Alyssa's House Building / Landmark in Song | World Anvil
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Alyssa's House

Alyssa Vansmith lives slightly apart from the village, in a one-room cottage that contains everything she could ever need to survive.


Alyssa built her hut as a relatively small, rectangular hut in the heights of a tree. the house is centered around the tree's main trunk, and a large branch that grows beyond the hut serves as an outbuilding. the house itself looks like a very large knot in the tree, with one large hole for a door ,and another one set ninety degrees clockwise from the door serves as a window. a bed is set underneath the window, and a fire pit in the center of the room allows for the cooking of simple meals.


Alyssa created this hut herself when she was eighty years old(around 14 years old relative maturity for humans), refusing any and all help, even with gathering materials.
Tree house
Parent Location

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