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Episode 1 Report

General Summary

It's 9-00 AM, on Sunday the 15th of Firstflower, in the Most Holy Year 976. Travelling from their various a homes an unusual group of strangers have gathered in the reception area of Gas Slaughter 'Manor' Station House, the dishevelled, frantic, and heaving centre of law-enforcement for dark and grimy factory and slum-district known as Gas-Slaughter 'Manor' District.   Around the strangers see the realities of police work in this area. Constables help the already-drunk down the stairs to sobering-up cells with the occasional truncheon slap. At the reception-desk gathered throngs of the robbed and wounded scream about their indignities, while in quieter corners working boys and girls flirt with sergeants negotiating diminished fines for services rendered.   The strangers stand out in this crowd, only going unnoticed because of the chaos an insobriety. Two of them are as much machine as they are human, wounded war-veterans rebuilt with mystical machinery, known on the battlefield as The Reconstructed. One is lean and sleek, suited for the shadows, the other is heavy-set and more reminiscent of a steam-tank than a man.   Next to them is a what could pass for a human, if wasn't for the faint electric crackle visible in his eyes. This is Boris Sherman, well built, sporting a thick beard and a cheap-suit. This isn't the first time Sherman has been in a constabulary station, not by a long way. Usually he'd be on his way to the cells, but he is currently facing a change of circumstances, prompted by a choice between permanent incarceration or service, Sherman's abilities as Phreno-Magneticists and his criminal tendencies making him too dangerous to exist as anything other than an asset.   The final two of the strangers are women, and are opposites to each other. One wears the garb of The Immaculate Sisterhood, a nun in service to The Most Holy Mother Church of the Radiant Sun.. This is Sister Matica, a performer of miracles and a counterfoil to the secular authorities. The other is Vanessa DeVour, a soft-spoken, bookish but graceful young woman who would have appeared at home in at the desk of any respected library or at the front of private school class, where it not for her blue skin and devil horns. Vanessa is Wytchborne, and though her people are now recognised as more than their devil-blooded heritage, their relationship with the Church, and all things holy, is a complicated and painful one.   These individuals may be strangers to the area, and to this constabulary, but they are not strangers to each other. Each, for their own reason, has come into special government service, and for the last few months have been training together to fulfil that role. Today marks their last day of training and their first, and only, probationary assignment as a prospective Special Investigation and Enforcement Liaison (S.I.E.L.) Team, trouble-shooters of unnatural problems, assigned regionally by the enigmatic Office of Military Intelligence 13.
Gas-Slaughter Green
Boris Sherman
Vanessa DeVour
Report Date
28 Nov 2023

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