SiTara Geographic Location in Solus Dynasty | World Anvil
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SiTara (Sea-tar-uh)

SiTara is an isolated airy isle in the NereidLykandos Kingdom that is known for its stunning natural beauty and distinct, floating terrain.

It features flatlands in the center, with awe-inspiring inverted mountain peaks that cover its underbelly, and a spiritual connection with the environment.
The lives of Fae in SiTara are closely connected to the changing of the seasons, with many migratory fauna and flora appearing and disappearing, depending on the time of year. The Capitol Region has a variety of mythical creatures, including bugs, birds, reptiles, adding to its unique atmosphere. The mineral rocks of SiTara contain unobtanium, which is responsible for the Region's ability to float, giving it an even more mystical atmosphere.
This Regions ecosystem is a diverse and wondrous environment that is home to a variety of plants and animals, however there are no large bodies of water. Instead, characters will find three major waterfalls with seven diverse, but connecting rivers, intertwined between various streams and ponds. The ecosystem is governed by complex and interrelated dynamics, with many organisms relying on each other for survival; forming intricate food chains and webs.
This Region is home to unique flora and fauna that range from the vibrantly beautiful, yet fatal flowers and proficient aerial assassins, to the deadliest microscopic bugs and arcanic reptiles. Each organism and component must find ways to thrive in order to survive, including finding food sources, shelter, water, and other necessary resources.
Faes of SiTara have a spiritual connection with nature here, and their lives are tied to the changing of the seasons. The seasons bring different changes in the environment, such as the migration and hibernation of certain species, blooming of flower buds, and fruiting of trees. The Mid-Winter (Jesurq) marks the start of hibernation for many of SiTara's creatures, including specific Fae types, who will start building shelters to protect from elements, such as the cold. The Mid-Winter celebrations bring joy and hope to the entire Kingdom. The changing of the seasons then repeats this cycle, bringing all the magic and wonder back to SiTara.
SiTara is the main Region of the NereidLykandos Kingdom, located in the Astral Realm known as Tir Na Nog. During each season, SiTara experiences something new and exciting, from glowing purple lights in the sky during Mid-winter to sweet aromas in the air during Late Summer. The night sky is also filled with mesmerizing sights, such as the shimmer of winged dragons during Late Autumn or the "Winter Crown" of twinkling stars during Mid-winter. Additionally, SiTara is home to strange occurrences like a colored mist rising over the mountains during Late Spring and a strange humming sound heard for thousands of miles around, during Early Autumn.
The weather in SiTara changes, identically to the mortal Realm of Midgard, with four distinct seasons ranging from hot summers to cold winters. The Realm of Tir Na Nog exists in an astral plane of existence, created from the manipulation of time and space by the Fae that escaped Midgard. Tapping into the Galaxy's Unobtanium Prakriti (Essence) the Realm began to form. It soon expanded, due to the combined Essence of creatures that began flowing through the Gateway Portal, and it became home to the NeriedLykandos Kingdom, along with seven other Kingdoms. This Region is unique, yet constantly growing, and the Realm has expanded over time, because of it. It is now a thriving and diverse place to exist, with six unique Regions inside the Realms Head Kingdom of NereidLykandos, that maintain its climates balance and stability year round.


SiTara is found, a buoyant berg astride the remaining 5 Regions of the NereidLykandos Kingdom.

It is an unwavering, isolated airy isle, crafted in a jagged mien.
Amidst the floating Regions fundamental underbelly resides majestic, inverted mountain peaks that hide from the glimmer of their starry companions at night. It has a very distinct terrain, featuring flatlands through the center fold of the Region, with mountains that wrap halfway around the North, East, and South edges. The mountains of SiTara are awe-inspiring, even in the dark. The stars sparkle against the pitch black of night, increasing the grandeur of the already impressive view from underneath. Every peak has its own distinct silhouette, impressive yet delicate at the same time, crafting a remarkable sight. Moonlight casts an otherworldly aura and the Faes of SiTara have a unique soulful connection with the natural environment, so their lives are closely connected to the changing of its seasons.
The view from Wynter’s Castle is unparalleled, while the Solus Dynasty’s majestic Milky Way Galaxy lies in the backdrop, further amplifying an enlightened feeling, and making it an ideal location for the UnCourted heirarchy of the Capital to live. Along with the spectacular view, SiTara’s natural beauty extends even further. The vivid colors of the indigenous trees and foliage are a stark contrast to the brilliant blooms adorning the vines and flowers in abundance. These vibrant hues blend together to create a breathtaking display that can be admired throughout the entire Kingdom, and beyond.
The mineral rocks of SiTara’s soil contain Unobtanium, a room-temperature superconductor that is responsible for the Region’s ability to float. This gives it an even more mystifying atmosphere, and adds to its overall awe-inspiring beauty, as it is the only place within the entire Realm, in which this mineral is located. In addition to its otherworldly beauty and mystifying atmosphere, SiTara is also home to a variety of mythical creatures that are native only to this aerial Region. Each creature adds to the unique and fascinating atmosphere of the Region, making it an ideal place for Fantasy RolePlayers to explore and enjoy.
SiTara is a remarkable place for the many Players who traverse the Realms, due to its unique bridge to other RPGs. Its massive Gateway serves as a link between the three Realms: Mortal, Astral, and Cosmic, on the Atabey Planet. The Gateways location - high above the other Regions - makes it the perfect location for Aworg guarded Portals to rest.
Aside from SiTara being home to one of the most populated Gateway Portals in the Astral Realm, SiTara is also home to the infamous Wynter’s Castle, the Tadmor Prison, a Ludi Litterarri, the Gilgamesh Hunting Grounds, Kingdom Mines and Farms, as well as Selkies Kingdom Market and Nimrods Tavern and Inn. It is these places that make SiTara more than just a passage between Realms, but a place full of life, Fae culture, and unimaginable adventures.


