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Terran Empire (ˈtɛrən ɛmpaɪə)

The Terran Empire is the largest human country in existence. It spans across the whole Milky Way galaxy and controls more than 46% of its star systems, though only select few are actually inhabited. It is home to more than 840 billion humans and more than 137 billion of other sapients that humanity discovered along the way during its golden era in the XXII century.

Demography and Population

Population of the Empire is varied but it is still a predominantly human country where other races, while having full rights and citizenship, are more or less marginalized in politics. This in turn is compensated by limited self-government acts that gave these races power to state their own laws in their own home systems and any colonies they estabilished before joining the Empire while still recognising the Empire as the de facto ruler and protector of their space. The population census of 2552 presented the following number of population grouped by species:
  • 840,863,263,033 Humans
  • 41,044,010,375 Anoans
  • 34,442,656,122 Zerians
  • 30,813,435,081 Parans
  • 30,712,580,998 Others
  • Territories

    The Terran Empire spans across a little bit less than 46% of the Milky Way Galaxy, holding firm control over both the Far and Near 3kpc Arm, most of the Sagittarius Arm, parts of the Centaurus and Norma and almost all of the Perseus Arm. As defining exact borders is close to impossible in the outer space it is impossible to give any measurements over the exact size of the imperial territory.
    The three most important star systems within the Empire are in descending order: The Solar System, The Alpha Centauri System and The Heraklion-3 System. They are the most populous and the most economically important at the same time. Other territories worth noting, are the Anoa System, which is the home system of the Anoans, the The Zer System, which is the home system of the Zerians and the Para System, which is the home system of the Parans. While these systems are not among the wealthiest due to various reasons, they are nevertheless imporant politically and culturally to a large part of the Empire's population.
    The Empire also has complete administrative and military control over two star systems within the Andromeda Galaxy, this systems being the Lacrimosa System and the Fantaisie System, which are the only transit points between the Milky Way and the Andromeda. They are under imperial rule due to the ceasefire signed in 2523 which stated, that while these two system would remain under direct imperial rule, they will be a demilitarized zone in which neither the Empire nor the Collective can station any heavy equipment, the fleet size cannot exceed 500 vessels and no vessels larger than a frigate may be stationed within these systems.
    Currently, the Empire has no further plans to expand its territory due to an on-going economic crisis which leaves little breathing room for the imperial budget and forces the Empire to heavily invest in its own existing economy, rather than setting up additional markets.


    Empire's military, officially named Armed Forces of the Terran Empire, is the strongest military force in the known universe. It is split into four different branches: Marines Corps, Imperial Fleet Command, Imperial Aerial Command and Imperial Intelligence Service.   Marines Corps
    The second-biggest branch of the Imperial military that is closely tied to the Imperial Fleet Command. It is the most elite infantry force in the known universe which is all the more impressive if we factor in that it fields a whopping 3.77 billion of active military personnel.
    The Marines are well-trained and receive constant real-world combat experience by participating in various peacekeeping mission within the Empire and beyond. The Marines Corps is divided from top-down into: Army Groups, Armies, Divisions, Brigades, Battalions, Companies, Platoons, Units and Fireteams.

    Imperial Fleet Command
    The Imperial Fleet Command, or The Imperial Navy is the largest of the branches of Imperial Armed Forces and stands at around 4.234 billion active military personnel. It is the second largest spaceborne navy in the known universe and has more than 319,000 vessels and 1,218,000 space-fighters at its disposal, against the Collective's whopping 423,400 vessels. The Imperial Navy does not rely on numbers alone though and its power stems from their cutting-edge technology and constant drive for retrofitting the older ships to newer standards of electronic and weapons systems.
    The Imperial Fleet Command is organised from top to bottom into: Regional Groups, Fleets, Flotillas, Squadrons, Individual ships. Each capital ship also carries a detachment of Marines with enough heavy equiment to lay siege against any planetside target.
    Imperial Navy is utilising a doctrine of Rapid Response and Mobile Defense, with tiny garrisons stationed within each inhabited star system and powerful strike forces stationed at infrastructural hubs from which they can quickly jump into any besieged system and de facto reconquer it with overwhelming firepower and manouverability.

