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An Oddi is a small creature native to the planet Donora.


Oddi, are small rodent-like creatures with short hunched bodies and short tails. They have two sets of legs, with the front legs being somewhat paddlelike and good for burrowing and digging. Their paws have four digits with each having a short claw. They have large round heads with large pouch-like necks they can use to hold food in. They have large round eyes on either side of their head, with round pupils and yellow or orange pupils.   They have short sleek fur, often with brown or beige coloring with dark vertical strips along their sides being common.



Oddi are herbivores, eating plant roots and things like nuts, berries, and seeds. They often forage for food and will store it in their nests, especially around wintertime if they live in colder regions. Behavior Oddi are most active at evening and dawn, as they are diurnal and spend most of the night and day sleeping. Those that live in climates with a winter season, they spend more time sleeping and tend to store up lots of foraged food in their nests so they don’t have to leave and go out into the cold as often.   Oddi They have offspring in groups of three or four, with both parents taking care of the offspring. They often make small burrows underground and line their nests with grass and other soft materials they can find.   Oddi do not have strong fighting instincts and prefer to flee when faced with a predator. In cases where they cannot get away, they will play dead and freeze, this freeze instinct in some cases in involuntary such as when they are startled, and causes them to be somewhat helpless when startled.


Oddi do not have many uses, historically they may have been used for food but due to their small size this was not common and they were often seen as a starvation food. They also are not common as pets, although some people do keep them as pets and they can be tamed and raised in captivity.
Planet of Origin


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