SiTara's ecosystem is an incredibly diverse and wondrous environment that is home to a variety of flora and fauna.

The environment abounds with abundant foliage, including trees, bushes, blooms, and creepers that are only found in this Region.
Just close your eyes and listen, as the highest peaks boast of three enchanting waterfalls - The Drei, The Neamhani, and The Seana - that cascade down in a heavenly symphony across the entire Region. Now open them and wander the landscape where you will discover seven massive connecting rivers, each with its own unique features that tunnel through the Region: The Leomara, with its waves surging like a giant's might casting transformational shots across the water, that reflect like lightening as it crashes against nearby rocks; Midhir, glistening in the sunlight with its captivating array of Glowing Firefly, Sparkled River Salamanders, and Tara Auk that jump from its surface; The Manannan swirls with a mysterious Essence and is warned against nearing too close to; The Neamhan - having a viciously powerful roar that tumbles into the great The Great Neamhani Waterfall; TheAethelflaed, said to possess a longeviety Essence; The Danu has a calming flow; and The Tethra is rumored to hold mysterious secrets of the past - only revealed at night - underneath the stars that twinkle in the sky above, and create a spectacular view of the Milky Way Galaxy.
The dynamics that govern the ecosystem of SiTara are complex and interrelated. The beautiful plants and animals may rely on the particular climate and topography of the Region to survive. For example, some of the unusual animals that inhabit SiTara can only survive in the unique floating environment due to their modified and adapted body structures. For example, the Dragons have wings which allow them to effortlessly fly and soar through the air above and surrounding the Region. Their claws can easily land without too much disturbance, on the peak’s edges. In terms of interacting with the physical environment, each organism and component must find ways to thrive in order to survive. This includes finding food sources, shelter, water, and other necessary resources, including Essence.
Additionally, various organisms rely on each other for survival, forming intricate food chains and webs that ensure the delicate balance of the ecosystem. The Nymphs, for example, can only survive if they have access to Nectar or Sweetmilk, which is found in some plants and trees throughout SiTara. The two plants that produce the Nectar and Sweetmilk found exclusively in the SiTara Region are the Lumirina Berry Bush and the Mystishella tree. The berries of the Lumirina Bush hold within them a sweet, golden liquid that is known as Lumirina Nectar. The Mystishella tree, on the other hand, is an immensely tall tree that can reach heights of up to one hundred and fifty feet. Its branches hang heavy with clusters of white flowers that, when pollinated by the hummingbird-like creatures known as the Nymphs, produce a silky fluid that nourishes the Nymphs and keeps them vibrant. The sweet, creamy liquid produced by the Mystishella tree is known as SiTara Sweetmilk and is highly sought after among Fae from all over the Universe for its energizing qualities - though too much can intoxicate Fae like alcohol does humans. Together, the Lumirina and Mystishella provide the sustenance that the Nymphs need to survive and thrive in the magical Region of SiTara.
SiTara’s ecosystem is home to a myriad of unique flora and fauna. From the various cryptic trees, metamorphic shrubs, and twisted vines - said to contain the Map to Akasha- are contrasted with vibrant blooms of the plants and flowers that grow in abundance. Some examples include Moonshade Roses, which are deep purple with golden centers and whose Essence is believed to bring luck in Duel specific Potins; Solarflower Blossoms, which have a sweet aroma but are rather bitter in taste and can be used to make Elevation Potions; Lark's Tongue, which have delicate petals and contain Essence that has the power to bring music to life; and Faesar's Foliage, which can only be found in the most sacred parts of Tir Na Nog and is said to have clairvoyant Essence properties.
Exotic birds, with stunningly bright and colorful feathers, can be found gliding high above the Region’s Waterfalls - including the Crested Talonbird, a 7 foot tall bird of prey that has shimmering iridescent feathers of bright crimson, amber, lemon, and snow white; the Sun-Toucher Robin, the Cloud-Gazer Hawk, and even the Manticore Nightingale.
SiTara is also home to a variety of exotic and alien-like reptiles too, that seem to have stepped out of another dimension. Like Spark Drakes, Iridescent Kings, Aerial Vipers, Winged Wyverns and even Dragons. Take a look at the Sparkled Sea Salamander, for example. This creature is has smooth red and black scales and a speckled pattern that glimmers in the light like stars. Though it appears an easy target to flying creatures, it’s actually part of its defense.
Unobtanium aids in the Region's ability to be home to creatures of mortal myth and legend - such as the Kirin - a creature who - as a fawn - is said to bring good luck and prosperity to those who accompany it on a walk. Kirins are seen as a symbol of divine power and are said to have the power to control the elements of nature. Its sheer size and strength make it a powerful guardian of NereidLykandos. The Kirin is also a wise creature, capable of communicating in the language of humans through telepathy and can often be seen in the company of Unicorns., who need to absorb the Essence of Kirins in order to sustain life. Typically, they are described to grow much larger than even the largest Dragon, and at full maturity will explode into particles of sparkling dust that covers and fertilizes the Faesar's Foliage below. It is said to have the head and body of a horse, but with scales like a dragon and antlers similar to a deers. Occasionally it will bare wings that mimic a dragon. The Kirin is said to be white in color and is often depicted as a benevolent creature.
In conclusion, the mineral's signature Essence itself is believed to play a vital role in the Gateway's Portal between the Cosmic, Astral and Mortal Realms found in SiTara. It is believed that a specific balance of Essence causes the Portals to open and close, allowing certain Player's to travel between the Realms and explore further. The Unobtanium also provides an energy source, used by the "Awoken Ones", that is crucial for inter-dimensional travel, allowing Players to discover new cultures and even explore new Dimensions (later on). Its natural beauty, mystical atmosphere, and unique bridge to other Realms create a delightful, albeit dangerous, place to adventure, create, live, and thrive.

