Salissia Organization in Soma | World Anvil
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The Elven nation of Salissia is the ancestral homeland of the first Queen of Karnes , Queen Meliaria. It is a smaller nation on the continent of Sarx. Inhabited predominantly by elves, Salissia is shrouded in mystery to most of its neighbors. The entire nation is enclosed within a vast forest, woven throughout with ancient living magics. The villages and cities of Salissia are accessible only by hidden, closely controlled inroads called Elf-Road. These trails are closely monitored and the ways can easily be snapped shut or flooded with dangerous magics to repel invaders. Elves are incredibly long lived and only two generations have passed within the Salissian Royal Family since the founding of the Karnian Royal Family. The current King and Queen of Salissia consider themselves cousins to the Royal Karnian household and have opened their doors to their kin in exile, hosting a Karnian embassy in exile for Prince Alric and Princess Fidelia.
Geopolitical, Country
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations

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