

  Лезвия гоблинов – это маленькие ударные корабли короткого радиуса действия. Разработанное на базе более ранней, небронированной стрелы кобольдов, лезвие преимущественно использовалось для таранных ударов в духе камикадзе против вражеских кораблей в космических битвах. В основном кобольды использовали свои корабли наряду с космическими атаками в ухарских наземных рейдах. Многие корабли оснащались деревянными полозьями, чтобы иметь возможность садиться на песок, соляные корки и плоские луговины. По всему космосу еще можно найти стрелы, которым не повезло, со скелетами внутри.   Лезвие (или стрела) имеет форму наконечника стрелы, с кормилом посреди корабля и оружием (если есть), смонтированным сзади сверху. Если оружия нет, вокруг оружейной площадки находится платформа с леерами для экипажа, с люком и ведущим внутрь корабля трапом. Этот корабль популярен среди гоблинидов и людей из-за своей дешевизны и великолепных качеств для действий ближнего радиуса. Гиффы и гномы используют эти маленькие корабли для испытаний экспериментального оружия.Tiny vehicle     STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) Hull Armor Class 13 Hit Points 50; Bulwark Points 0 Traits Fighter Ram. This ship is designed to directly collide with another ship or mega creature and survive (mostly) unscathed. As an action, you can move up to this ship's speed within its cone of movement and enter the space of a ship or mega creature. If you move at least 1,000 feet, you may make a ship weapon attack against the target. On a hit, you deal 5 1d10 mega bludgeoning damage to the target and suffer 2 1d4 mega bludgeoning damage. You can only use this feature to ram a target that is of Schooner size (mega small) or smaller. Innovative Design. The crew of this ship have advantage on initiative rolls. Attributes Speed 3500ft. (180°)   Crew (Min/Max) 1/1   Cargo Hold 0.25 tons   Days Of Air 120 days   Landing Space docks   Cost 2,200gp   Hardpoints 1 Small   Fore Mantle Special   Source: WJMAiS, page 43 Blade WJMAiS p43 Description [–] The Blade is a small, single pilot wildjammer most commonly made out of metal and thick wood. It was originally designed by goblins as small attack craft, though since it was first seen in the known spheres, it has become a favorite in the market. It can be occupied by a single Fighter Helmsman who simultaneously operates the movement of the ship and a single light ballista, light catapult, or most commonly, a fire projector.   Mechanical Helm [–] The Blade is too small to carry a full Wildjammer Helm. In place of it, the Blade carries a mechanical Helm that generates propulsion through residual magic found in wildspace. This mechanical Helm doesn't require the Fighter Helmsman to be a spellcaster, but it also can't fly at jamming speed. This means the Blade is best as a short-range fighter craft to support a larger wildjammer.   Example Weapons [–] Fire Projector Model Variations [–] The default Blade shown in the stat block is the Fighter model. There are other models as well:   Boarding Boat [–] The Boarding Boat variant foregoes its Fighter Ram and its small hardpoint in favor of being able to carry up to 5 medium-sized creatures and being equipped with a special harpoon. This harpoon is a ranged weapon that can be fired at a wildjammer or mega creature within 7,000 feet. This attack deals no damage, but it allows the Blade to move at twice its usual speed in a straight line toward the target.   Tugboat [–] The tugboat variant foregoes its Fighter Ram and its small hardpoint in favor of being able to fit a minor Wildjammer Helm and a Helm Link upgrade, allowing it to travel and rescue broken down wildjammers.     Blade EDIT   Goblin Blade Blade (Arrow) Built By Goblins (Kobolds) Used Primarily By Goblinkin, humans Cost 3,200 gp (2,200 gp - includes cost of built-in greek fire projector) Tonnage 1 ton Hull Points 2 (1) Crew (Min/Max) 1/1 (total weapon crew: 3) Man-Days of Fresh Air 120 Maneuver Class A Landing - Land No (Yes) Landing - Water No Armour Rating 4 (6) Saves As Metal (Thick wood) Power Type Non-magical or boat helm Ship's Rating 1 or as per helmsman Standard Armament Piercing Ram 1 Greek Fire Projector (crew: 3) Cargo 1/4 ton Keel Length 20' Beam Length 20'  