    Imperial Aerial Command
    Imperial Air Force is the second-smallest branch of the Imperial Armed Forces with just shy of 150 million active military personnel. It has more than 15 million of various aircraft, from air superiority fighters through close air support platforms to strategic bombers. The Air Force, or the Aerial Command is the least experienced of the branches, having not seen real combat for 30 years, as the Air Force's craft are not spaceworthy and thus are used purely for assisting infantry units and providing interception and close air support, with occasional bombing runs against enemy footholds and strongholds.

    Imperial Intelligence Service
    The Imperial Intelligence Service is the most secretive of the military branches. It's manpower pool is classified and is estimated by independent sources at around 40 to 70 million of active personnel, of which more than a half are non-combatants. The IIS is responsible for all things covert, including deep infiltration, guerilla warfare, cyberwarfare, spec-ops, espionage, political meddling within enemy states, tracking down fugitivies and deserters, counter-intelligence and population monitoring. The IIS is the smallest, yet possibly the strongest branch of the military within the Empire, with almost unlimited insight into everything that is happening within the Empire and everywhere where there is civilisation.  It is speculated, that the IIS has hundreds of thousands of sleeper agenst within the Collective and even more active operatives gathering data and sending petabytes of it daily to their subnet from which it is analyzed by a literal army of purpose-made AIs.


    The system of law within the Empire is largely based on the western-style human-rights-oriented model, with certain limitations imposed by the monarchical system which puts the monarch as the head of the government. While people's freedom of thought and expression is left unhindered and freedom of speech is for the most part upheld, there are several exceptions, such us little to non-existent freedom of the press, as press requires a licence from the Government to legally operate within the Empire or its network. The content of what the press publishes is not redacted after obtaining the licence, but the state reserves the right to revoke the licence at any point with viable evidence of working against the public order and security of the state.
    The capital punishment is legal within the Empire, though it is rarely used and is reserved only for highest and most devious of offences and only if the evidence provided by the prosecution leaves no shred of reasonable doubt.
    The economic freedom within the Empire is also quite large, but it is limited in how big a private enterprise can become. As corporations became increasingly powerful during the XXIII century, the Empire passed a legislation requiring any company larger than 100.000 employess and earning more than 100 bln Terradollars in net income yearly to sell 51% of its shares to the Treasury of the Empire. The only way to avoid such a selling is to sign a contract with the government that the company will refrain from interferring with politics and will never support any sort of political or ideological movement within the Empire, effectively forcing the corporations to become fully apolitical. Breakin the terms of this contract means that the state becomes a full owner of the corporation and prosecution is allowed to press criminal charges for political manipulation against all of the top executives of the corp as well as against the biggest shareholders of the corporation. The punishment for breaking this contract can be up to 25 years of prison without parole. This offence is also the only one which cannot be pardoned neither by the ruling monarch nor by the government.
    The Empire upholds the full right to the freedom of religion and conscience, as it is an extremely varied state in terms of religion, with no mainstream religion of its own. Religious laws are not taken into consideration when creating state laws and religious organisations are treated as any other enterprise and the only difference between a religious group and an enterprise is that a religious group does not fall under the Apoliticality Law.

    Per aspera ad astra

    Founding Date
    Geopolitical, Empire
    Alternative Names
    Milky Way Empire, The Empire
    Training Level
    Veterancy Level
    Leader Title
    Government System
    Monarchy, Constitutional
    Power Structure
    Unitary state
    Economic System
    Mixed economy
    The Perseus Arm:
  • The Solar System
  • The Alpha Centauri System
  • The Keppler System
  • The Thesseus Cluster
  • The Oedipus Cluster
  • The Epictetus Cluster
  • The Epicurus Cluster
  • The Scutum-Centaurus Arm:
  • The Heraklion Cluster
  • The Thales Cluster
  • The Archimedes Cluster
  • The Hercules Cluster
  • Point Armstrong:
  • Lacrimosa System
  • Fantaisie System
  • Currency
    Terradollar / T$
    Legislative Body
    Imperial High Council
    Judicial Body
    Impieral Court of Terra
    Executive Body
    Subsidiary Organizations
    Official Languages
    Related Ranks & Titles
    Controlled Territories
    Organization Vehicles

    Articles under Terran Empire


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