Regions Organization in Solus Dynasty | World Anvil
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The Kingdom of Nereid Lykandos hegemonizes and controls 6 (six) specific Regions within the Tir Na Nog Realm.

      Regions are divided by climate, location and culture.     Each of these Regions are governed by a single Phylarch. There is no Phylarch appointed to the Capital, SiTara Region. Instead, the Aios-Dana stands as the Kingdom Capital's Head Advisor. The Aios-Dana oversees and manages the Kingdom Fiscus, as well as the Kingdom Military and Royal Volsung Academy. The Aios-Dana sits at the forefront of all Regions as a whole. Durring times of War and Battles between Regions or their members, the Aios-Dana is sometimes even called upon to clear up major disputes. The Aios-Dana is as important to the Kingdom, as the Phylarchs are to their Regions. The Aios-Dana Ranks just below the Royal Crowned Head(s).


King Lux Paxton, Queen Wren Ligeia Paxton and their child(ren), Crowned Head(s) Wynter Mystic Paxton, live in the SiTara Region and rein over the remaining 5 (five) Regions.


Each, of the 5 (five) remaining Regions are governed by a Phylarch, that reports to the Aios-Dana .


If a Phylarch has not been appointed to a Region, then it is governed by the Kingdom's Aios-Dana.


The Kingdom Fiscus is managed and controled by the Aios-Dana.

    The Aios-Dana is appointed as the Kingdom's Head Advisor and thus responsible for the assets and finances of the each of the Kingdom's Citizens, through the SHIVTR Platform's Fiscus. The Aios-Dana also manages each Region's Monthly Reports to the Capital and send Stipends to those who require it.  

The Officer (or Phylarch) will keep a history (or report) of every member's inventory, within the Faction, making sure that this is kept updated weekly.

  The Phylarch will then calculate the weekly histories and send the totals in their Monthly Report, to the Kingdom's Aios-Dana (via Crow). This will be due to the Aios-Dana, no later then the last day of each (rl) month (by midnight eastern standard time). If the Monthly Report is not sent on time, the Aios-Dana may inact a fine (or worse consequences).   It is the responsibility of the each (individual) member, to turn their inventory sheet, into their Phylarch's appointed official, if and when their inventory changes. If they do not show a change, the Fiscus will be the member's true inventory. Turning in false information could lead the member to disciplinary actions being taken against them. It is the responsibility of the Phylarch (and their appointed official) to include the total inventory (including Gold), of each Resident in their Region, in their Monthly Faction Report, to the Aios-Dana.


After the Battle of Dagda, Lux and Wryn were honored for their bravery and success in triumphing over the tyrannical, Dark Fae, Dagda, and bringing peace and order back to Tir Na Nog. They were inaugurated as King and Queen and given regime over the Kingdom of Nereid Lykandos. This is the Largest, of 7 Kingdoms, within the Realm of Tir Na Nog. Soon after establishment, the couple announced to the Kingdom, the arrival of the first Crowned Head, Wynter Mystic Paxton.


The King and Queen, of the Realm of Tir Na Nog, control seven (7) Kingdoms, containing 20 Regions. The Kingdom of NereidLykandos is the Central Kingdom and contains six (6) of these Regions.


Eponian is the Religion upheld and honored within the Kingdom of NeriedLykandos. Eponian is the practice of Faerie Faith that places an emphasis on the Fae species (goblins, elves, faeries, sprites, etc.), their lore, their relation to the natural world, as well as the Ancient Realm of Tir Na Nog. The Eponian Religion honors and prays to the Warriors of the Shadow Army, who expanded their Essence into Planets that orbit around the Hathor Sun.


