In the Name of Jorin Thornbourgh! Plot in Solus Dynasty | World Anvil
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In the Name of Jorin Thornbourgh!

Written by Trīviri

Thornbourgh Revenge

As you begin climbing up a path on the side of the mountain, you can't help but remember the whispers heard within Nimrod's Tavern & Inn - regarding Jorin, Grelda, and their seven sons.
Directly in the prime of her life, Grelda had borne 7 sons with her loyal husband, Jorin. Though Jorin was the elected Phylarch of UnEnding Agony, both he and his wife were nothing more than a simple miners family that raised all seven of their sons in the trade. Unfortunately, when Dagda began his rein over Tir Na Nog, he demanded the extraction of specific Raw Wares, to increase the Essence Powers of his lorg mór, coire ansic, and uaithne. Because the extractions were not done in a sustainable manner, extracted Raw Wares and their removal caused changes that resulted in soil and nutrient removal from the mining areas. Mines began to collapse, all over UnEnding Agony - prior to the Battle - and this caused Jorin to question his family’s position in the upcoming Battle. He voiced his concerns with Grelda, only to be shot down by her notion that King Dagda needed the Essence in order to defeat his enemies, who were already headed towards them. All but one of their sons agreed with her. Baja, the youngest of their children, was on the side of his father, and spoke up only briefly, to declare, he felt that Dagda was a tyrant and only used the Essence for his own selfish gains. He was laughed at and dismissed by his older brothers - who told him that perhaps when the enemy arrived, he should be under the Ludi Litterarri with the women and children, instead.
Word soon traveled, that the King’s enemies were drawing nearer. All 7 sons, and their father, began preparing and Grelda was sent to hide under the Region’s Ludi Litterarri, with the other women and children of the Region. Jorin gripped his sword tightly, for he knew not what to expect, as he inched his way around the backside of the Great Hall. Suddenly, as his blade tipped around the corner, another sword clanked against the top of his, pushing it towards the ground and knocking him back a bit. Off-guard, Jorin stumbled but before he was able to look up at his opponent, their sword clanked against his, once again. He fell back onto his rear and lifts his sword just as he is able to see the face of Dagda’s General, staring back at him. His block failed and the General’s sword swung across his neck, slicing it from one end to the other, in a single, swift motion. Jorin grasped his neck with both hands, sword dropping to the ground, as blood sprayed outward. The General laughed to himself and wiped his bloody blade off on Jorin’s face before walking away, sheathing it.   The General found Man’Uk - the eldest son - next. His death was more demoralizing and torturous in nature, than Jorin's. Although alive when his brothers found him, the General had already removed the skin from the young boy's entire face, including eyelids. Every finger and toe had been cut off. His tongue and his heels had also been removed and even the skin from his back was fileted - leaving the skin to fall around the sides like drapes from a window. The barren carcass revealed Man’Uk's missing rib bones. The General had left the fierce warrior to bleed out, but his brothers found him just before he took his last breath. Once dead and not knowing what else to do, they took their brother's body to their mother. She buried him under an apple tree near their house, where he remains - unable to ever tell them who his real killer was. With heart-ache in her eyes, Grelda sent her remaining 6 sons back out - to wait - for the enemies of Dagda; and exact the Thornbourgh Revenge.