Ecosystem Cycles

The Faes of SiTara have a unique spiritual connection with the natural environment, so their lives are closely connected to the changing of the seasons.

During the Mid-winter season (Jesurq), many of the animals hibernate and some of the plants even stop growing. In the early spring (Fryort), many birds will migrate back to the Kingdom, using the warm weather to hunt and find food. Some of the plants in the Region will burst into life with a kaleidoscope of radiant colors, creating a stunning spectacle of vibrant beauty. The Mid-spring season (Mucol) brings more migratory avitors as well as the hatching of certain creatures’ eggs. During this season, some of the flowers will also bloom and attract various insects. In the Late Spring season (Isix) many of the trees will start to bear their fruits, which will provide food for both the fauna and Fae.
  During the Early Summer season (Mipt), some of the plants start to go dormant while other plants produce seeds that the Faes can use to create Potions, Spells, and Enchantments. Mid-Summer (Jymn) will bring an abundance of life as the trees start to produce Nectar and Sweetmilk, which will attract the Moon Widows of the SiTara Region of the NereidLykandos Kingdom. Moon Widows are mysterious, illuminous arachnids whose glowing silk webs are a source of weeks long light. They are believed to be sent from the Ancient Akashan Elders to protect their sacred grove from Outsiders, and they have since become a symbol of protection throughout the Kingdom of NereidLykandos. The Moon Widow’s venom is able to create illusions and manipulate minds, thus these legendary creatures bring a sense of mystery and danger to SiTara nights.   The Late Summer season (Jysor) is when most plants have gone dormant, but most fruit trees in SiTara will still be in bloom, providing valuable sustenance for both the Faes and fauna. The Early Autumn season (Airst) sees the return of many migratory aerial creatures, while other animals also return to their homes. This return is often done in packs and is a perfect time for hunting for bulk in Gilgamesh. The Mid-autumn season (Strugeb) will bring a wave of vibrant colors as the leaves of trees start to change from greens and blues to purples and pinks, and the temperatures drop dramatically. In Late Autumn (Oradull), much of the wildlife will start to hibernate as the cold weather sets in.   Finally, the Early Winter season (Nryth) marks the beginning of the hibernation period for many of the creature in SiTara, including some Fae. During this time, some of them will start to construct shelters for themselves and their animal friends, ensuring that they are kept safe from the cold and have access to food sources throughout the winter months. As the cold weather continues and the days become shorter (Dawus), the Fae will prepare for Mid-Winter celebrations and exchange of gifts in order to bring joy and hope to the entire Kingdom, during the longest night of the year. The cycle then begins anew and the creatures of SiTara will once again experience the magical beauty and wonder that comes along with the changing of the seasons.

