Sha Limara Character in Space Opera | World Anvil
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Sha Limara

Sha Limara is a Farlian woman who works in the shipping industry moving cargo with her husband Von Sali on their ship, which the whole family including their family lives on. She is the mother of Von Talista and Von Shan.

Physical Characteristics

Physiological Description

Limara is tall, standing at six feet tall, with a pear-shaped figure. She has cool purple-colored skin with the darker flecking all farlians have along her back. She has dark purplish hair cut into a bob haircut and kept back with a headband. She has an oval-shaped face with a long nose, as well as typical farlian cranial ridges and brown eyes.

Clothing Style

Limara tends to wear simple clothing that is utilitarian and good for spending lots of time on a ship around cargo. She also tends to wear a short, sleeveless, pleated vest over the rest of her clothing. During formal occasions, she will put her hair into a more traditional hairstyle and will break out her nicer more dressy clothing.

Mental Characteristics

Personal History

Limara was born to a nomadic Farlian family, who made a living moving cargo for various companies. She has an older sister, Sha Talina, who lives with her wife on a space station that caters to long-distance travelers.   She met her husband Sali as a young adult and the couple married and later had two children Talista and Shan.


Like most nomadic Farlians, as a child, Limara was homeschooled by her parents and learned along side her sister.


Limara has worked as a cargo shipper, using the family ship to move cargo between planets with the help of her husband. Limara tends to do more of the administration aspect of the business, finding the family work and being the one to reach out to companies.

Personality Characteristics

Limara is a very kind and bubbly woman who loves and cherishes her family. She can at times be exasperated and stern, especially with her immediate family which she lives with, but she tempers this with her hobbies and work.   Limara is smart and has a good head for numbers and stays very grounded and realistic in her expectations of things.


Sha Limara


Towards Von Sali


Von Sali


Towards Sha Limara


Von Sali (Spouse)
Sha Talina


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