Seven Son's Minus One

Twisting up the snow-covered, rocky, dirt path, you continue following along the edge of the Mountain. Your thoughts glide over the Quest you have embarked on and how each of the Thornbourgh brothers are connected to it. Each of Jorin and Grelda's seven sons were known for their specific crafts and talents. While some chose physical attributes, others relied on Essence collections from Chants, Potions, and some of them even loved playing games with their victims.
Born the twin of Rynu, and older by a mere 2 minutes, Neamigha- the third to youngest - was always getting into trouble. He would often break things, just to see if he could put them back together. Although most times, he failed - sometimes - he would succeed. For the objects he was not able to reassemble, he scrapped and used the parts to build his own weapons. Neamigha was an inventor and wanted more than anything to be a renowned weapons designer. He designed weapons that went beyond the typical. While he sold most of his work to collectors in the Realm, he sometimes would keep his best creations for himself. Neamigha’s favorite weapon was his tri-blade, hinged great sword. While the hilt remained singular, the blade itself had a dual-sided axe blade mounted to each side, via an iron pin hinge. As he swung the blade from side to side, they would twist around the main blade.
Younger, but much bigger - in both height and weight - than his twin brother Neamigha, Rynu was more of a laborer than any of his brothers, including Man’Uk. He often countered jokes about his weight, quickly - though nicknamed Twinkle Toes, by his older brothers - on account of his clumsily, large stature. While they mocked his comparatively obese appearance, he was, the strongest, by far. With one swing of his fist, he was able to crumble the iron ores collected from the mine shafts. His father, Jorin, was very proud of him and he was often favored over the others, because of his dedication. Although Rynu weighs in at a whopping 750 lbs., he stands just over ten feet, making him quite proportional. Although he appears even more enormous with full battle gear on, Rynu is surprisingly quick.
Baja - the youngest - is the thinnest of the brothers. But don’t let that fool you into thinking he isn’t just as dangerous as any of the others. While the majority of his brothers were focused more on labor-designed tasks and chores, Baja concentrated on Essence building with his Potions. Although considered lanky in appearance, Baja's Potions can render his victims speechless and motionless, literally. Baja has perfected a specific Potion, he calls Paralesist of which he dips the tips of his arrows into. Like a monkey - swinging through veins in a forest - Baja is known to bounce off the walls in the Court Yard. What he lacks in melee, he more than makes up for with his agility and accuracy in archery.
Command over physical objects made Berrik quickly the eye of Grelda's eyes. Because of the beauty found in his songs, his Chants seemed more powerful, when sung. Berrik's Chants were practiced daily, in order to help his mother and father around - not only the home but the family mining trade as well. Berrik was the fourth brother from the youngest, making him the middle child, growing up. Right in the middle of the two sets of brothers meant he usually played alone. He became withdrawn and quiet until he hit puberty and realized he had a fondness for riddles. To get his brothers to play with him, he would tell them a Riddle. If they answered it correctly, they were given a positive reaction (Positive Chant), if they answered incorrectly, or didn't answer at all, they were given a negative reaction (Negative Chant). It wasn't long before they learned to include him in play.
Since Jorin and Man’Uk's deaths, Yamiq could not focus much and decided to retire into the Rare books found throughout the Kingdom. He focused his daily chores around the characters within the pages he read, often thinking of himself as a hero and the animals as his allies. Not long after his father and brother's deaths did he come to realize his Soul Essence was Air. A day in history that all of Nimrod's Tavern and Inn would talk about - Yamiq had found his way to the Kingdom Tavern to escape his share of chores. He had made his way into the corner, by a fireplace, ordered himself a Dirty Phylarch, and settled in to read his book. He had just gotten to the part where Atticus - a character from his book - pulled his Soul toward the center of the ice sculpture - when out of nowhere a tiny squirrel crawled up the leg of Yamiq's trousers. Immersed in his story, Yamiq yells out - in reaction to the squirrel - "Nent gelida caeli!" ("Spin frozen air") while grabbing at the rodent, then at his knee cap. No one was clear on what exactly happened to the squirrel, but some have claimed that it froze to his knee, causing the joint to lock in a bent position permanently and leaving the frozen remnants of the creature burned to his skin. Whatever did happen, resulted in Yamiq losing mobility in his left knee. It remains frozen in the same position, causing him to use a make-shift, wooden staff, as a crutch to lean upon and walk. While he refuses to talk about the incident that caused him to shift his trade from mining to altering a creature's abilities by use of Spells, it is rumored to be a subject he is sensitive about. Yamiq now stays near the UA's Region Hub and guards the Stables. By enchanting live creatures, Yamiq found he was able to do twice as much work as before, so he could return to his storybooks.
After Jorin's death, Tridis expected that Man'Uk would take over as Phylarch - since the honor had been passed down through electoral votes for centuries before. However, all the responsibilities became clearly centered on Tridis, the day he found his older brother - moments from his final breath. Tridis had never in his life felt so much pressure. As a child, he would often compete with Man'Uk, forming a common sibling rivalry that ended at Man'Uk's last breath. Never again could he complain about not being first, or not being given bigger responsibilities and rewards. This fell heavy on Tridis's shoulders and he allowed his anger for Dagda's enemies to consume him. As the new Phylarch for the UnEnding Agony Region, he carried a leather whip with razors attached to the end of the weighted braid. He was witnessed to use this weapon of choice on the Daor but would snap it on others - if they dare to object to his commands. He has since, let the crown of Phylarchy power get to his head and with no guidance from elders in his family, he feels justified in his recourses. Staying, what he would deem - Protector over the Region his father and brother died trying to protect, Tridis has a raspy yet deep, thunderous voice. He stands six foot even and weighs only two hundred and five pounds - soaking wet. He is loud and his volume often distracts people from understanding his words. He comes off as overbearing, loud, and highly aggressive.