Localized Phenomena

SiTara is home to some of the most unique and fascinating localized phenomena in Tir Na Nog. During the Mid-winter season (Jesurq), a mysterious, glowing, purple light appears high up in the sky, creating a beautiful display of twinkling stars, a vivid accompaniment to a mesmerizing view of the Milky Way Galaxy. Additionally, during this time the rocks of SiTara become particularly luminous, as they absorb needed Essence from the Universe, which allows them to float. In the early spring (Fryort) a blood-red, sweet tasting rain cascades down from the highest peaks of the Region, believed by some Faes to bring luck when consumed. In the Late Summer season (Jysor) the air begins to take on a sweet aroma, due to the abundance of Nectar and Sweetmilk produced by certain plants found only in SiTara. Lastly, during the Late Autumn (Oradull), the night sky is rarely illuminated by a mysterious and mesmerizing shimmer in the sky that appears to be made up of massively winged dragons, dancing on the wind that bellows between the mountain’s tops. It is known locally that this phenomenon is a sign of hope and joy for the entire Kingdom’s population. These are just a few of the many wondrous localized phenomena that can be found in the Region of SiTara. SiTara is home to some truly remarkable localized events, with each season bringing something new and exciting. During Mid-winter, the night sky is filled with stars and twinkling lights that create a breathtaking display, while the rocks of SiTara fill with its illuminating Essence. In the early spring, mysterious blood-red rain falls from the highest peaks, and in the Late Summer season sweet aromas fill the air due to the abundance of sweet liquids from flowering plants. Finally, during Late Autumn, a mysterious shimmer appears in the night sky, made up of gigantic Dragons, which according to legend is a sign of anger and hostility in the lower Regions. SiTara is also home to some strange phenomena, as one might expect from a Region in the Astral Realm of Tir Na Nog. During the Late Spring season (Isix), a mysterious rusty, teal-colored mist can be seen rising up over the highest mountains, accompanied by a deep and powerful rumble. This is believed to be caused by a Spirit of the Ancients, an ethereal being that is said to guard the secret Portals of the Kingdom. In the Early Autumn season (Airst), a strange humming sound can be heard for thousands of miles around, although no source has ever been identified. According to legend, the sound is from the ancient song of the "Awoken" who guard the Gateway's Portal to the Midgard Realm. During the Mid-Winter season (Jesurq), a beautiful phenomenon known as "The Winter Crown" appears in the night sky. It is said to be made up of a constellation of stars that form a crown shape, and the lights of the stars appear to twinkle in all colors of the rainbow. Though it rarely ever snows in SiTara, and never sticks if it does, it is rumored that those who gaze upon this beautiful display will receive a wish granted. Although it's difficult to know for sure this is the time of year when snow is more likely seen. Additionally, during this season the Unobtanium minerals in the soil of SiTara’s landscape become particularly luminous, as it absorbs the Essence which allows the it to float above the five remaining Regions of the Kingdom. This creates a beautiful display of lights throughout the SiTara. Finally, during the Late Spring season (Mipt), a peculiar phenomenon known as "The Wind Songs" can be heard in SiTara. Every once in a while, a strong gust of wind will blow through the Capital Region’s Castle windows or doors and it create a beautiful melody that all in Wynter’s Castle enjoy. According to legend, this is the voice of an "Ancient One" who inhabit a Cosmic Realm, speaking to those of this Realm. There are also rumors that if one listens carefully enough, they will be able to hear the voice of a child who guards the Kingdom's Gateway to the Cosmic Realm. This is just a small selection of the many wondrous and localized phenomena found in the Region of SiTara. Its mystical ambience, natural beauty, and unique features make it a perfect get away destination.


The climate of SiTara is constantly changing, much like the mortal realm of Midgard. This means that players will experience different seasons, from the warmth of summer to the chill of winter. In the summer, temperatures can soar to comfortable levels, with plenty of sunshine and clear skies. During this time, the lush forests and fields of SiTara are filled with life, as the plants and animals flourish in the warm weather.   As the seasons change, however, so does the climate of SiTara. In the winter, for example, the temperature drops significantly and snow blankets the Region's landscape, making travel and outdoor activities more difficult. Despite this, SiTara is still a beautiful place, even with snow-covered trees and ice-covered streams creating a breathtaking landscape. There is a beauty to the floating Region, that comes with every season.   One of the unique features of SiTara's climate is the way it mimics that of Midgard, the mortal Realm. This means that players will experience similar weather patterns and seasons as those found in Midgard, making it easier for players who are familiar with Midgard to adjust to the climate of the Kingdom's Capitol Region, SiTara. Whether you are a seasoned adventurer or new to the Realm, the constantly changing climate of SiTara will provide an exciting and dynamic environment to explore and interact with.

Fauna & Flora


Small Fauna


Sun-Toucher Robin

A hand-sized, brightly colored Robin with long blue, teal, and black ombre feathers, that mimics the flight patterns of a Midgard (Mortal Realm) hummingbird. These birds are hypersexual and never settle for just one partner at a time. The male, in particular, are very vocal and are often found repeating words and phrases they shouldn't - even to those in other Regions (in NLK) and/or Kingdoms (when taken as a pet) - as a way to attract a potential mate. Sun-Toucher Robins are not the brightest birds of SiTara and often mix conversations between multiple creatures, including humans and Fae. However, they are amazing predators of the Lunar Moths, especially. Like a beacon, they hone in on their bioluminous glow, swooping in with nearly silent glides, and scooping them up in their beak, mid-flight.

Cloud-Gazer Hawk

A 6 inch (max), fat bird with soft baby blue and snow white feathers, often caught laying on their backs around the edges of dense forests in SiTara. They are said to hold power of persuasion over other creatures within a telepathic range. Cloud-Gazers are lazy predatory birds who will wait for their prey to come close enough to persuade, then they will wait for the creature to just climb into their mouths. Though audibly silent, Cloud-Gazer's are said to be able to connect to their victims on a telepathic level, often tempting them with their deepest desires, just inside their open beaks.

Manticore Nightingale

A hand-sized, shaded black bird with long, thin, needle-like beaks. These small birds are often seen grazing the left-over carcasses left behind by Manticore. Known for their long, straw-like beaks that act like a suction that pierces the meat and sucks up the softer tissue and blood, the Manticore Nightingale's beaks are somehow very resiliant. Although very thin, the material of their beaks are often sought after, and hollowed out, for use as needles. They will often attack large creatures when they are asleep because they are a non-confrontational type of bird.

