Hammerhead Vehicle in Spelljammer | World Anvil


Another standard human ship of space, the hammership is large and powerful, capable of withstanding large amounts of punishment and dealing out a massive amount with its blunt ram. If the squid ship is the light warship of space, this is the heavy galleon. Hammerships are found, with small modifications to their design throughout all known space. The hammership's design has been relatively unchanged, such that hulks several millenniums old resemble those under construction in the asteroid dry docks of the Arcane. Even the elves and mind flayers, with their own distinctive ships, use the hammership design for their ships used in workhorse and supply situations.   Hammerhead ships are popular craft, especially among pirates and merchants carrying heavy cargo. They can float on water and sail across it, but they aren’t built to land on the ground (their keels would cause them to tip to one side). Standard weapons on a hammerhead ship include fore and aft mangonels, a ballista, and a reinforced bow for ramming.   Armor Class 15 (wood)   Cargo: 30 tons   Crew: 15   Hit Points: 400 Damage Threshold: 15   Keel/Beam: 250 ft./25 ft.   Speed: Fly 175 ft. (20 mph)   Cost: 40,000 gp  

Hammerhead Ship Summary


Ballista (Crew: 3)

  Armor Class: 15   Hit Points: 50   Cost: 50 gp (ballista), 5 gp (bolt)   It takes 1 action to load the ballista, 1 action to aim it, and 1 action to fire it.   Bolt. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 120/480 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) piercing damage.  

2 Mangonels (Crew: 5 Each)

  Armor Class: 15   Hit Points: 100   Cost: 100 gp (mangonel), — (stone)   It takes 2 actions to load a mangonel, 2 actions to aim it, and 1 action to fire it.   Mangonel Stone. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 200/800 ft. (can’t hit targets within 60 feet of it), one target. Hit: 27 (5d10) bludgeoning damage.  

Blunt Ram

  Armor Class: —   Hit Points: —   Cost: — (included in ship cost)   The ship’s spelljammer can make the following attack when the ship runs into another object or into a Gargantuan creature (see “Crashing” in chapter 2 of Astral Adventurer’s Guide).   Blunt Ram. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 0 ft., one object or Gargantuan creature. Hit: 88 (16d10) bludgeoning damage. The hammerhead ship takes half as much damage and comes to a dead stop. Miss: The attack deals no damage, the target moves into the nearest unoccupied space that isn’t in the hammerhead ship’s path, and the hammerhead ship can continue moving if it has any movement left.    


  Built By: Humans, lizard men   Used Primarily By: Humans, lizard men, some elves   Tonnage: 60 tons   Hull Points: 60   Crew: 24/60   Maneuver Class: D   Landing—Land: No   Landing—Water: Yes   Armor Rating: 6   Saves As: Thick wood   Power Type: Major or minor helm   Ship’s Rating: As for helmsman   Standard Armament: 2 heavy catapults Crew: 5 1 heavy ballista Crew: 4 1 blunt ram   Cargo: 30 Tons   Keel Length 250'   Beam Length 25'  


  Another standard human ship of space, the Hammership is large and powerful, capable of withstanding large amounts of punishment, and dealing out a significant amount with its blunt ram and heavy weapons. If the Squid Ship is the medium warship of space, this is the heavy galleon. Hammerships are found, with minor modifications to their design, throughout known space. The Hammership's design has been relatively unchanged, such that hulks hundreds of years old resemble those under construction in modern dry docks. Even the illithids and the elves, with their own distinctive ships, use the Hammership design for workhorse and supply situations.  


  The "brains" of the Hammership are in the heavily protected forward section. Both the helm and the bridge are located in this section, behind the massive bulwarks and the blunt ram. Often this area is plated with heavy metals, ivory, or bone to provide extra strength. The lenses of the Hammership's "eyes" are often made of paneless glass, but in some (more expensive) versions are constructed of glassteel. The captain usually operates from a base behind these windows, commanding both the ship and the forward weapons placements, while the first officer is usually stationed at the rear catapult.      