Blessed Mother

Colder winds began to pick up from the West, pushing against you as you trail up the mountain's side. Flurries of hardened snowflakes dance around the stones at your feet. With such a quiet surrounding, you can't help but stop for a moment and look around. Absorbing the scenery through all of your senses, you attempt to close your eyes while you catch your breath. The air around you feels dry and slices through any bare skin, like freshly sharpened blade through paper. As Numbing as it soon becomes, you need to press on. Further up, you can see the lights of the UnEnding Agony Hub flickering in the rocky shadows. Although the sun appears to match your distance up the mountain, the heat it radiates doesn't even begin to warm you. You turn, opening your eyes to the wonderous land that lays before you.
Of all the places in the Realm you could be, you find this Region much more suited to your liking. Although the cold air from Blizzard Hills sends the Arctic chills up the mountain and your spine, you are reminded of the feel of fur against your skin and it somehow brings you comfort. Just ahead, on the path you tread, settled amongst the larger, snow-covered rocks - you spot what appears to be an abandoned campsite. As you head towards it, thoughts of a home-cooked meal float into your mind. You begin salivating as your favorite dish comes to mind. You can even picture a familiar female, serving you - with loving eyes.
Grelda had reached the stout age of 782 in Tirna years. Although life had been rough for her, she decided at a young age not to let it slow her down. Her mother and father were devout Seelie Court members. However, her Coming of Age Ceremony shocked not just her family, but all Seelie Court members present. Instead of following her parent's Court, she had - then recently - fallen into more shameful behaviors by consorting with a rival from the UnSeelie Courts. Within her Age Declaration Speech, she pronounced herself UnSeelie and from the second it left her lips she felt cursed. Grelda's willful change in Courts caused her family to cast her from the family home. But, this tragic tale of Namord and Grelda, turned even more sour when her consort refused her. Grelda felt shunned by both sides of the Courts, but it was too late - her Court had been declared.
Grelda was an outspoken sprite, full of energy, and Essence dripping from her skin. She had never known the sadness that would consume the next century of her life. One hundred Tirna years paved the foundation of her outspoken and often vulgar demeanor. Grelda traveled the Realm of Tir Na Nog, prior to Dagda's rule, visiting Kingdoms that were unclaimed. She learned so much about life in the Astral Realm that it was no surprise when she finally caught the eyes of a wealthy, UnSeelie miner named Jorin Thornbourgh. Jorin was enamored by Grelda, from the second he laid eyes on her. Although his family urged him to marry a woman of more prominant decent, Jorin couldn't help himself. To this day, the older patrons of Nimrod's Tavern & Inn speak of the love in both their eyes when they looked upon each other. "Her voice was like honey dripping from the tongue", he would say of her as he hung onto her every word. She would often reply with a quirky retort like, "Tis easy for the flower to open her petals to such a loving and gentle bee." Jorin had no idea of the horrors that she attended throughout their Realm - prior to meeting him - nor did her traumas frighten him in any capacity. If anything, he felt urged to protect her, as if it were the last wish of long forgotten Akashans.
Weeks following their matramonious union, the couple announced their first pregnancy. While Jorin was elated, Grelda suffered from post mortem depression. She was assigned a wet nurse to tend to Man'Uk, and it wasn't long after his birth that the couple announced the coming of their second child, Tridis. The wet nurse was excited to help with both boys, while Grelda recovered. Within the first few years of their second child's birth, they announced a third was on the way. Yamiq, Grelda and Jorin's third son, brought his wife much happiness and brought her back to the happiness she thought was once gone forever. The couple went at it like rabbits when they were first wed - but old drunks from Nimrod's claim that the spark from their nuptials never dwindled - even after their fourth son, Berrik's, birth. Evidence of this is seen in the set of twins they later conceived - Neamigha and Rynu - and then lastly - their son Baja. Seven children in total centered Grelda and Jorin's life, and they felt the passion of their youth return. All those years she had spent building up tolerances, finally paid off. She was able to focus her strengths on something positive, for once, by teaching her sons. Jorin was proud to claim her as his, and boasted about having the best of all women, to anyone leanding an ear. Soon enough, she was teaching all the Region's children. The UA Ludi Litterarri was soon named after her sons, "Thornbourgh Schola" through their excellence in academic achievements that benefitted the Region's residents. She was a pioneer in the world of educators and although pain and torment had been a part of her history, a small glimmer of happiness could still be seen, dancing in her eyes as she watched young children at play. Tis an understatement to say - she is truly a Blessed Mother.