Aerial Viper

An odd-looking reptile, made up of a combination of various types of wingless, but flying, lizards. Aerial Vipers are covered with vibrant scales that vary in size and color. They adore two feathery tipped antennae atop their heads and come in a variety of sizes from that of a Midgard tick, to that of a - typical sized - human arm, with babies being the smallest. The adults - often times - lay their eggs in the ear canal of larger, sleeping, creatures so that when the babies are born, they will eat their way out. The Essence contained in the head of most creatures is said to help them develop their abilities, which range in elemental powers according to the creatures they feed on, after birth.

Sparkled River Salamander

A one to two inch, colorful, aquatic reptile with smooth scales in shades of red and black, with a speckled pattern that glimmers like stars. The slime that covers this aquatic reptile of SiTara is highly poisonous. A single drop can kill a ten pound creature, easily. It's slime is tasteless but smells of smoked meat so is often paired in murderous scandals. Though seen in SiTara, it is rare, as these tiny creatures often blend in with their surroundings in an almost chameleon like way. When spotted, they are quick to scurry away.

Bloodfang Finch

A small bird with bright red feathers and razor sharp talons. It is said to be highly aggressive and will fiercely defend its territory. It is rumored to feed on the blood of other creatures, earning it its fearsome reputation as the Bloodfang Finch.

The Luminous Lop (Lops or Loppers)

A glowing rabbit-like creature with a long tail like a dog, floppy ears, and vibrant fur in colors of pastel pinks, yellows, greens, and blues. It is known for being friendly and curious, but its bright fur can be disorienting, so approaching with caution is highly advised. The Lops are not dangerous in any other aspect, but they do have a spicy meat, that is often sought after in other Regions of NLK.

Glowing Firefly

This tiny insect is known for its radiant yellow light that illuminates from its abdomen. Their light is not just used for attracting mates, but also as a warning signal to deter predators. The wings of the Glowing Firefly are also unique, as they leave a soft glowing path behind them - as they fly in the darkness - making it easy for them to be spotted in the night sky. These fireflies are known to be quite elusive, often flitting from one place to another, making them a rare and sought-after sight for travelers in SiTara. When in hiding or in hibernation, they often look like simple sticks on the trees they have attached themselves to.

Lunar Moth

A small, luminescent moth with white wings that shimmer like stars in the night sky. Its delicate appearance belies a fierce spirit, and it is said to symbolize hope and renewal in the Region of SiTara. With wings that pulse with an otherworldly light, the Lunar Moth is a creature of beauty and wonder, inspiring awe in all who behold it.These moths have a unique defensive mechanism where they emit a bright flash of light when threatened, temporarily blinding predators and giving the Lunar Moth time to escape.


A mongoose type creature with ashy grey fur and black markings, known for its aggressive behavior and ability to control ash and embers, causing destruction through starting fires. They are fiercely territorial and attack perceived threats, especially campfires. They will attack in packs of between ten and twenty females. Males are typically the home-bodies, and can often be caught in dens, sleeping, while the females are out on hunt. These aggressive pests often overpopulate areas, and the Kingdom has asked anyone and everyone in the Region to kill them on sight.

Tara Auk

A small, flightless bird with a distinctive appearance. It has a rounded body, short legs, and a beak adapted for cracking open hard-shelled foods. The Auk has glossy extremely tiny black feathers often mistaken for scales, a white, tiny feathered - belly, and a plump, round appearance. Despite its flightless nature, the Tara Auk is an excellent swimmer and uses its wings to paddle through the water in search of food.

Medium Fauna


Opal Fox

A mystical fox with a beautiful coat that sparkles like an opal. Their fur is multi-colored, shifting from hues of blue to green to pink depending on the light. They are known for their pure white eyes, which give them the appearance of blindness, but in actuality, they possess incredible visual senses that help them navigate their environments with ease. The Opal Fox is a solitary creature and is often seen as a symbol of good luck.

Crested Talonbird

A 7-foot tall bird of prey with shimmering iridescent feathers of bright crimson, amber, lemon, and snow white, highly regarded for its beautiful, long wings and powerful hunting skills. They have long, razor sharp talons that they use to hunt small mammals and fish. Their keen eyesight and powerful wings make them formidable predators and they are considered one of the most fearsome birds of prey in SiTara

Iridescent King

A regal looking blue serpent with a vibrancy of blues and greens. It is said to have a venom that can induce a hallucinatory state, causing those bitten to see vivid and surreal visions for several hours. It's meat - when able to be caught - is said to resemble the texture of fish but tastes gamey.

Winged Wyvern

A creature with the torso of a snake, wings of an eagle, and the tail of a dragon. Though their bodies are fairly normal sized, their wingspan is massive, making them excellent fliers and they are known to be able to reach great heights - nearly to the cosmos - in the sky. In addition to their flight abilities, they are also known to be highly agile and able to slither through even the tightest of spaces, making them difficult to catch or even evade.

Secryta Gazelle

A thin and very agile black, white, or brown fur antelope-like creature with a smooth violet or lavendar gait and slender, silver dotted black horns. Known for their speed and agility. They are found in the open grasslands of the SiTara Region and are a Kingdom symbol of grace and beauty. Their horns are - when used for Created Wares like cookware - which is considered an illegal use of the Raw Ware - is able to withstand extremely high temperatures and thus can cook certain Recipies faster too.