Other Configurations

Multiple Turrets: Some versions of the Hammership mount extra turrets for large weapons (ballistas or catapults depending on the tastes of the owner). A typical configuration will include two extra turrets on the main deck. Some versions will remove the overhead hatch of the cargo hold in order to place a third turret, instead using newly-built side hatches for access to the cargo bay. This makes the ship leaky and dangerous to land on water. Such ships may even place one or more turrets on the underside of the ship, making a landing of any sort impossible. These heavily-armed vessels are typically only used by military forces for relatively short-range work, since they are extremely deadly, but cargo space drops dramatically (as well as operational flexibility for those no longer able to land safely).   Lizard Man Vessels: Hammerships operated by lizard men will typically have the ship's central deck flooded to provide a relaxation area for the crew. This also serves as a fire-control mechanism for the ship, which will frequently see bombards used in place of the catapults, and a greek fire projector in place of the ballista. Unfortunately for the lizard men, this fire control mechanism is frequently unsuccessful, since any powder stores must be kept dry to remain useful, and if a spark ignites nearby, there is often not enough time to fetch water from the central deck before the stores explode.  

R.S.S. Realm Quest


Main Deck

1) Forward Catapult - (Heavy catapult - Forward Arc, Range: 3, Hull Damage: 2d4, Personnel Damage: 3d10, ROF: 1/3, Crew: 5, THAC0: 16, Critical Hit: 18+, Cost: 1000 GP) 2) Catapult Shot Container - 30 catapult stone shots and 10 iron shots in the container box. There are three locked chests (wizard locked at 20th level and an excellent lock -20% to pick, permanent protection from fire spell). The first chest contains 2x helmseekers (SR: 6, MC: A) 3x snow shots, 3x dust shots and 2x ring shots. The second chest contains 10x smoke powder shots. The third chest contains 5x oil and 5x holy water. 3) Forward Bridge - This is where the captain would command the ship when in an alert situation. The captain would give orders to the other weapon pits and the helmsman using his comm-badge. He would keep in contact with other REX ships by a Ship Communicator. There is a locked (excellent lock -20% to pick) steel armory cabinet containing two silver swords, one crossbow, one quiver of 20 silver tipped bolts, two silver daggers, two silver hand axe and one silver footman's mace. The silver weapons are tempered for strength and to hold a sharpness. There is another locked (superior lock -40% to pick) steel cabinet containing three steel vials of potion of healing (green/ sweet sage), one steel vial of potion of extra-healing (bright yellow/cinammon), six map cases, 50 sheets of paper, three quills, brass inkwell, two bottle of inks, three bone scroll cases (2x Create Minor Helm (W) per case), two hourglass (a 30 minutes and one hour) two cherry boxes each housing a magnetic compass and two communicators. There is a sturdy iron wood table with maps, star charts, ruler, adjustable compass, abacus, 2 telescopes, ship whistle, ship communicator and a spelljamming sextant on it. A signal lantern, used to flash messages to another ship, hung on a side wall. Next to the side wall is a box containing two bullseye lantern, four metal bottles of lamp oil, a tinderbox and two dozen candles. A healer's medicine box is next to one wall. A sharp, well maintained harpoon and a mechanical wall clock (gnome design) hung over the door jam. A voice-pipe protrudes from one wall allowing contact with the helmsroom and a mechanical telegraph relays command to the crew of the non-magical engine when communication by magic is not available. Four wall mounted permanent continual light adjustable lantern illuminates the bridge. One permanent continual light adjustable lantern hung on a post by the bow on the spar of the ship that can be closed by the watch when necessary. A smiling, closed eye, full-bodied figurehead of a woman in flowing robes holding a sword is constructed to be a part of the ship's ram. Two pygmy apple tree, in clay pots, are located on each corner of the room. A marine is always stationed here. 4) Ship Saloon - This is where the crew and officers who are not on duty relaxes by playing