are obtained through the Regional Market and the Kingdom's Hunting Grounds.
Fish: Kelpie   White Meat: Peryton, Alicanto, Human   Red Meat: Rompo, Dragon
Fishable: Kelpie   Trap: Rompo, Alicanto   Hunt: Peryton, Human, Dragon
  • Mine -
All Mine deposits are listed below. The Kingdom's Surface Mine collects both Ethanol and Adventurine.
Metal: Nickle   Gem: Ruby   Stone: Adventurine   Ceramic Base: Alabaster   Fuel: Ethanol
Underground - Ruby   Surface - Ethanol, Adventurine   Placer - Nickle   In-situ - Alabaster

Trade & Transport

Raw Resources and Created Wares are moved in and out of the Kingdom through the Regional Markets, Faction Markets and sometime, very rarely, through the Underground Market.

The Regional Market is located directly outside the Kingdom's Castle walls, on an open-field system. Under the Region of Sitara's open-field system, the Kingdom has four large fields, several hundred square kilometres each. Each section of field is divided into Squares, where 3 fields are Selions (fields used for growing crops) where (NPC) serfs are often seen working; and the fourth field is left for the Regional Markets (opened Once per week to the Faction Markets). The Regional Markets dates and times will be posted on the Kingdom Calendar (on the Kingdom's Shivtr website), typically a week in advance.


NLK holds the only Academia (Academy) in the entire Kingdom.

The Royal Volsung Academy hosts many classes, many of which (some) are required for members - in order to excel in their Rank or Role or to be able to participate in certain activities, such as; Individual Duels and Regional Wars. Some classes are to help with the advancement of a member's RolePlay, even. Advanced classes are even available for Phylarchs, Officers and Soldiers, on how to grow their Faction.
These classes are not for Children in the Kingdom. The Children (and all new members) will attend the Ludi Litterarii (located in West SiTara).

Classes for the RVA, will be posted on the NLK Calendar (on the Kingdom's Shivtr website), typically a week in advance.

The Regions are;

  • Gehenna Paradise
(Desert Region)  
  • Fortunate Isle
(Island Region)  
  • UnEnding Agony
(Mountain Region)  
  • Woodlands
(Forest Region)  
  • Blizzard Hills
(Arctic Region)
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Family Leader
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Palace economy
Gold Coins
Major Exports
Raw, Rare, and Created Wares, coming from NLK's Kingdom Market itself, are in high demand amongst the creatures who inhabit the remaining 6 Kingdoms within the Realm, as well as the other Regions in NLK specifically. There is nowhere else in the 7 Kingdoms, that the Raw Resources and Created Wares - specific to this Kingdom - could be cultivated, mined, created or found; anywhere else in Tir Na Nog; thus making their Regions produce highly sought after commodities.
Major Imports
Imports into NLK, as a whole - needed in order to assure the survival and growth of the Kingdom - comes from other Kingdoms within TNN. Each Region within NLK is able to self-sustain, with the Raw Resources provided within the Region itself, however the Kingdom Markets provide Resources not obtained through the Region/Faction Resource Sites. Each NLK Region is specific to the creatures, vegetation and climate that encompasses them.
Legislative Body

The Kingdom's Royal Heads write the NLK Laws and lay out the punishments while the Crowned Head(s) and Aios-Dana regulate the legal functions of the Kingdom.

Judicial Body

The Crowned Head(s)

are responsible for enforcing the Kingdom's Laws and Judging in cases of Faction Crimes appealed within the Factions and sent to the Kingdom Courts, as well as crimes committed against the Kingdom itself, that go against the Kingdom Laws. They are to regulate Faction and Kingdom Taxes (Property and otherwise) and policies regarding the Incomes and Outcomes rendered within the entire Kingdom. Their Duty is to ensure the continued growth and continuance of commerce throughout the entire Kingdom.

The Royal Heads

are responsible for creating the Kingdom Laws as well as punishing violators of the Kingdom and Faction (when applicable) Laws. The NLK Laws are created for the entire Kingdom of NereidLykandos, regardless of Region, to obey. Region/Faction Laws will never over-ride Kingdom Laws, but may detail them in their own Laws and will enforce them within their Regions. The Royal Heads retain all rights as Absolute Power, within the Kingdom of NereidLykandos.
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species

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