The Ascendancy

The Numidia Ascendancy, known to many simply as the Asembly, is a ancient kingdom that pre-dates the silence and even some of the Noble Houses of the Empire. Because of its position in the Lost Region, it has remain long isolated from the greater affairs of the galaxy. Only recently have their exploratory and diplomatic ships have begun to show up in the Mid Rim and Outer Rim.   Usually they bear ill-tidings, mysterious warnings from beyond explored space. Many are talented Psionics, and gifted precogs. Many have mutated to resemble a more slender elegant form than most other humans, and the Colonial Earth Empire considers them genetic mutants overall. They wield weapons from before the silence, and speak an ancient dialect that only historians understand. They live much longer than the average human, though it is not sure if this is from their mutations, or from their advanced medical tech.


Their heirachy is a confusing web of covens, governed by a council of matriarchs. Though, many move freely between the covens, and each of the covens represents a certain path one is on during their life. They all answer to the leader of their society, the Pashidah. This Pashidah acts as a counter balance to the coven matriarchs, and seeks to represent the will of the peoples collectively.


No one has visited their homeworld, Numidia and there are only rumors of what it is like, so it is hard to speculate on the structure of the Ascendancy. However, all of their starships, weapons and armor that has been spotted is a work of art. Each is designed with an elegance and function that is unique to each user.   It is suggested that each warrior crafts their own weapons and armor, with assistance from the master artisans. Together, the crew of a starship assembles it, with the master shipbuilders. They say this traps the soul of the user in the armor, and the soul of the crew in the ship, making them more powerful.   The science surrounding this is difficult to understand, though it is suggested by some that the various crystals on the armor and the ships allows the user's psionic stamp to be trapped into the crystal should they pass, and if the crystal can be brought back to Numidia, that they will be used to power the rest of Numidia society.   This could also explain why none of Numidia ships or weapons work with anyone other than the Numidia people themselves. Regardless, all records of recorded interaction with Numidia representatives use psionic powers.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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