The Shadow Panther

A large, stealthy, feline-predator with black fur and piercing yellow eyes. It can blend into shadows due to its fur absorbing light, making it difficult to see. They are cunning and able to take down prey up to three times larger than themselves, making them a formidable threat in the SiTara wilderness. Their canines have been recorded at a longest point of 2 and a half feet, however their ability to unhinge thier jaws, are one of their most distinguishable predatory traits. Be careful though, because they are also known to use their razor tipped tail as a whip, when needed. With claws as strong as the steel of Midgard, these big cats make amazing pets, if you are able to tame one. If not their meat is ranked with that of rare dragons, and have often been passed off as such in dishes throughout the entire Realm of Tir Na Nog.

Spark Drake

A medium-sized mythical creature resembling a dragon, but with a more serpentine body, and much smaller. They are primarily aquatic and are capable of breathing both air and water. Spark Drakes have bright blue and yellow markings and can emit electric shocks, much like an electric eel.

Dracul Baboons (AKA Bad'boons)

These Baboons are known for their agility, speed, and aggressive behavior. As an adult, Bad'boons can grow to be nearly 11 feet tall, standing on two legs. Their fur is a mix of brown and black, and they have sharp, four inch, prominent canines that they use to intimidate predators. Despite their aggressive behavior, Bad'boons are intelligent creatures and often live in tight-knit communities that act more like gangs. They are driven by the scent of fresh blood and are known to be attracted to it, which can make them a dangerous force in the wilderness.

Dire Oniyome (AKA Big Scary Wife)

A three eyed ogre-like - female only - creature with physically humanistic attributes, that stands approximately ten feet high. These specific type of Oni are seen more as seductive protectors of SiTara, than evil. They will often tempt travelers to break sacred Laws of the Kingdom, only to punish them with extreme torture in an attempt to drive them away from ever having a desire to harm the Land again. Most Dire Oniyome's come in variations of red and black shades, each representing specific desires. Dire Oniyome's have unreliable and often inhumane personalities, and will cause a sense of fright and terror, when around humans especially. Other creatures often find them irresistably terrifying or beautiful, sometimes both.

Large Fauna



Huge, reptilian creatures that have a wide range of elemental abilities, including but not limited to fire breathing and wings for flight. Some Dragons may specialize in elements such as ice, wind, etc. Their abilities and appearance can vary greatly among individual dragons. In SiTara, Dragons are revered as extremely powerful and feared for their ferocity. They are known to be fiercely territorial and protective of their hoards of treasure.


Often depicted as having a long (or multiple), spiraled horn(s) on their forehead, a horse-like body, and the hooves of a deer, Kirins stand (on all fours) at nearly ten feet tall, as infants and can quickly grow to over 40 feet tall as adults. Their furs can range from various shades of blue, teal, and white in color. Kirin's have a mane of white feathers (or fur) that pulls down, between the blades of their shoulders and older Kirin mane's often mimic that of a lion's. They are said to be able to control the elements of a storm, such as lighting, wind, hail, and rain. Many cultures throughout the Kingdom believe that sighting a Kirin is a sign of great fortune and good things to come. Though highly illegal to kill, these beasts are said to taste better than the best Midgard steak.


A type of mystical horse with a single horn on their forehead and shimmering, iridescent scales covering their bodies. Some breeds of Unicorns possess delicate, feathery wings that allow them to fly. Nearly every Unicorn has the ability to grant simple wishes or favors, but they often require something of greater value in return. In regards to their aquatic abilities, certain breeds of unicorns can swim through the deeper parts of rivers, but they cannot breathe underwater like Kelpies and must surface for air like whales. The power to absorb the Essence of Kirins to sustain life is unique to unicorns, setting them apart from other creatures of SiTara.

Mountain Golems

Towering monoliths that stand sentinel at the entrances to the majestic mountain caves and mines of SiTara. Their bodies are chiseled from solid rock, giving them a hulking and formidable appearance that can intimidate even the bravest of warriors. Despite their immense size,these golems move with surprising grace and agility, making them formidable foes in battle. Their stone exterior is nearly impenetrable, offering them near-invincibility from physical harm, but they can be susceptible to certain elemental assaults. Despite their intimidating presence, these golems are usually peaceful creatures, only attacking when their sacred territories are threatened. To the miners and cave-dwellers of SiTara, these creatures are revered protectors of the precious resources within the mountains.


A majestic creature that inhabits the lush meadows and forests of SiTara. Its branching antlers, adorned with leaves and vines, give it a regal appearance, while its shaggy coat of fur provides ample insulation from the elements. Despite its size, the Stagorant is incredibly agile and can effortlessly dodge predators with its fleet-footed movements. Its keen senses, especially its sense of smell and hearing, allow it to detect danger from a distance and avoid harm. In addition to its impressive physical abilities, the Stagorant is also known for its gentle nature and is often seen grazing peacefully in groups. The local inhabitants of SiTara hold the Stagorant in high regard, considering it a symbol of strength and resilience. Villianous types often regard this creature as a rare white meat and it is commonly found in UnderGround Markets throughout the NereidLykandosKingdom, and beyond

Goliath Chimera

A versatile beast that boasts the capability to alter its shape, color, and dimensions. Its physique comprises of a lion-like torso, a serpentine posterior, and expansive wings. These creatures feed on various smaller prey and have been known to settle in diverse habitats throughout the Region. Their shapeshifting abilities allow them to adapt to their surroundings, permitting them adaptation with other highly competative predators.