The skyline is dominated by a majestic series of dark blue and grey, craggy mountains. The North and East sides of the Region are closed off by sharp, steep rocks that fall straight down, into the surrounding ocean. When the sun slowly peeps over the range of mountains, birds ruffle feathers, shaking the morning dew off before giving a beautiful song to lift even the most sorrowful spirits. A light fog wraps around the mountain top like a halo, reaching to touch every bit of life thriving in the peaks. The slight chill in the air is enough to give a gentle shiver, but not near the Desert air that pushes from the South. A breeze tickles the branches of a few naked trees, making them shake and sway, knocking snow off, like children. Sunlight has disappeared past the thick canopy of rocks and stones that outline the horizon. The further you progress, the colder it seems to get.



Grelda's Side Quest

This is a Side Quest and is considered optional. Should you do as the details instruct, you will be granted higher rewards, upon your return to SiTara. Should you decide to not embark on this Side Quest, Grelda will automatically be escorted back to SiTara, by NPC characters, outside of your specific character's storyline. She will continue with her storyline, and become the Head of Blessed Mother Orphanage, regardless of your decision - however, the added reward will be well worth the effort put forth in returning her, safely, yourself. You are not allowed to sub the character you wish to be rewarded with Phylarchy over UnEnding Agony, in any of the Battles within the Main Quest, or any Side Quests.

With age, beauty fades - and wisdom grows

Through seven centuries, Grelda had maintained her wits of iron. Jorin and Man'Uk's deaths, however, taught her a valuable lesson, but it also contributed to a small break in her memory. This break soon spider-webbed outward and poor Grelda began losing track of the time she lived in. Although every memory lay intact, she often called her remaining son's by their father or eldest brother's name. She would be caught off guard when reminded that she wasn't talking to them, and snap back with, "I KNOW THAT!"
This slowly expanding shatter of time, brought her back to a sudden realization that her first, true, real love's were gone. Her depression began to take over, and Grelda was often seen just staring off into space. Words didn't leave her memory. Nor did they leave her tongue and she maintained her ability to teach the Region's Region, even after Tridis was elected Phylarch of UnEnding Agony. She was as happy as an UnSeelie, old woman, could be.
Grelda was always faithful to her Court of choice, however internally, it didn't matter to her who reined, as long as they left her and her family alone. She tended to side with Dagda, regardless of the stories that were rumored about his tyranical demands of the Kingdom's Citizens. She often made excuses for his behaviors, just as she would, were he as close to her as a brother. Her sons would sometimes tease her about being given away at birth and being his long lost sister. Ideas and rumors, from Nimrod's, are sometimes told of how - at that time - older females, born of the new "Gods", were often killed so that an older, male heir, could rein. They whispered of how, such a story, might have even been true, though none could actually verify.
Truth be told - Grelda had come from a very poor Seelie Court family. Her mother, father, and seventeen siblings were farmers, and resided in the Woodlands. Their homestead was large, and produced the majority of crops for the Region, back when Grelda was just a small child. They filled the Stalls on Market days and although they sold a great majority of their produce, they barely broke even when the end of the month rolled around. Grelda was the third eldest daughter, of the Maphorn Family. Since she declared herself UnSeelie Court, her family slowly began to disipate from the Region. First, the youngest two daughers were married off, to creatures from other Regions and Kingdoms within the Realm. Then the second to eldest child, her eldest sister - decided to run off with a married creature from the Shadow Court, prompting her sister, just two years her younger, to declare Shadow Court at her Coming of Age Ceramony. Grelda's second to eldest sister, arranged for the two youngest sisters to be married off, while she herself carried on a secret love affair with their eldest brother, Micha - until he passed away from an poison related, hunting accident. She then attempted to focus her attention on the second eldest brother, Feris. Feris was already in love with a beautiful Fae by the name of Ma'Makuna. This angered Afta, the sister, and she killed Feris and Ma'Makuna in a jealous rage. Over the years, she slowly killed off the remainder of brothers - who had rejected her - until fixating on the remaining two, who remained loyal to her. She married them both, in the name of her true infatuation - former King Dagda, whom she named their first child after.
The child was a monstrosity! Inbreeding had surely taken its toll on the innocent babe, but that didn't stop the thruple from creating a total of four offspring. Their second child, a girl, was named after her aunt Grelda - but Grelda had long forgotten her siblings. Her memories, though vividly intact, were damaged beyond repair, and some were buried just far enough from her reach, to hold importance. What was important to her now, were her remaining sons, and the hallucinations - thought apparitions - of her beloved Jorin and their eldest son, Man'Uk. It was no wonder Grelda's mind had chosen to forget that part of her story.
With all that, being said and done, Grelda didn't appear easy to convince of anything either. She often complained about anything and everything, to all who had ears - whether or not they could hear her. Slaying the poor woman was not in your Quest obligations, though meeting her, might make you question why they aren't. Her vulgar tone and aggressive demeanor will definitely urk your nerves and the occasional slap might even make you snap a bit, but you must remember your Quest details. "Do NOT tell Grelda YOU killed her remaining sons. Convince her to return, with you, to SiTara, where you can secure her a position as the head of the Kingdom's Orphanage. Do NOT hurt Grelda, or allow her to be hurt, in any capacity.

