The Sub-zero Mansion Building / Landmark in Solus Dynasty | World Anvil
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The Sub-zero Mansion

Home of Phylarch; Dante Ferno


This is a two-story home, made against the opening of the Blizzard Hills Surface Mine. Once you walk up on the porch and inside, you'll see a hallway. The right door opens to a room with fire place, fur covered couches and trophies on the walls. On the left you'll find the kitchen and dining area. The floors are carved from the mountain's Rock and cupboards and shelves are lined with food. An oven, sits in a corner, made of ice and stone. Walk down the hall and you'll find a storage room with a door; an icy blue rune that opens up an extension to the house. You walk up the stairs to a large open landing, double doors opening to a master bedroom with a fireplace and furs on the walls . Seven rooms for visitors and 3 bathrooms, one of them co-ed with a bath tub and and natural steam vent formed from the wall, to warm the chilly room. If you go through the door in the storage room, you'll walk down what almost looks like a Mine, given the support beams. There's a large room, with a set of stairs and four doors all around. Continuously burning torches are along the walls, as well as common steel weapons. Chairs are strewn about, all over. One door opens to a larger dining hall, which is able to host many guests. It comes accompanied with a built-in second kitchen. Another door opens to a small, personal jail cell that can hold, up to two people . The door next to the dining hall appears as another storage room and the last door contains a small bathroom. If you follow the stairs down you'll see a wide open arena with racks of weapons along the walls.
Alternative Names
Sub-Zero Mansion
Mansion / Villa
Owning Organization

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