Shifting Sand Serpent

A remarkable creature, home only to SiTara, renowned for its ability to manipulate its size and slither through the sand and soil. With a body composed entirely of granules (if sand) or dirt/mud (if soil), this serpent is able to delve below the surface and navigate the subsurface with ease. These serpents are elusive and have been known to reside in various habitats, from the sandy dunes near edges of the mountains, to rolling sand dunes. Despite their delicate appearance, they are formidable predators and are capable of ambushing their prey with incredible speed and agility. When consuming prey, they can come from underneath the ground, swallowing them entirely. Their bodies will then absorb the Essence of the creature slowly, and painfully melt its victim prior to absorbing it.



Small Flora


Lumirina Berry Bush

A common sight in the rolling hills and verdant forests of SiTara. Standing tall and proud, these bushes can reach up to 6 feet in height and are characterized by their lush green leaves and vibrant pink berries. The juicy and sweet Lumirina berries are a popular food source for many of the region's creatures, from birds to bears.

Solarflower Blossom

A bright and cheerful plant that is native to the sunny regions of SiTara. These delicate flowers are often found growing in large clusters, creating a stunning display of colors that can range from deep red to vibrant yellow. The Solarflower Blossom's petals are imbued with a magic that allows them to harness the energy of the sun, making them a popular ingredient in many of the region's spells and potions.

Lark's Tongue

A hardy and resilient plant that can be found in the dry and arid regions of SiTara. Despite the harsh conditions in which they grow, the Lark's Tongue produces vibrant green leaves and a profusion of delicate flowers in shades of blue and purple. The leaves of the Lark's Tongue are valued for their medicinal properties, and are often used to treat a variety of ailments.

The Moonshade Rose

A rare and beautiful plant that can only be found in the darkened Regions of SiTara, where it thrives in the cool, misty air of the mountains. These roses are characterized by their deep black petals, which seem to drink in the moonlight and glow with a mysterious, otherworldly light. The Moonshade Rose is highly prized for its magical properties, and is often used in the creation of powerful Enchantments, Potions and Spells.

Faesar's Foliage

A majestic and stately plant that is native to the temperate regions of SiTara. These trees can grow up to 30 feet tall and are characterized by their broad, leathery leaves and sturdy branches. The leaves of Faesar's Foliage are a rich, dark green and are imbued with a magic that makes them highly sought after by the region's alchemists and herbalists. The wood of these trees is also prized for its strength and durability, and is often used in the construction of buildings and bridges.

Medium Flora


Bloodthorn Bush

A small bush, easily recognizable by its dark, almost black leaves and vivid red flowers. The Bloodthorn Bush is found in the darker, damp areas of the Region and is known for its toxic properties. The sap from the bush can be used as a potent poison and is highly valued by assassins and those who practice UnSeelie Essence magic.

Strangler Vines

A dense vines are native to the humid forests of SiTara. They are known for their unique growth pattern, which involves wrapping around larger trees and sleeping beings and strangling them. The vines have small, dark green leaves and produce clusters of small, purple berries. As they grow, they create a natural canopy above the forest floor. While the vines themselves are not poisonous, the berries are highly toxic to most creatures. As a result, the vines are often avoided by wildlife, making the areas where they grow ideal for more sinister creatures to hide.

Firethorn Tree

This medium sized tree, that barely reaches 5 feet in height, is easily recognizable by its bright red leaves and yellow, berry-like, citris fruit. The Firethorn Tree blooms during warmer weather of SiTara and is known for its resistance to fire. Its wood is prized for its use in making weapons and tools that can withstand extreme heat. The fruit of the tree is also edible, though it is quite sour and is usually only consumed by creatures who have developed a taste for it.

Shadow Fern

This delicate fern is easily recognizable by its dark green leaves and black stems. It grows in the shady areas by the banks of SiTara's streams and rivers and is often used as a natural remedy for ailments that cause fatigue and exhaustion. Shadow Ferns are also commonly used in spellwork for their ability to draw Essence from the surrounding environment.

Luminar Moss

A soft, fluffy moss is easily recognizable by its bright green color and bioluminescent properties. It grows in the damp, dark areas of SiTara and is often used as a natural light source by adventurers and travelers. The moss is also prized for its ability to purify air and is often used in the treatment of respiratory conditions.

Large Flora


Mystishella Tree

A large, deciduous tree that grows in SiTara Region as well as many other tropical Kingdom environments. It has a broad crown and a smooth, grey bark that peels off in long strips. The leaves are large and broad, with a glossy green upper surface and a lighter underside. The tree produces clusters of small, fragrant flowers that bloom in the spring and summer. The fruit of the Mystishella tree is a hard, woody capsule that contains a single seed.


This towering tree species grows to an average height of 400 feet and is known for its broad, umbrella-like canopy. The Joratree is also notable for its distinctive bark, which is covered in deep furrows and ridges that provide shelter for a variety of small Fae species.