School is manditory! Children of Nereid Lykandos need to learn. They add to the value of their Family Name by being educated. When properly educated and groomed for specific Jobs within the Kingdom, they carry higher prestige than other children in the Kingdom and even some adults. For example; a child, being educated and trained as a Blacksmith, may be sought out to be groomed and adopted into the Regeard. The child(ren)'s education is not an option, nor is the training they receive. If they wish to remain in the Kingdom, they must attend school. Any child caught skipping school, will be arrested, along with the Adult Head of the Household they belong to, for truancy. Punishments will fall not only on the child but also on their caretaker and could tarnish the Family Name.     In Session     Each Faction's Phylarch must set up a GC for their children Residents to attend (or they can designate a building in their Region's GC on IMVU). The curriculum for the Factions individual schools will need to be sent to the Kingdom's Aios-Dana, for approval, before the beginning of each season (seasons run every 3 (three) months).   Phylarchs are to send their Faction's curriculum when they are appointed into their position. They are also required to name their Faction School. Once the curriculum is approved, the Phylarch will construct a consistent method of teaching within this room.     Teaching Trails   Once the Phylarch has their Region School and it's curriculum in place, they will post on the Kingdom Calendar, the dates and times, for available classes, unless they are able to set up a different structure for their Residents to learn. Children can be marked absent if they do not attend the minimum for each class. The Phylarch will post the minimum times a student can miss class. Grades for each student within the Faction must be sent in the Quarterly Report to the Kingdom.   Manditory Classes include, but are not limited to: Basic Roleplay How-To History (of Tir Na Nog) Cooking (Food Basics, Farming, Hunting and Creating Food Wares) Alchemy (Herbs and Farming, Minerals and Mining) Militaris and Vincula (Military and Jail) Money & Inventory (Basic Fiscus Knowledge)     Each teacher (hired by the Faction Phylarch) must be a graduate of the Royal Volsung Academy and must be active for no less than 3 days out of a week.   Pass the Class Phylarchs are responsible for ensuring that the children in their Faction are taught properly. The Kingdom will grade and hold accountable those who are not teaching correctly. Just as in the Human Realm, Children of the Kingdom will be graded on their educational work, through tests administered by the Kingdom. With the Quarterly Reports, each Faction Phylarch will be sent a Test, over the basic, mandatory classes, for the students in their Faction School. These tests will not be graded by the Phylarch, but by the Aios-Dana (or a student from the RVA that they hire for this Job). Any and all other tests will be given and graded by the Phylarch of the Faction (or their hired Teachers).   Not just for the Kiddies     School within the Factions is not just for the children, however, the adults are not reprimanded, as harshly, for lack of attendance, especially if they hold jobs and have family to take care of. Although encouraged, there is no Kingdom Law that states a member must attend school within their Faction. This does not mean that it may not be mandated by the Phylarch. Each Region is run specifically by the Phylarch appointed, and thus their Regional Laws may be different. A Phylarch may mandate specific classes in order to rise in Rank or Job. Kingdom Laws cover the entire Kingdom, whereas Region Laws are specific to that Region.   Not all Region Classes are for Children of the Faction. Some Classes may include advancement in something specific to that Region that is not appropriate for a child to learn. Children of Tir Na Nog are considered sacred and protected. Therefore, fighting is not allowed for them. A child may train in Blacksmithing, without actually having to learn the art of wielding a sword and shield. When it comes to learning how to fight in a battle, a child may even be groomed to be a warrior, but until they become "of age" they are not allowed to fight and if caught, could result in serious punishment. If someone is caught teaching a child how to fight, they too will be punished to the harshest extent, allowable by The Kingdom Laws. Classes for fighting can be allowed ONLY for ADULTS in Regional Schools.       Royal Volsung Academy   This prestigious Academy, Royal Volsung, is bustling with knowledge beyond what is taught in Faction School. In order to attend here, a Citizen must apply and be accepted. Students of the RVA will also take up residence in the Academy Dorms, located in the Academy GC on the IMVU Platform.   This Academy does not taken everyone, and space is limited. In order to be accepted, a Citizen must prove their value to the Ollamh of RVA. Applications will be accepted, only when it is announced in the Kingdom News on the SHVTR Platform. Required Ranks and Roles, as well as Expectations, will also be included in the annoucement.

Mythology & Lore

Eponian is the Religion upheld and honored within the Kingdom of NeriedLykandos. Eponian is the practice of Faerie Faith that places an emphasis on the Fae (goblins, elves, faeries, sprites, etc.), their lore, as well as their relation to the Earth (Human) Realm as well as the Ancient (Astral) Realm of Tir Na Nog.