pool, darts, cards, chess and other games. There is a small bar manned by Cookie when it is open, serving beer, ales, whiskey, brandy and wine, at the corner near the door. The prices for the drinks are comparable to a tavern on a port. On top of the bar is a glass covered chessboard (the captain and the helmsman have been taking turns moving pieces for the last two months) and a ship (galleon) in a bottle. There are a soft sofa and couch at one corner with some musical instruments that can be used by the crew. The tables and chairs can be folded out of the way to use the pool table. There is a painting of the "Realm Quest" on the wall and a mounted 8' blue marlin on the opposite wall. A painting of a scantilly clad, reclining, beautiful, red headed human female on the bar wall. She is affectionately called Lily and she is seen as the ship's goodluck charm. There are six wall mounted permanent continual light adjustable lanterns. There are six assorted plants in clay pots. 5) Officer's Galley/Meeting Room - The ship's officers dines and entertain here when guests are onboard. There are an elegantly crafted walnut table with 10 matching chairs, a walnut china cabinet holding the ship's fine china and silver utensils, and two wine racks holding 200 assorted bottles of fine Realmspace wine. In an alcove there is a pantry cabinet, a cask of fine Waterdeep brandy, and a dummy waiter that connects to the kitchen on the floor below. On the wall is a framed painting of the phlogiston map of the known crystal spheres. Two banners, with REX insignia, decorate the side wall covering a chalkboard. A small box attached to the chalkboard hold the two erasers, a box of a dozen assorted colored chalks and three boxes (three dozen) of white chalks. A large glasssteel window gives a view of space. There is a docking ring on the floor for the Remora ships. There is an astrolabe on the table when the room is used for meetings. There are six wall mounted permanent continual light adjustable lanterns. There are six assorted blooming orchids in clay pots. 6) Captain's Cabin - This is the captain's quarters. There is a large cherry wood framed bed with light blue goose down comforter and pillows next to the wall. A cherry armoire cabinet, containing the captain's clothes and footwear, is next to the bed. A carpet of Calisham design cover the middle of the floor. A blue and white soft couch and a cherry table, on top a crystal water decanter and four glasses, is opposite the door. A cherry three-drawer desk table and chair are next to the wall near the door. On top of the table are an inkwell made out of whale ivory with scrimshaw of ships, a ship comunicator and a small ivory flute on a wooden stand. The desk's top drawer contains 25 pieces of high quality paper, full black ink bottle, three goose quills, ink blotter, red sealing wax, tinderbox, small oil lamp, three fishing lures, a corncob pipe and a pouch of pipe tabacco; the top side drawer contains his log book and two map case with star charts; and the bottom side drawer contain a 200 year old brandy and small box of the captain's personal blend of pipe tabacco. The bookshelf contains some of the captain's favorite novels, books on fishing, battle tactics, space manuevers, and books on different space navies. There is a locked metal bound, iron wood chest (wizard locked at 20th level and superior lock -40% to pick) at the corner of the room. Inside the chest are two leather draw stringed bags, one containing 2000 GP and the other 1000 PP; a small wooden box with 5 diamonds worth 1000 GP each; a silver dagger+1; a full smokepowder horn; a iron bullet casting mold; several paper wrapped musket cartridge shots in a leather cartridge bag; a display frame with 4 naval medals; and a blue dress naval uniform. On one of the wall is a painting of his home on Port Tortuga and under the painting is a walnut wood stock smokepowder musket engraved in gold and silver, given to him by a giff general he once saved. There is a framed collection of flyfishing fly lures and two bamboo fishing poles hung on the opposite wall. A fishing tackle box sits underneath the fishing pole. A fly tying box and a dog's pillow bed are under the table. The pillow bed is for the captain's small terrier, Michelin Flynn, who is in the company of Pockets when the captain is busy. There are four wall mounted permanent continual light