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A beautiful earth-like planet located within the Local Cluster of the Milky Way Galaxy. It is the capital of the Terran Empire and is the homeworld of the human species. It is the third planet in the Solar System and has one moon - Luna that is in a tidally-locked orbit.


Terra, while being the homeworld of humanity, is inhabited by almost all of the races that comprise the Terran Empire. The planet's population is mostly made up of adults with a small percentage of elderly and children, due to sky-high costs of living and immensly fast pace of life.


Due to Terra's legacy as humanity's homeworld, it retained most of it's administrative divisions such as countries and states. Countries of old, while not retaining any of their legislative powers, they are still responsible for governing their respective regions. Representatives of these local governments are democratically elected through direct democracy. These local governments are then responsible for infrastructure maintenance, upkeep of local police force, firefighter and medical services and other utility services and infrastructure. Local governments retain some of the tax revenue they are tasked with collecting and can use it however they deem beneficial to their populace.


Even though Terra is located within the heavily fortified Solar System, it itself has additional layers of defensive installations, mostly space artillery emplacements made using cutting-edge technology and capable of taking down any capital ship in a reasonable distance from Terra itself.

Industry & Trade

After the Terran Empire became a spacefaring civilization, Terra's economy underwent radical changes. Most of its industry was moved out into space and into the colonies, while Terra itself became the financial and scientific heart of the newly founded interstellar empire. It is home to most of the biggest Corporations and Industrial Syndicates in the Empire where they have their HQs and R&D centers.


  • American East Coast
  • American Midwest
  • American West Coast
  • Canada
  • Gran Colombia
  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • European Union
  • Russia
  • China
  • Japan
  • Korea
  • Vietnam
  • Indonesia
  • South-east Asia
  • Central Asia
  • Australia and Oceania
  • India
  • Middle-east
  • North Africa
  • Central Africa
  • South Africa
  • East Africa
  • West Africa
  • Architecture

    The architecure of Terra is so complex and varied that it is impossible to put it into a list. Buildings vary from late renaissance to modern day behemoths made of titanium, graphene and various polymers.


    Terra's climate has been severly ravaged by the global warming of the 21st and 22nd centuries. More deserts sprung up and the ice caps are only half of what they were at the dawn of 21st century. Right now Terra is a rather warm planet with no harsh winters and a very hot summer. Where there is vegetation, it is substantial and healthy as mandated by the Imperial Government.

    Natural Resources

    Terra has been striped clean of all significant resource deposits during the course of the 21st century. Right now, Terra's most important resources are rare plants and animals, other than that it has bascially no economic value in terms of natural resources.
    Alternative Name(s)
    Earth, The Blue Planet
    Related Ethnicities
    Inhabitant Demonym
    Owning Organization
    Characters in Location


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