  ANY AND ALL OTHER PRACTICED RELIGIONS WITHIN THE KINGDOM ARE PUNISHABLE BY DEATH, A SACRIFICE TO OUR GREAT DEITIES!     Those who enter SiTara's Wynter Castle grounds are often escorted via the Regeard, to the Hall of Shadows, to pay their respects to the Great Shadow Warriors, before being allowed entrance into the Royal Castle, itself. Each of the 9 (nine) deities from the tomb are said to bestow both or either blessings and curses.       Higher Education     "Faerie Faith" also refers to a specific tradition of magic and faith, taught only at the Kingdom's Royal Volsung Academy. Scholars of the Academy claim that the School has recovered the traditions of the Tuatha De Danaan, the mythological precursors to the Human Celtic people. They speak of the Religious manuscripts that have been transcribed and practiced throughout the Realm.   Those who seek a better understanding of the history of the Ancient Land, would be wise to apply for a place in the Academy. Not all who apply will be granted admittance, however those that do graduate as a Kingdom Scholar, have better opportunities for not just adventure, but Jobs and Roles throughout the Kingdom.


Bless me Great Shadow Warriors There are very few who follow another Religion within the Ancient Realm of Tir Na Nog. Those that do, are mostly uneducated Denizens and Outsiders. Because practicing another Religion or praying to other Deities is strictly prohibited by Kingdom Law, those who believe in something other, keep their thoughts and beliefs to themselves. Mostly because they fear being sacrificed to the Shadowed Deities of the Ancient Land. They sometimes are heard whispering about the "Old Gods and Goddesses" in taverns around the Realm, in spite of it all.

Land of eternal youth

Geopolitical, Province
Alternative Names
Tír na nÓg ([tʲiːɾʲ n̪ˠə ˈn̪ˠoːɡ] Land of the Young), Tír na hÓige (Land of Youth), Tír Tairngire (Land of Promise/Promised Land), Tír fo Thuinn (Land under the Wave), Mag Mell (Plain of Delight/Delightful Plain), Ildathach (Multicoloured Place)
Successor Organization
Tuatha Dé Danann
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Gold Coins
Legislative Body
The Laws of The Kingdom of Nereid Lykandos (as a whole), are made by the Royal Heads, King Lux Paxton and his Queen, Wren Ligeia Paxton. Regions are governed by Factions. Each Faction has established Laws for their specific Region. The Kingdom Laws will be followed by all members (regardless of Faction), or consequential actions will be taken. The Region Laws will be followed by any member that is in that specific Region (regardless of Faction association), or consequential actions will be taken.
Judicial Body
The Kingdom of Nereid Lykandos's Judiciary, uses a Court system that interprets and applies the Laws in the name of the Kingdom and/or Region itself. The Kingdom Judiciary can also be thought of as the mechanism for the resolution of disputes, between Regions/Factions and individual members. The Kingdom's Judiciary does not make Regional Laws (this is the responsibility of the Phylarch) or enforce Regional Laws (which are the responsibility of the Ridiri), but rather interprets these Laws and applies them to the facts of each Regional Judiciary case. However, under certain conditions, the Kingdom Judiciary does, and will, make and/or enforce Regional Laws.   Regional Jurisdictions are determined by the Aios-Dana that oversee's all of the Regions. A Faction's Judicial Branch (governed by the Faction Phylarch), has the power to change their Regions Laws through the process of a Judicial Review with the Kingdom Judiciary, after their initial Region Laws have been accepted. The Kingdom Judiciary (Aios-Dana) will review and/or annul the Laws of the Regions, when it finds them incompatible with a higher norm or moral standard, such as; Kingdom Laws, the provisions of the Kingdom Laws, Treaties, Wars and Regional Disputes. Phylarchs and their appointed officials, constitute a critical force for interpretation and implementation of a Law, thus in Faction Law Regions, creating a body of constitutional Laws.
Official State Religion
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations

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