Chimera Gunship

The Chimera Gunship is seen all over the galaxy, a staple of Harrison Armory. It is a cheap, modular, easily produced orbital and sub-orbital gunship troop transport. It's small profile, coupled with its twin sublight engines make it a favorite due to its speed. The largest downside of the Chimera follows the same pattern of the other HA orbital ships, it gives up armor for its other systems. This helps keeps the costs low, however they are incredibly susceptible to heavy ground weapons like missiles or heavy machine guns.     The lack of armor has led to a good chunk of missions involving the Chimera to end with the gunship being shot out of the sky. Troopers have nicknamed the Gunship the "flying coffin", a name that Harrison Armory refuses to comment on. Regardless, the modularity of the Chimera makes it a favorite amongst Imperial forces, capable of operating as close air support just as well as it can be a rapid deployment unit. Their cheap design and small profile means that they can be deployed in droves from Imperial carriers, forming the tip of the spear for planetary invasions.
Flying Coffin


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