Rising Action

This is the Main Quest's Storyline RPG!

Jorin and his eldest son were slain by Dagda's General, prior to his fall from rein over the Kingdom and the Shadow Army was blamed for their horrific murders. Surrounding the home of the former Phylarch - and his eldest son - the remaining sons have vowed to take vengeance on any outsider who attempts to claim their land in the name of the new King and Queen of the Kingdom. Although the Shadow Army was not to blame, there is no talking them down from a fight.
The following six RPG, Storyline Battles must contain the following:
1. No less than a three-paragraph post, per Battle.
2. First-person perspective only (Because these are required to go in your Journals on SHVTR, after accepted).
3. No God Modding or Metagaming.
4. Any and all Weapons and Potions must be brought with you, in order to be used on this Quest. You must have them listed in your Fiscus Character Inventory, to be implemented into this RPG.
HP is not associated with Storyline Battle RPG's, as they are not classified as Duels.
5. The path taken to your destinations, along with each of the stops, must be marked on a map of UnEnding Agony. You will create this Map yourself, as a final addition to your Quest Journey.

Abandoned Campsite

Reaching an abandoned campsite, marked as a waypoint, in the directions you were given, doesn't seem like a difficult task. However, there are jagged rocks and edges from slated stones that lie between you and your destination. Climbing through them, although tedious, feels victorious once you reach a large, old campfire mound, unscathed. Lifting your head towards the sky, you let out a sigh and tightly close your eyes as you attempt to refocus on the task at hand.
With eyes closed, you can hear the strong wind as it forces its way through the spaces between the mountain. Suddenly, another sound breaks through the wind. Grunts, followed by thuds under the compression of snow, rhythmically repeating as they increase in volume. You open your eyes, just in time to see Neamigha, charging towards you. To him, you are an outsider, and any outsider has been deemed - by him - an enemy of Dagda. His tri-blade, hinged, greatsword is held high above his head, but when he nears - just feet from you - he begins swinging it, in a figure-eight pattern, around each side of his body.
You have been ordered to kill anyone that stands in your way of reclaiming the UnEnding Agony Region, per the Quest outline.
Battle #1 -
You are not permitted to use Chants or Potions.
Species-related, physical (non-elemental) abilities are permitted.
Non-Enchanted Weapons you bring with you are permitted.


Giant Problems

Perhaps it wasn't an "abandoned" campsite after all, as the directions indicated. You gather your senses and hurriedly leave the site before any other creatures pop up, out of nowhere. Gathering yourself, you head in the Hub's direction. The directions you were given, claims it to be just a kilometer or two ahead.
The Sun has reached almost to the middle of the sky now and crows are heard echoing caws through the caverns and caves hidden within the darker areas of the mountainside. They seem to know where they are, or at least where they are headed, so you think to follow the cawing. It isn't long before you find yourself lost. Somehow, you've managed to head towards an old, collapsed, mine shaft, that appears further from the course you were originally on. Your sense of cardinal directions feel like you are headed further East than your written directions indicate. Perhaps it would be better to stay clear of heavily treaded paths anyways - at least for now. You shimmy your way down from a ledge and onto a platform that seems solid enough. Once you secure your ground, you pull the written directions back out. With the Sun now at high noon, you are unable to tell which direction you need to head. Below you are rocks that appear to be carved into stairs. You decide your best bet is to climb down to them before making your way back up the mountainside. Reaching the top of the stairs, you look up just in time to see a male, UnSeelie Giant, with his leg cocked backward, aiming it right towards you. "Kill Enemy!" his voice roars. You are now standing in front of the ten foot, 750 lb twin of Neamigha, Rynu. You haven't but moments to decide what to do, as the full force of his barefooted kick is headed in your direction.
You have been ordered to kill anyone that stands in your way of reclaiming the UnEnding Agony Region, per the Quest outline.
  Battle #2 -
You are not permitted to use Chants or Potions.
Species-related, physical (including elemental) abilities are permitted.
Weapons (including Enchanted Weapons) you bring with you are permitted.

