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Telvan Military, Law Enforcement, & Punitive System

The Telvan Military and Telvan Law enforcement are closely intertwined, with both being performed by people of the same caste, the Kastet.   The judicial and administrative work is handled mostly by members of the Katum caste or members of the um’Labe caste or by selected members of the Mepa, Kastet, or Katum castes.

Telvan Military Forces

The Telvan military is the soldiers and military forces that protect and defend the Telvan Empire as well as the forces that go into enemy territory and those that carry out attacks.   The standing military is all from the Kastet caste, as are a majority of the officers with a few from the Katum or Mepa caste but they mostly function as negotiators, strategists, and engineers rather than elite forces.   When needed they may also draft people from the Tusam caste to work as enlistees and cannon fodder, however, this is really only done in times of war or emergency.

Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement on Telva is mostly done by low-ranking officials (Katum) or the military (Kastet) with the military workers being placed on police duty, which is basically just grunt labor, with low-level administrators doing the investigating and paperwork.   Telva also has a strong secret service branch that functions more like an inquisition keeping the status quo working off of things that witnesses -whether true or false- saw. This function is often made up of people from the Kastet and Katum classes with them performing physical and administrative duties respectively.

Punitive System

The Punitive system on Telva is used through the use of prisons, mostly in the form of labor camps, and the use of execution. Many of the people put in these camps are simply guilty of petty crimes or of violating the caste system, with only a minority being actual threats or dangers to society. It is very rare for someone of a higher rank to be sent to one of these camps, and those that do are often instantly stripped of their status and made Pakumbe.   The people put in these camps are often people who have broken the law and have been sent there for a few months, repeat minor offenders are put in for a few years, and people who have committed repeat major offenses or crimes may be put in there for life or executed.
Planet of Origin


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