Mid Rim

Between the Core Systems and the Outer Rim , the Mid Rim is the "Wild West" of outer space and home to some powerful organizations. Whether through the Corporate Assembly and the systems under its control within in the The Great Expanse or Free Space and the Be'Teu Order, there is sure to be some kind of adventure. The systems here on constantly in flux, and control over the various galactic sectors here can shift daily.    The mid-rim is also home to Imperial Remnant. Errant warlords and dictators from before the Silence, who lost contact with the Colonial Earth Empire but maintained order through their own methods of suppression. Many of these systems are ruthless, and their level of collaboration with the Colonial Earth Empire Planetary Governors often varies from friendly to in outright war with. The Planetary Governors themselves can hardly agree, and ruthless underhanded politics between one governor to another using Corpo backed entities, private spy units, or even through paid influence on New Eden is commonplace. Many of these governors operate far from the prying eyes of the Core Systems and are free to act how they like, so long as the taxes are paid and the resources extracted from the mid-rim are sent back to the core.
Galactic Quadrant
Included Organizations

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