  The Blade is a small, short-range attack ship. Developed from the earlier, unarmoured Kobold Arrow, the Blade was primarily used in kamikaze ram attacks on enemy vessels in space-battles. Ogre Mammoths usually carried several of these ships as boarding boats, Goblin Porcupine Ships would often carry one or two for use as scouts, while Orc Scorpions often carried a few Blades to herd targets towards the claws of the parent ship. The kamikaze use of Blades began in earnest when the goblinkin began to be pressed by the elven fleets in the First Unhuman War.   A Blade is shaped much like an arrowhead, with the helm (or controls for the non-magical engine) amidships and the weapons platform topside. While the Blade was once used almost exclusively by goblinkin, they are now commonly used by many races in space. Goblinkin still favour the craft, while humans and halflings find it ideal for short-range uses. Giff and gnomes often use Blades as test platforms for experimental weapons and devices.  


  A single pilot is required to handle the Blade. Since the craft is intended for short-range use only, it is not uncommon for a Blade to carry more crew than its air envelope can safely support. A typical crew for humans or orcs would consist of a single pilot and a single weaponeer (the greek fire projector is generally a one-shot device, so reloading it is not considered a priority). Goblins and kobolds tend to have crews of 4-8 (except when being used as a kamikaze craft, in which case a single pilot is used, often in a fanatical crazed state induced by potions brewed by the tribal shaman), while ogre-operated Blades tend to carry as many ogres as can hang on to the outside, along with the pilot (a maximum of 8 ogres can be carried, but it is not uncommon for several of these ogres to lose their grip and fall away from the Blade as it maneuvers towards the enemy).  

Ship Uses


Boarding Boat

  When used as a boarding boat, the Blade is usually stripped of any weaponry, although it is not uncommon for a light ballista to be fitted, firing a harpoon-like projectile with a line attached to aid in grappling with an enemy ship (range of this light ballista is reduced to 1 hex because of the line). The rails of the upper platform are usually lined with shields, boarding pikes, and armoured bins of oil pots ready to throw. The preferred method of boarding is to come alongside an enemy ship as would be done in any other boarding action, but the small Blade can also set down directly on the deck of the target. Since the Blade is top-heavy and lacks landing gear, a Blade which sets down in this manner is 50% likely to tip over at a 45° angle, causing anyone on board to save vs. paralyzation or fall to the side for 1d6 points of damage. Boarding boats usually use non-magical helms (although Rudders of Propulsion are ideal in the extremely rare cases when they are available), and are typically released from their mothership only when it has already drawn close to the enemy.  


  When used as a mobile ram, the Blade is virtually always equipped with a non-magical engine, and no weaponry. This is because a Blade used for this purpose is destroyed by the impact, unless it is ramming another very small craft. These Blades are typically packed with greek fire, oil, smokepowder, and other explosives and flammables. The crew will usually attempt to bail out just before impact, but survival is not likely. If the target is hit normal damage is done, plus 1d4 hull points of damage from the explosion, which creates a fire as normal.  


  The original intended purpose of the Blade was to serve as a fighter, and many are still used in this capacity. A fighter Blade is typically armed and equipped as above, usually with a boat helm rather than a non-magical engine. These craft typically fire one shot from the greek fire projector (most fighter Blades mount single-use greek fire projectors, since the small craft cannot easily handle a full-sized projector), and then either retreat to re-arm, or use on-board archers to harass the enemy, depending on the inclination of the crew. In this use, Blades by themselves are little threat to most ships, but can be deadly when supporting a larger craft. Fighter Blades are particularly well-suited for dealing with other small craft, such as flitters, since the Blade's ram is highly effective against other small craft.  


  Many goblin and orc tribes used Blades as scout vessels, and it is not uncommon for many different groups to use them in this function today. Scout Blades are usually equipped with boat helms, although minor helms are not uncommon. Blades operated by goblins or orcs in this function are typically piloted by an apprentice shaman, who is assisted by 1-3 bodyguards. Blades used as scouts are intended to run away from a fight, and so they typically mount a light catapult which they can use at long ranges to discourage pursuit, and which can be filled with jettison-shot as needed.  


  Blades can sometimes be found fitted with minor or major helms, and used as tugs. These ships usually operate close to asteroid bases in dangerous areas, where they can rescue disabled craft, bring in wrecks for salvage, or simply guide incoming vessels through dangerous approaches. In some cases tugs will be used to tow a number of cargo barges through safe areas of space, however these tugs have the distinct disadvantage of being unable to safely land.  