Getting Stoned with Ferti
Back-to-back Battles - you feel parched and exhausted now. Making your way to a more shadowed area - beneath some arched branches, covered in light snow - will give you enough time to refocus, you think to yourself. Making your way towards it, you notice a blood trail following your steps, in the snow. Quickly, you locate the source of the wound. Seems you've been knicked along the way, though you can't seem to recall when, where, or how, until you think back on it. You tear a piece of clothing, from your attire, and dress the wound as best you can, before continuing towards the Hub. By now the sun was beginning to set. Catching your breath, you feel it's finally safe to close your eyes and enjoy the sounds of nature around you.
Wind chimes into your eardrums the loudest. While you enjoy the whistling songs of it's beauty, you catch a faint scent of freshwater. It doesn't smell like the salty smell of the ocean, and you begin to wonder where you are. You inhale deeply, taking in the keynotes. Then it hits you - it's the whispers of a babbling brook nearby. Cold, fresh, water would definitely recharge you. You focus on the direction of the sound and center yourself towards it. As you approach, the soft sounds of rushing water turn into deep rushes. As you draw nearer, you realize you have discovered a spectacular waterfall.
Within seconds of dipping your cupped hand into the pool, an arrow zips by your head and lands, embeded in the black, sandy, banks edge. Your eyes narrow as you drop the cupped water and duck down. You spin around on your heels, still crouched, and begin quickly scanning the area, looking for the archer. Another arrow zips past your head, barely missing your ear. You felt the air push against the hairs even. That was too close. You quickly acknowledge where the arrow flew from, and scan the originated direction. Quickly, you decide to run behind the nearest, large rock, that blocks an arrow shot from that area. You hear the laughter of a small boy, just at the brink of maturity. His maniacal laughter echos across the space, giving you no real sense of his location. He could be anywhere on the other side. His arrows are famously dipped in his special Potion. Should any of them strike you, the struck limb will be completely paralysed within five seconds. The effects last the entire Battle, but slowly ware off.
You have been ordered to kill anyone that stands in your way of reclaiming the UnEnding Agony Region, per the Quest outline.
  Battle #3 -
You are permitted to use Chants.
You are permitted to use Potions, you bring with you.
Species-related, physical (including elemental) abilities are permitted.
Weapons (including Enchanted Weapons) you bring with you are permitted.

Lyrical Berrik
After marking the waterfall on your Map and putting it away, you prepare to name it. You notice the original path, not far ahead, and after taking your fill of freshwater, you begin heading towards it. Clearly, this path hadn't been walked upon for a long time. You note its indention in the ground, now carved away from the feet and weather elements that smoothed its once rough topside. Bards throughout the Kingdom rejoiced with tunes that recited poetic travels of heroes and heroines along the path you now walk. Since it is not specifically labeled in your directions, you decide to label it on the Map (choose a name), once you reach the top of a fairly steep hill.
Once at the top, you retrieve your Map and write the name. You then store your Map, again, and refocus on the goal at hand. As you trudge forward, you can recall a familiar bard's tune. It echos in your mind. You catch yourself repeating the chorus, out loud.
Take a moment to just enjoy the song below, before you continue.
Berrik was teased by his brothers, for having such an angelic voice, but rumors did no justice to hearing it in person. As you round a bend in the path, you hear him singing in the near distance. You have heard stories of his magnificent pitch and perfect tone, but this experience was almost too serene to interrupt. Your attempts to be silent are interrupted by the booming land of rocks beneath you. You realize quickly, that the ledge you are standing on, isn't very stable and jump onto more solid grounding. This causes the vocalist to cease his singing, which had echoed off the walls, before - sounding quite similar to a choir. He spins around to face you, squinting his eyes. Growing up, Jorin was the only one who noticed Berrik was near-sighted. Rather than embarrass the boy, he would refocus his son on his Chants. Pointing out, how Berrik's choice of other senses, was not hindered by his inability to see things far away. Berrik began honing in on senses like smell, much more.
He steps forward, out of the shadows of towering mountain tops, and into the slowly fading sun's light. Berrik stands approximately twenty yards from you. You see his chin tilt upward and nostrils flare as he inhales the air that quickly shoots past him in a gust. His chin lowers and his brows furrow as he snorts. Throwing down the roasted goat leg, he held in his hand - he quickly kneels and places his right palm against the ground. It shakes and your balance is thrown off. You fall over - nearly sliding into a crack his Chant has formed under you - but luckily, your quick thinking saves you. You spring forward and begin charging at him, bouncing off the sides of rocks to your sides, giving you more momentum and thus speed. You haven't even fully thought out your plan, yet you have already devoted yourself to retaliation - and therefore cannot back out a mere yard from him.
You have been ordered to kill anyone that stands in your way of reclaiming the UnEnding Agony Region, per the Quest outline.
  Battle #4 -
You are permitted to use Chants.
You are not permitted to use Potions, even if you have brought them with you.
Species-related, physical (including elemental) abilities are permitted.
Weapons (including Enchanted Weapons) you bring with you are not permitted.

