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Phreno-Magneticist are a mutated off-shoot of humanity that are able to consciously manipulate the poorly-understood Phreno-Magnetic energies that flow throughout the world. While most humans exhibit some minor, instinctive ability to tap into the Phreno-Magnetic flows, manifesting as phenomena like luck or intuition, only the Phreno-Magneticists can fully utilize the flows, allowing them to manifest powerful preternatural abilities.   Unfortunately the Phreno-Magneticists' control of these powerful energies comes at a terrible cost and most Phreno-Magneticists are subject to a psychological malady, Ferric Lunacy, which manifests as a tendency towards anti-social criminality, as such most of these individuals are subject to incarceration in specialist prisons and asylums or conscription into government service.   One of the strangest abelites shared by all Phreno-Magneticists is there near immortality in regards to injury. While they age, as long as their brain is not destroyed they will rapidly regenerate wounds, regrowing limbs and organs. For this reason, Phereno-Magneticists are often incarcerated as 'Brains in Jars' where they are kept alive in a form of stasis existing only as a cerebellum suspended in Phrenomaldahide, a special inhibitory fluid.   Due to the danger posed by these individuals the government has developed certain anti-Phreno-Magnetic techniques, equipment and weaponry, such as the aforementioned 'Brain in Jar' incarceration, that can be deployed against these unfortunates for when bouts of Ferric Lunacy take hold.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Unknown Mutation

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