adjustable lanterns. There are four assorted plants in clay pots. 7) Officer's Quarters - There is a four-high bunk beds in this room. Each bed is a hinged shallow locked chest containing personal properties of the officers. A walnut desk and chair are next to the door. On top of the desk are an inkwell made out of brass, space almanac book, star charts of current sphere, adjustable compass, straight edge ruler, abacus, magnifying glass and spelljamming sextant. Inside the top drawer are three bottles of ink (black, red and blue), five goose quills, ink blotter, 25 high quality paper and scissor. Inside the top side drawer are three map cases containing several world maps of the known crystal spheres (Realmspace, Greyspace and Krynnspace), a schematic diagram of the Realm Quest, ship's repair schedule logbook and a crew work schedule; the locked bottom drawer contains personal information folders of each crewman on board. There is a soft sofa and mahogany table on a Waterdeep designed carpet. A glass bowl aquarium with a black goldfish named Livingston, fish food bottle, silver water decanter and four glasses are on top of the table. A mahogany cabinet is divided into four separate storage compartment. There are two wall mounted permanent continual light adjustable lanterns. There are four assorted plants in clay pots. 8) Officer's Quarters - There is a 4-high bunk beds in this room. Each bed is a hinged shallow locked chest containing personal properties of the officers. A walnut desk and chair are next to the door. On top of the desk are an inkwell made out of brass, a wooden model of the ship's ballista, and a wooden model of the ship's catapult. Inside the top drawer are a bottle of ink, 3 goose quills, ink blotter, 25 high quality paper, scissor, a honing stone, a bottle of honing oil, ship whistle, 2 pouches of tabacco and 4 wooden pipes. Inside the top side drawer are 25 steel arrow points in a small leather bag, ship's weapon repair schedule logbook and crew weapon training schedule; the locked bottom drawer contains 10 brand new sets of playing cards, a wooden box containing an assorted colored poker chips, and 6 bottles of Bralian whiskey. There is a soft sofa and mahogany table on a Waterdeep designed carpet. A silver water decanter and 4 glasses are on top of the table. A bamboo bird cage, with two blue parakeet named Louie and Altonette, and bird seeds in a leather bag hung on an iron stand. A mahogany cabinet is divided into 4 separate storage compartment. A nice wood case dart board, with 8 darts, is attached behind the door. There are 2 wall mounted permanent continual light adjustable lanterns. There are 4 assorted plants in clay pots. 9) Companionway - 9 paintings depicting Toril and Realmspace hangs on the wall of the companionway. A wooden bench is wrapped around the mast for people waiting to be called into the captain's quarters or just to talk in private. There are continual light lanterns and plants in clay pots on each side of the lanterns hanging every 10' on walls of the walkway. 10) Head - There is a table with a magical wash basin that drains after use, a magical continuous water pitcher, soaps and towels. Extra soap and towels are found in the table drawers, as well as, a covered wood water barrel under the table. The toilet is magically kept clean by a disintegration field inside the box. There is a magical flower potpourri clay pot that emits sweets flowery scent in the air. A permanent unseen servant spell was programed to clean the Head in between use. When in the flow, the cabin boy stock up on supplies, cleans the head and fills up the water barrel since some spell does not work in the phologiston. 11) Sail Storage - There are 2 complete sets of sail and a sail mending toolbox (repair needles, strings, scissors, etc) stored here. There is an extra set of semaphore flags stored in a box. There are 4 carpenter's toolboxes, each containing a hand saw, hammer, assorted chisels, wood plane, collapsable measuring stick, plomb bob, string marker, carpenter graphite marker, level,and straight edge ruler. Three wood axes, 2 two-man saws, a toolbox (assorted tools, 6x files, 6x honing stones, and 12 paint brushes), a barrel of square nails (100 lbs.), 2 barrels of tar and 1 barrel of sealing oil are found here also. 12) Crew Quarters - There are 2 4-high teak bunk beds in this room. Each bed is a