  [h6]UnClean Hands[/h6]  
You dust yourself off and look towards the near orange and red sunset. While you watch the vague strokes of the Moon's dark blue paint mixing in the beautiful farewells of the dusk background -a beautiful violet tint- you contemplate the possible rewards of this Quest, once the Region has been reclaimed in the name of the King and Queen of NLK. As your mind traces through the possibilities, which have yet to be determined (based on your RPG here), you decide as long as you are rewarded with the rein over the UnEnding Agony Region, you will be content. It just so happens to be a more stable Rank, than your current one - after all. As you begin walking towards a Stable, nearby the Hub - mentioned in the directions you were given - you begin imagining your thriving Region, far into the future and you can't help but note - mentally - the structure of this future Region of yours.
As a young child, Yamiq was eager to please his parents and often exhibited this excitement by suggesting ideas he had. He found, through the many fables in Books he collected, various ways to handle many Region matters - or so he thought. Unfortunately, his ideas were centered around the structures built in the world within the books he read. They held no barring on the Realm that Yamiq truly lived in. He fell deeper into his stories, with every rejection. Managing his disability became obsessive. He began seeking out Spells that could reverse the one that caused his physical affliction.
On this very evening, he just so happened to be distracted by yet another book. Deeply emersed in his story of crippling victories, he doesn't even hear you creep up behind him - a mistake you quickly perfected and planned to not repeat. You consider your position, as you inch closer to him - remembering his reaction to being startled, years before. You silently move behind him until you are standing directly behind him. There is a stench that emanates from him. A mix of old sweat, stale bread, and cheap ale waif from his skin. You don't think you cant stand here for much longer, without detection, so you must make a move. He is clearly distracted and not even aware of your presence. If caught, he could easily have the advantage, given the staff he uses to direct his Spells with, is held by one of the most filthy hands you've ever seen. His other - equally as disgusting hand - grips the book. Yamiq's Staff is endowed with a Rare Spell that drains the object of concentration's Essence. The Essence is then stored in the Ruby center and used in combination with other Spells to make them more powerful. Your next moves are critical to the outcome.
You have been ordered to kill anyone that stands in your way of reclaiming the UnEnding Agony Region, per the Quest outline.
  Battle #5 -
You are permitted to use Chants.
You are permitted to use Potions you have brought with you.
Species-related, physical (including elemental) abilities are permitted.
Weapons (including Enchanted Weapons) you bring with you are permitted.

  [h7]No Witnesses[/h7]  
Your most clean kill yet - you praise yourself too soon. Turning around, you now face the entrance to the Region's Hub, where Tridis stands growling. He obviously, had just witnessed you murder his younger brother, and without a doubt was boiling with built-up rage. In an instant, he snaps his whip towards you, and luckily lands hit shot. A direct hit slices your prior wound back open. In fact, in seems to have cut even deeper than your previous injury. You wince in pain, but hold up both your hands toward the current Phylarch. Six fingers extended, in total - you present them to him. Slowly, you begin lowering all the fingers, saving only one for last. You use this finger to point at him - an obvious provocation to Battle.
Tridis is triggered by your notions and snaps his whip again, in your direction. This time, it misses you, by barely an inch. You must act fast. He belts out, at the top of his lungs, "In the Name of Jorin Thornbourgh - Ye will never claim this Region!" and he pulls the braided leather back with the snap of his wrist.
You have been ordered to kill anyone that stands in your way of reclaiming the UnEnding Agony Region, per the Quest outline.
  Battle #6 -
You are permitted to use Chants.
You are permitted to use Potions you have brought with you.
Species-related, physical (including elemental) abilities are permitted.
Weapons (including Enchanted Weapons) you bring with you are permitted.


