
In a galaxy as vast as this one, a distress call is a message in a bottle: sent with hope, and in the grim knowledge that,more likely than not, no one will respond in time.   No one but the Starwatch.   Snapping from nearlight to realspace already in their suits, the Loyal Wings of the Starwatch launch from their carrier ships to engage almost immediately. Their purpose is as simple as their mission parameters are varied: answer the call to help. Broadly, they are seen as paragons of a kind of shoot-first virtue; true heroes in the fashion of wandering archetypal knights-errant, gunslingers, or ronin. An organization dedicated to first response and triage, the Starwatch do not fight protracted campaigns or focus on the fraught, long-term effort of rebuilding nations – they travel light, respond quickly, and move on to the next group in need. The Starwatch’s chassis are legendary, draped in crimson banners and flags, shining silver with each pilot’s livery emblazoned across their chassis’ shields and splash plating. Supported by sublight ships, fighter wings, and light ships of the line, the soldiers of the Starwatch – its Loyal Wings – are a remarkable and formidable fighting force.   The Union considers Starwatch an autonomous nomad state, while the Colonial Earth Empire considers Starwatch a barbaric collective of wandering terrorists. Long an independent, landless organization, the Starwatch in the modern age is kept in supply by various different organizations and benevolent donations. The majority of their funding comes directly from Interplanetary Shipping - Northstar, and wealthy benefactors within the Republican Remnant and the Thondor Kingdoms.   Many in are Thondorians who follow the "Way of the Traveler". Finding purpose in the nomadic lifestyle, while also following the teachings of the Unifier. Starwatch is seen regularly working alongside the Pacifica Liberation Front, Dragon Resistance and pro-republican and union forces.


Each detachment of Loyal Wings and their support personnel is organized around a makteba – a monastic moon or station that acts as a diplomatic contact point and evergreen temporal touchstone between century long patrols. Maktebas usually only host one operational detachment of Loyal Wings, with the largest playing host to two or three active detachments.   Starwatch primarily recruits mech pilots from within its own organization. Promising Makteban youths are invited aboard Starwatch range-ships early in their lives, so they may serve as stewards for older Loyal Wings and learn through apprenticeship. It is uncommon, though not unheard of, for adult or outside recruits to join the Starwatch, either through invitation or the novitiate process. To join the order, one must shed their past lives, families, friends, and homes – commitmentis generally assumed to be a lifetime vow; to live as Makteban is to live apart from the rest of humanity, and to still put your life on the line to serve them.


Starwatch was initially founded by the famed Thondorian, Tsar the Unifier. It was formed by the countless masses that rose up in defense of his crusade. The intial formation of Albatross at this time was strictly anti-Imperial. They were formed by coalitions of fighters and radicals, under the guidance of welcoming Thondorian Travelers.
Civilian, Knightly Order
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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