Large, colorful vines that can grow up to 50 feet in length and are covered in bright, star-like flowers that twinkle and shine in the moonlight. This makes them a popular choice for decorating public spaces such as arches and gateways in the mythical land of SiTara. However, these vines have a dangerous side - they are carnivorous and have a habit of ensnaring and devouring unsuspecting creatures that get too close. Despite this, the celestial beauty of the Starweavers makes them a popular choice for adding an otherworldly touch to SiTara's landscapes.

Moon Hunters

A massive and formidable carnivorous plant that grows up to 20 feet tall. The Moon Hunters have large, round leaves that are black as coal and covered in a sticky, glowing sap. At night, the leaves open to reveal clusters of luminescent flowers that resemble a full moon. These flowers attract small insects and small creatures to the plant, which then uses its sticky leaves to trap and digest its prey. Despite its dangerous nature, the Moon Hunters are often sought after by hunters and adventurers in SiTara, who believe that its sap has mystical properties that grant increased strength and agility

Dancing Deathblooms

The Dancing Deathblooms are large carnivorous flora found in the Region of SiTara. They are capable of moving their entire plant and roots to another area of the Region, when the weather becomes too cold, and have the ability to sway and dance - hence their name. They are covered in vibrant petals and have a sweet fragrance and taste, but beware of their deadly sap, which they use to trap and digest their prey. These blooms can grow up to 20 feet tall and can be found in the dense jungles of SiTara. Despite their dangerous nature, they are considered a marvel to behold and are greatly respected by the inhabitants.

Natural Resources

SiTara boasts a landscape of unparalleled wealth, offering a tapestry of verdant forests, rolling hills, and majestic mountains. Though the Region lacks the vast bodies of water such as seas, its terrain is crisscrossed by an intricate network of shimmering rivers and streams that nourish and sustain its inhabitants.   The mountains of SiTara are a treasure trove of minerals, with glittering veins of precious metals and gems waiting to be uncovered by adventurous miners. These riches draw prospectors from near and far, eager to plumb the depths of the earth for its untold riches. The lush forests of SiTara are a veritable cornucopia of resources, providing the foundation for a thriving lumber industry and a bounty of lumber for the taking.   Herbs, spices, and other botanicals are abundant in SiTara, with the fertile soil and temperate climate providing ideal conditions for the growth of a wide range of flora. SiTara is teeming with flourishing vegetation, including a profusion of herbs, spices, and other botanical specimens. The verdant land of the Region and temperate clime of the Region foster the cultivation of a myriad of flora, fueling the thriving agriculture and herbal medicine industries of SiTara.   For those seeking adventure as a miner, lumberjack, farmer, or herbalist, SiTara is a land brimming with opportunities. Embark on a journey to explore this lush and prosperous Region, and unearth its myriad treasures! These "Raw Wares" are essential for SiTara's thriving agriculture and herbal medicine industries.


The Realm of Tir Na Nog is an astral plane of existence, born from the manipulation of the fabric of time and space ripped open by the escaping Fae of the Mortal Realm of Midgard. At the heart of this Realm lies SiTara, the Capitol Region of NeriedLykandos Kingdom (NLK). SiTara is the birthplace of the Realm, and the source of its power and stability.   The Region of SiTara is unique in that it is constantly changing, shifting and adapting to mimic the changing seasons of the mortal Realm of Midgard. This is a result of the powerful magic that runs through the Realm's main source of geographical Essence, powered by the Unobtanium found there. This magic keeps the Region of SiTara floating high above the other five Regions of NLK, and it is the reason for its ever-changing climate.   The Realm of Tir Na Nog has continued to expand and grow over time, as more and more entities have come through the Gateway's Portal that connects it to the other Realms. Today, it is a thriving and vibrant world, filled with diverse creatures, landscapes and civilizations. Each of the six Regions that make up the Realm of Tir Na Nog is unique and special in its own way, each playing a crucial role in maintaining the balance and stability of the Realm.


SiTara, one of the Regions in the vast Kingdom of NereidLykandos, is a highly sought after destination for those who seek adventure, wonder, and magic. The floating island of SiTara boasts a constantly changing climate, and influence the changing of seasons of Midgard. This ultimately creates a dynamic and diverse Kingdom Region for travelers to explore, as it differs from the Regions climates below, which remain fairly standard for the Region. The Unobtanium that permeates from the floating Capitol island provides the Realm with the Essence needed to fuel its magic and sustain its everychanging climates, making it a highly valuable resource.   Visitors to SiTara come from all corners of the Trinitas EmanAthru RPG and beyond, drawn in by its unique beauty and rich history. They are eager to witness the constantly changing seasons, marvel at the stunning natural wonders and powerful magic that fill the Realm and it's Kingdom's Regions, and explore the intricate, winding paths and hidden valleys that lead to hidden treasures and secrets.   SiTara is also home to many species of mystical creatures, from the gentle Faeries to the fierce dragons, and travelers can often be seen seeking out these beings in hopes of making a connection or forming a bond with them. Whether it be the breathtaking views of SiTara, the thrilling encounters with the Region's inhabitants, or the chance to learn more about the Realm's history and magic, there is something for everyone in SiTara.


  • SiTara

    The entire Map of the Capitol Region of the NereidLykandos Kingdom, SiTara.

    This Region floats high above the remaining five Regions of the NLK.

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