Prior to engaging in the Side Quest, your Main Quest details the next steps you must take - after defeating the six Thornbourgh brothers.

This next part covers the rebuilding of the Region, and must be completed prior to being named Phylarch.

You must convince Grelda to help you restore the Region to its famed glory –
A. Decorate the Hub with Basic Market Stalls and give them each a name.
B. Create a sign for the Raw Wares and place it in the Phylarchs office.
C. Add a Tavern and/or Inn. Name it. (Optional)
D. Add a place of worship and select a Deity from the Shadow Deities to worship.
E. Add a Farm, Mine, and Hunting Ground to your Region. Name them.
F. Create a sign that explains the Region Laws.
G. Place the book, “Citizens and Outsiders” in your Region.
H. Place a Portal to the Garden of Eden, inside your Region.
Establish, set up, and post 3 (three) new Jobs to your Faction Group Tab on the SHVTR Platform -
A. Each Job must be from a separate Faction Stall and posted individually.
B. Each Job must state both an IC and an OOC Job that is connected to their Stall.
i. Blacksmith IC example: RolePlay creating 10 hammers and 20 Basic Long Swords.
ii. Blacksmith OOC example: Create a video (you can use YouTube or whatever you want) promoting the Blacksmith trade. Video must be at least one minute and thirty seconds long. Post on one of the NLK Platforms when finished. (They tie in together and are both required to be completed before payday)
C. Each Job must state the pay for the Job and when it is due by. Example: Due Date - 3 RL weeks from start date. Pay – 2 Hammers (outside of the ones you created), 5 Basic Long Swords, and 200 Gold.
Establish and set up a Region Ludi Litterarri for your Region -
A. Set up 3 Classes for Paiste and 3 Classes for Plebieans and above in your Region (including Daor). Class itinerary must be typed out and sent to BOTH Royal Heads, via Crow. The Classes must have a minimum of one assignments and one test. (Region Classes are mandatory for your Residents to acquire Jobs or own their own Stalls)
B. Propose a way to teach your students. Will you set up a schedule to teach them in person or post your Class curriculums somewhere? This must be included in your (separate from the rest of these requirements) letter to the Royal Heads, via Crow. Your method of teaching, must be accessible to both pc and mobile users. Use of our Platforms are highly encouraged, but not required for teaching.
Find and recruit three new members into NLK. Remember, they begin at the SiTara Hostels.
Create a Video Promoting your Region and why New Citizens should consider joining. When you are finished, post it on one of the NLK Platforms.


Conclusion to the Reclaim of UnEnding Agony

How this story plays out, is solely up to you. We would like you to take into consideration all the work put forth to give you such a detailed RP, and hope you can make this monumental experience a Rank worthy of holding onto.
Once you have completed restoring the Region, you are instructed to appear - in person - at Wynter's Castle, in order to receive recognition as the Phylarch of UnEnding Agony. With this new Rank - and Title - you will be given the remainder of the rewards owned to you, from the Phylarch Quest. After this, a Feast will be held in your honor and the date will further-more be recognized as UA's Nasci, or Re-birth.
Moving forward, the Kingdom of SiTara will recognize this day as a Kingdom Holiday, and it will be celebrated every Tirna year, on the same date, with a Ceremonial Feast - held at Wynter's Castle.
You must send a letter, via Crow, to the Aios-Dana (or Royal Heads), prior to your departure from UA, detailing your proposed arrival date in the Kingdom's Capital - SiTara, so that we may be prepared.
You will be expected to write an Acceptance Statement, to be used in the Kingdom News, upon entering your new Rank. Please have it prepared ahead of time, as you will be asked for your Acceptance Statement at the Inaugural Phylarch Feast.



Reclaim the UnEnding Agony Region - in the name of the King and Queen of NereidLykandos -

1. Travel across the Region, using the directions you are given in this Quest.
a. Must mark the destinations you encounter along the way, on a Map, you create yourself.
2. Kill all six of the Thornbourgh brothers via the detailed Battle RP provided.
3. Restore the Region to its once infamous glory via the details provided.
4. Return to SiTara, where you will claim victory over the Phylarch Quest.
5. Escort Grelda to Wynter's Castle and deliever her - unharmed - to the Aios-Dana (or Royal Heads)
Plot type
Reclaiming UnEnding Agony
Related Locations

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