Sparks in the ashes ARC 1: Sparks in the Ashes
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ARC 1: Sparks in the Ashes

Life, Achievement/ Win


  • Pravda and Aillard break out of Quintesson captivity and join up with the Underground.
  • In an attempt to save his young friends - as well as a friend of Pravda and Aillard - Victor willingly goes to the Quintessons on the pretense of an 'assessment'.
  • With Primus's help, Victor is assigned to Inquirata's testing group, and further modified to attune to the artifact known as 'Rhisling'.
  • Upon the arrival of Judge Deliberata, Victor manages to open a series of spacebridges that result in the Spire's devastation. While he and his friends - including Primus - escape, the Quintessons are out for blood as a result.

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