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Telvan Government

The Telvan Empire is the ruling power of Telva and its territories. They are not a part of the Galactic Coalition, in fact, they view the Coalition as one of their enemies. The authorities in the Telvan empire, the ones making the laws and governing over the people, are of the highest rank of the Telvan Caste System, the Lanbe, and the people recording and relaying the decrees and events being of the Ketum and sometimes the Mepa castes.
  The Empire’s government is important for maintaining the caste system and status quo in the Empire, with the government aristocracy being responsible for punishing people who step outside of the set rules whether that is marrying outside their caste or going into a profession that is not appropriate for their caste.

The Emperorship

The Emperor is the head of state for the Telvan empire and functions as executive, legislative, and judicial power with everyone underneath them only carrying out their word. Only those of the om’Lanbe caste would be able to become emperor and even then, it is only those with blood ties to the imperial family.
  The emperorship is a hereditary position, with the emperor being the one to choose their successor. The successor is often named before the Emperor’s death and is selected from the emperor’s children.

The Aristocrats

The Aristocrats make up the Lords and Ladies of the empire who govern the vassal states under the Empire. They are under the empire and for their privileges they are required to pay tribute, perform administrative duties, provide military aid, and pay homage to the imperial family. They perform judicial and executive responsibilities in their lands and appoint appropriate overseers in towns and villages.
  The higher-ranking Aristocrats are of the om’Lanbe caste and are the families with the most power besides the Imperial family, their members are made up of the advisors and underlings who report and advise directly to the Emperor and manage large and wealthy vassals of the Telvan Empire.
  There are also lesser-ranking Aristocrats, often from the um’Lanbe caste, who are made up of the landed gentry and tend to have lesser-ranking jobs in the Empire's bureaucracy often advising and working for higher-ranking aristocrats.
Planet of Origin 


Citizenship is granted to those of the Katum caste and those up can work as government officials, with their specific job opportunities being dependent on their caste. They have greater freedom of movement as well as more civil and social freedoms. Those of the aristocratic castes have the most freedoms and opportunities.   Those who do not have citizenship -those of the Sumpa caste and below- have limited movement and civil and social rights compared to citizens. Those of the Pakumbe caste have the most limited rules and rights.


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