Harrison Armory

Harrison Armory is a powerful an prominent arms manufacturer that existed long before the Silence. The armory operates mostly out of the Core Systems , and has a cushy regular contract with the Colonial Earth Empire providing a good chunk of their naval weapons.    Harrison Armor operates with the similar political clout to that of a major house within the Imperial Nobility, and their influence has only begun to spread further as they divert more and more resources into direct colonial intervention through their legionates.    They operate their own planetary governing arms, military forces, and industries all under the super-structure that is the Colonial Earth Empire. They've also begun to flex their political clout, boosting the influence of the Fourth Column far beyond its normal means with the help of Raven Financial.


Harrison Armory is massive and widespread throughout the Core Systems. From their headquarters on Monterey Naval Yards, the Armory is made up of all manner of bureaucrats who have made their way up through tenacity, greed and ambition. Some hail from noble houses, with many coming from the House of Moments or House of Steel, who share a mutual interest in furthering the interests of the Fourth Column. Others have found themselves recruited from the Imperial Navy or Army, raidcalized by their experiences in the Mid Rim colonial conflicts.   At its core, the organization is mainly split between the power bases of the wealthy Nobles, and the more unified former military oligarchy. The bureaucrats use this to their advantage, latching on to whichever offers them a quicker way to the top. Branches all over the galaxy can look widely different from each other, and often employ their own private corpo wetwork squads to work against their rivals. Like other corporations, the Empire turns a blind eye, so long as they are paid out and the weapons get made.  


Harrison Armory is known for producing a great range of military grade hardware, ranging from small arms to massive capital ships. Many of these were built with the imperial military in mind, however they have been approved to sell stripped down civilian versions as well. Their Mech Chassis are known throughout the galaxy for being extremely effective.   This means the Armory also has a hand in producing advanced weapons and technology in regards to ship warfare, and have been given ample funding in the form of grants, tax breaks, and bailouts to develop cutting edge weapons for the empire. Older version are often salvaged and repurposed in Bal'Marin, or sold to security organizations. Harrison Armory also has Imperial approved contracts to sell gear to the likes of the Grand Baronies of Carthage, the Corporate Assembly and a handful of local planetary governments friendly to the Empire in the Mid Rim.  
  Harrison Armory also distributes and designs a wide range of balistic armors and small arms. Both in space and on the ground, they specialize in energy weapons, taking advantage of the rich resources in the Core Systems. Their armors and small arms are usually built at the request of Imperial Army regiments, as the Imperial Navy gets its standard small arms from the rivals of Harrison Armory.   In addition to its weapons technology, the Armory is known for sturdy exploration gear, consumer- and state-level logistics and infrastructure packages, personal groundcars, and fine liquors. It’s a big player in galactic trade thanks to its Distal Development Program, which cultivates and exports exotic alien spices, flora, fauna, and minerals for consumer use.   Most citizens of the Galactic Core and well developed worlds – those who define what amounts to “public galactic knowledge” – would not know anything in particular about Monterey Naval Yards, the Think Tank, or the operations of Armory colonial missions. They would know Harrison Armory as a weapons manufacturer and defense contractor whose name they hear in snippets of newscasts about Imperial politics, distal colonial affairs, and Cirkadia Banking Guilds’s stranglehold on interstellar shipping companies. Some who have studied the history of New Babylon and Empire might know of the Armory’s ties to the Anthrochauvinist Fourth Column, but several hundred years after the fact, it certainly feels like old news.  

Think Tank

  The Armory’s success can be credited in large part to the Special-Exception Persistent-Cultivation Legionspace Engine: SEPCLE, or colloquially, the Think Tank. The Think Tank is the Armory’s version of Central Simulation, a choir of persistent near-cascade demon constructs that the Armory uses for research and development into paracausal technology, forecasting, and management. The Armory is permitted to run a full choir of these borderline unshackled NHPs thanks to an extensive post Mechanicus Jihad treaty structure established with Empire . The location of the Think Tank is kept secret, though it is presumed to be buried deep below the frozen tundra of Monterey Naval Yards. The Think Tank, while a closely guarded corpro secret, is known to the Imperial Court, which enjoys regular inspections of the facility. Empire’s access to the Think Tank is a thorn in the side of the Armory’s director general, who would prefer that Empire keep its prying eyes far from sensitive corporate technology.
Corporation, Security
Parent Organization
Fourth Column

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