Mountains Settlement in Solus Dynasty | World Anvil
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UnEnding Agony is a Mountains Region in the Kingdom of Nereid Lykandos.

~ The mountains wished to challenge the sky itself, they dominated the horizon. With glistening white caps, like a perfect storybook picture, the mountain range lay to the north. Like slumbering giants beneath thick blankets of white they lay in dreamless sleep as the eons ticked by like the second hand of a clock. They soared upward as if determined to kiss the heavens. Just looking at them it was easy to see why the ancient Greeks thought of the Gods on Mount Olympus, ruling from their home in the clouds. Each of them was white-peaked, but nothing like the neat line around a chocolate waffle cone. The snow reached down from the cap in craggy white fingers, no doubt up close there were mighty cracks in the rock deep packed with ice. The mountains lay in a great line like the spine of the land. It was as if long ago they were a great beast, only to lie down one day and never get up. Perhaps the beast fell into an enchanted sleep, perhaps its soul was still in there. The range was high to the west and low to the east, curling at the end like a tail. The mountains act like walls to the city located inside the mountain range of Un-Ending Agony. Rustic cabins dotted the grassy hills as trees stood up like spikes, zigzagging the border of stone roads and unpolished homes. The skies remained dark and gloomy as the clouds surrounded the sky blocking rays of sunlight to pass in. Deeper inside the city they scent of the air gradually takes a fruity and spicy shift as travelers encounter the marketplace. Lovers stroll hand in hand, casually browsing, whilst housewives hustle and bustle, and haggle over the price of the exotic fruits and jewelry. The footpaths were crowded with stalls selling sacks of nuts and dried fruit, or meat roasting on roasting skewers. Powdered spices lay in rust red and dusty yellow piles, or spilled bright green from sacks as large as feed bags. Furthermore the meat shops was as white as death. It smells of blood and sawdust and its tiled interiors offers a refuge from the heat. Big pieces of meat: the shoulders, the forelegs, the haunches, of different shades of red streaked with tallow or suet, that swung on hooks in the shadow against the gray-white tiling of the walls. The fowls dangled in a row a little to the fore of the meat. The feet of the hens were a sickly bluish yellow, and the toes, cramped together yet flaccid, still suggested the fatigue which follows agony. The eyes bulged under thin blue-tinged lids and on the heads and necks about the close-shut beaks bunches of reddish brown feathers had been left as decorations. But who knows if they are the meat of animals or men? There is no telling of what the StormPeak might sell you they are descendants of Vikings and cannibals. Welcome to the UnEnding Agony. ~


The UnEnding Agony Region is governed by the StormPeak Faction


The Defenses, for the Militaris, in the UnEnding Agony Region, are set up as follows:

  The defense of this Region (in the case of a Raid) is based on a point system. Each member in this Region (except Children) holds a Rank; each Rank has a number. Add the numbers together (according to the amount of members in each Rank) and the sum equals your Attack (Hit Points) as well as your Defend (Defensive Points). The Rank numbers are as follows:
  1. 1.
Phylarch - Officer = 10,000
  1. 2.
Phylarch - Soldier = 5,000 (per Soldier within Faction)
  1. 3.
Plebiean - Commoner = 1,000 (per Commoner)
  1. 4.
Plebiean - Merchant = 2,000 (per Merchant)
  1. 5.
Plebiean - Market Owner = 3,000 (per Market Owner)
  In a Raid, the Raiding Faction will Attack (Using their Hit Point number) and the Defending Faction will Defend (Using their Defensive Point number). Raids are won by numbers.

Industry & Trade

Mines, Farms and Hunting Grounds yield Raw Resources. UnEnding Agony has specific Raw Resources, available in their Region. There are 3 types of Markets as well as Shops within each Region's Faction, in the Kingdom of Nereid Lykandos;


The Phylarch appointed to govern the UnEnding Agony Region, is given the following (as a means to stabilize and grow their Faction

  The List below includes the Raw Resources, only available, in the Mountain Region. The Underlined Raw Resources are the pre-sets. To find the current cultivations & excavations, click on the "UnEnding Agony" Region, under the Factions tab, on the Kingdom's Shivtr site.  
  • Mines -
UnEnding Agony is given one of each of the following sized Mines (each Mine can collect only 1 specific deposit (per month). The Phylarch can request to change the deposit collected):        
Underground: Diamond, Emeralds, Silver, Coal   Surface: Rock, Hematite, Malachite   Placer: Onyx, Garnet   In-situ: Iron, Copper, Bone, Compost
Farms -
2 (two) small (pre-set) sized Farms (yielding 3 crops each). Farms grow in size, based on the number of members within this Faction.
  • Vincula -
1 Vincula is established in the Mountain Region. It will accommodate up to 30 (Thirty) Individual members, within this Region.
Hunting Ground -
1 Hunting Ground (pre-set to small) is established in the Mountain Region. The sizes, of Hunting Grounds, are determined by the Kingdom's Royal Heads and will only grow, as your Faction grows. Listed below are ALL the creatures found on UnEnding Agony (year round), according to the manor in which they are collected (any other creature sighted (in Role Play) is considered unobtainable (will not be added to the member's Fiscus Inventory)):
  • Fishable:
  • Trapable:
Hen, Bat, Rabbit  
  • Huntable:
Goat, Deer, Bear
Fiscus -
1 Fiscus (size is infinite) used to record and detail all Raw Resources, Created Wares and Gold of each Faction member.
Bibliotheca -
1 Bibliotheca (size is infinite) used to record and detail the "Recipes" and "Raw Resources" known to the UnEnding Agony Region.
Ludi Litterarii -
1 Ludi Litterarii (size is infinite) used to teach the Children in the UnEnding Agony Region.
Militaris -
1 Militaris (size is infinite) used to train the Officers, Soldiers and Individual Plebieans, in Wars and Duels.
Hostel -
1 Hostel (size is the same in every Faction) used to house the members of UnEnding Agony, that do not own Residential Property.
(Faction Owned) Markets -
All (Faction Owned Markets are pre-set to Small and grow with the number of members in the Region) with Basic Prices (Read: UnEnding Agony “Recipes” and "Raw Resources" cards for Basic Created Wares, and Resources Prices)
4 (four) Markets, listed as follows:
  • Macello:
1 Macello  
  • Pistrina:
1 Pistrina  
  • Apotheca:
1 Apotheca  
  • Armamentarium:
1 Armamentarium


This is the Region's City center. This is where you will find the Region's Market.

Guilds and Factions

UnEnding Agony's Faction is called StormPeak.
Alternative Name(s)
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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