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Heraklion-3 System is one of the Heraklion Cluster Systems and was discovered and settled as the third one. Despite that, it became a major technological and industrial centre of the Empire, rapidly increasing its population and economy. It is the home of Heraklion


Heraklion-3 is a unary star system with a star of yellow dwarf type roughly the same size as the Sun, with 8 rocky planets and 1 gas giant a little more massive than Jupiter. It also has 4 asteroid belts.

Natural Resources

Heraklion-3 is a resource-rich system, with immense amounts of asteriods filled with Platinum, Iridium, Palladium, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel and Carbon. Almost every of 9 planets within the system is a terrestial world with high amounts of Lanthanides and Group 3 elements. Heraklion-3c is the most important mining world, as elements there can be found in very pure forms due to the planet being a barren wasteland and also being the youngest planet in the system, as it formed roughly around 2 billion years ago.


Heraklion-3 was discovered shortly after Heraklion-1 and was settled in 2376.
Star System
Owning Organization
Related Ethnicities


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