Escape Craft

  While this is a use to which Blades are often put, it is rare for this to be the intended use of the craft. Usually a Blade carried by another ship will be intended as a boarding boat, a fighter, or a scout, but unless equipped with a non-spelljamming power source, these ships are often useful escape craft if trouble befalls the parent ship. In some cases, however, Blades may be carried for the express purpose of serving as escape ships. These ships are typically equipped with furnace helms or boiler helms along with a supply of appropriate fuel. This is because in an emergency it is highly possible that no spell-casters will be available to pilot a more standard type of helm.  

Other Configurations


Kobold Arrow

  Not technically another configuration of the Blade, the Arrow is actually the original kobold design which the goblins adapted into the Blade. The Arrow (statistics are the same as the Blade except where given in parentheses above) uses the same basic configuration as the Blade, but lacks a weapons platform on the topside. Instead, the Arrow was designed with a built-in bottom-mounted greek fire projector. The wooden hull of the Arrow is unarmoured, and the craft is usually fitted with wooden runners to allow it to land on flat land. Arrows are now much less common than Blades, since they are no longer built in any large quantities. Overall the Blade is a superior craft, and the only real reason to build an Arrow rather than a Blade is that the Arrow is cheaper and easier to build. If this is the only consideration, however, most would prefer to build the even cheaper Kobold Dart, which was another later design based on the Arrow. Those Arrows which are used today tend to see use in the same roles as Blades.  

Rigging Cutter

  This variant is often used by goblinkin fighting under the banner of the scro. The first of these ships were modified Arrows, but the design has since been used on Blades as well. Rigging cutters are equipped and armed as normal fighters, and serve in the same role. The difference is that the side fins have been replaced with large steel blades. These blade-fins still serve the original function of aiding maneuverability, but also serve as rigging-shears, although without the possibility of working loose.   Size: Small   Class: Fighter   Keel Length: 20 ft.   Beam Length: 20 ft.   Built by: Goblins (Kobolds) Used by: Goblinkin, Humans Tonnage: 1 ton Landing: Land Power Type: non-magical or boat helm Armaments:   1 Greek Fire Projector


Creature Capacity:   Crew: 1/1   Passengers: 3 Cargo: 1/4 ton


  Speed: 400 ft   Travel Pace: 45 mph   Maneuveribility: A, Dexterity 20 (+5), 270 per turn   Cost: 3200 gp   Armor Class: 15 (Metal (Thick wood)), 20 on movement   Damage Threshold: 10    
10(+0) 20(+5) 12(+1)
  Damage Immunities poison, psychic Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious  



Mechanical Helm

  The Blade is too small to carry a full Wildjammer Helm. In place of it, the Blade carries a mechanical Helm that generates propulsion through residual magic found in wildspace. This mechanical Helm doesn't require the Fighter Helmsman to be a spellcaster, but it also can't fly at jamming speed. This means the Blade is best as a short-range fighter craft to support a larger spelljammer.    

Weapon: Light Ballista

  Size: Large Armor Class: 15 Hit Points: 50 Crew: 1   Cost: 400   It takes 1 action to load the light ballista, 1 action to aim it, and 1 action to fire it.   Ammunition. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 100/400 ft., wildspace range 500/2000 ft. one target. Hit: 11 (2d10) piercing damage.  

Weapon: Alchemist's Fire Projector

  Size: Large Armor Class: 15 Hit Points: 50 Crew: 1   Cost: 400   It takes 1 action to load the light ballista, 1 action to aim it, and 1 action to fire it.   Ammunition. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) fire damage. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish the flames.      

Boarding Boat

  The Boarding Boat variant foregoes its Fighter Ram and its small hardpoint in favor of being able to carry up to 5 medium-sized creatures and being equipped with a special harpoon. This harpoon is a ranged weapon that can be fired at a spelljammer or creature within 3500 feet. This attack deals no damage, but it allows the Blade to move at twice its usual speed in a straight line toward the target.  


  The tugboat variant foregoes its Fighter Ram and its small hardpoint in favor of being able to fit a minor Spelljammer Helm and a Helm Link upgrade, allowing it to travel and rescue broken down spelljammers.  


non magical helm

Weapons & Armament

Light Ballista   Alchemist's Fire Projector   Shou Rockets   Smokepowder bombs
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Used by
Complement / Crew
Crew 1/1
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Cargo Capacity: 1/4 ton Passengers: 3


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