Pacifica Liberation Front

The Pacifica Liberation Front or the PLF has sprouted up all around the Mid Rim , forming a coalition of rebels, terrorists, partisans, freedom fighters and criminals all rallying behind the banner against both the Corporate Assembly and the Colonial Earth Empire within the galactic region of Pacifica. They believe that they should be free from the yolk of oppression from the Core Systems , and wish to carve out their own emancipation, returning to the freedoms of many years ago, before the Empire so casually began to colonize an already established Mid Rim. They wish to get rid of the corporate overlords that regularly exploit their planets for minerals, and get back their own sovereignty.   The PLF is very openly left-wing, and anti-fascist in their nature, actively spurning the more conservative radicals within Pacifica regularly. Though, on occupied worlds they have been noted to work alongside more radical forces that might not align with the greater Liberation Front idealogies. Their tactics center on targeted harassment of political enemies and the organization and radicalization of laborers, particularly inthe mines, factories, and fields of the Empire.   Some networks have been connected to influences by the Union of Socialist Systems , and even have been seen working alongside members of the Be'Teu Order. They have also struck an alliance with the Dragon Resistance, Rebel Fleet and the Ungratefuls, and together have become a real thorn in the side of the Empire.   The activities of the Pacifica Liberation Front can range from deep cover infiltration of Corporate Assembly worlds, carefully de-stabilizing the structures from within, to full blown open conflict, on planets like Parvus , where guerrillas regularly operate out of this planet, launching stealth fighters and frigates to strike at key targets throughout the galactic sector.


The Front is intentionally organized to be difficult to penetrate. Close knit cells are tied together through a series of proxies who answer to handlers often located in highly protected or hidden areas. Only in these isolated arenas can the Front operate more openly. Each cell and sect can have wildly different goals and beliefs, although they are all unified in their opposition to the Empire. The largest group of members directly seek the support of the Union of Socialist Systems, however those cells are highly targeted by the Office of Imperial Security. Other groups of members mostly coalesce around the clamor for having an independent system from the Empire. Many of these cells have ties to various religions, like Seerism or the Ascetics. Infighting between these cells is rare, but it does occur. Usually to the benefit of the Empire.   As a whole, there are two main sub-sectors of the front, those openly in rebellion, and those who hide themselves among imperial occupied space. Those fighting in the open help gather funds, either through peaceful means like collection from independent planets, or through illegal means, using the Omni-Net to datamine credits, targeting Imperial Banks with AI-Bombs, or redirecting ghost ships towards PLF strongholds. There are known sympathizers outside of Pacifica, and are known to include officials withinRepublican Remnant. The Union of Socialist Systems is more direct with their support, providing direct arms and training through the Vanguard Revolutionary Forces. They help train more active militants, who raid Imperial Convoys openly, or hit Imperial Outposts for payouts. They operate irregular space fighting capabilities, like the infamous Dagger Squadron, or with evasive fleets jumping from sympathetic system to sympathetic system.   Those who find themselves under the thumb of the empire controlled space find themselves comitted to all manner of tasks. Some merely act as couriers, or lookouts reporting Imperial activity to higher ups. Others act as smugglers, importing arms or exporting refugees. The most brazen are saboteurs or resistance fighters, who will strike quickly at imperial focal points and melt back away. They hide behind the imperial occupation, and make up a small active minority. They are ruthless in most cases, and often join as a result of the brutal tactics the Empire deploys on its colonial territories. Most fighters have lost family at the hands of the Empire. They operate on planets like Thraka and Tar'Atu, where the empire has pressed their influence. PLF fighters have been incredibly successful guerillas on these planets, showing their teeth at the Siege of Talltown. These fighters also operate in Imperial Space, training fighters to export their attacks to the Panem Region.   The open forces will often smuggle support and funding to the hidden cells. The hidden cells often provide invaluable intel back to the open forces, allowing them to avoid the ire of the full fist of empire.
Illicit, Rebel
Alternative Names
Liberation Front, Rebels, PLF
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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