hinged shallow locked chest containing personal properties of the crew. Two teak cabinets are divided into 4 separate storage compartment each. Two drapes hides the crew's beds and cabinets from passerby. There is a wall mounted permanent continual light adjustable lantern. There are 2 assorted plants in clay pots. 13) Crew Galley - There is an oven stove, a pantry cabinet, dish/utensil cabinet, larder, a wine rack (50 Waterdeep wine), a cask of water, and two oaken tables and chairs. A magical trash bin disintegrate any non-living material introduce inside it after 10 minutes of last use. A magical mural on the large wall depicts a Torilian forest, complete with changing seasons. On top of the mural hung two harpoons. The floor and the back splash surrounding the oven are lined with white with bue trim tiles. It helps prevent fire from starting on the ship. The fire is doused before entering the flow. Food for the officers and crew are cooked on magical flameless self-heating large pots and pans when out on the flow. A crystal human skull wearing a chef's hat, named Emy, sits on the open cabinet. It is enchanted to cook foods requested by the crew, when the cook is not around. Emy animates the pots, pans and utensils to prepare the food ingredients, cook it, set the table, and clean up the galley after the meal. She uses animated gloves to grab items and move them around. Emy's recipes are from some of the best cooks in the known crystal spheres, and to teach her a new recipe is but to recite the recipe to Emy. Emy will answer any question regarding the food being prepared or any recipe in it's memory. There are 6 wall mounted permanent continual light adjustable lanterns. There are 6 assorted plants in clay pots. 14) Crew Quarters - There are 2 4-high teak bunk beds in this room. Each bed is a hinged shallow locked chest containing personal properties of the crew. Two teak cabinets are divided into 4 separate storage compartment each. There is a wall mounted permanent continual light adjustable lanterns. There are 2 assorted plants in clay pots. 15) Deck - This is the main deck or the weather deck. There is a cargo hatch and an entry hatch leading into the cargo bay. There are 2 six-man long boats, painted white with blue trim, named "Sue" and "Jenny" are stored here. A chicken coop, with 24 egg laying hens, is located between the cargo hatch and the entry hatch. A few cargo boxes, an Apparatus of Kwalish and 3 spikes are located here also. Several covered wood water barrels (when in wildspace, the barrels are magically filled) with canvass buckets (hung on both of the castle's walls at the deckhead) and covered wood barrels with sand are next to the each stairs on the deck. A bell hung by the forecastle wall. Underneath the bell is a covered barrel filled with drinking water and a drinking cup chained to the barrel. The ship's anchor and the hawser ropes are secured and ready for use. The hawser ropes used to secure the ship to the docks all have metal round plates to prevent the rats from boarding the ship. Sailors are found here cleaning, maintaining and repairing the ship, sails, and equipments.  

Cargo Deck

1) Lower Bridge, Helm, & Chart Room - The spelljamming helm is located in the middle of the room, with an oak table and 2 chairs. On top of the table are a ship communicator, an astrolabe, and a crystal ball. The planetary locator, portal locator, portal passage device and sargasso detector are in the this room. There are 2 shelves with star charts and books. There is an iron safe (wizard locked at 20th level and masterful lock -60% to pick) containing 3 bone scroll tubes with Create Major Helm spell (W) each, cargo manifesto, letter of introduction in elvish from the EIN, book with REX ships sailing routes and schedules, short sword +1, and three steel vial with different marking on top of the cork. The 3 steel vials are Elixir Of Health (silvery/sweet), Fire Resistance (bright red/peppery) and Polymorph Self (blue-green/bitter). A healer's medicine box is next to the safe. Next to the side wall is a box containing two bullseye lantern, 4 metal bottles of lamp oil, a tinderbox and 2 dozen candles. A blue 1'x1'x1' box, with intricate holes carved on it revealing a crystal inside, magically cleans the air in this room one stage better every round. A voice-pipe protrudes from a wall allowing communication with the bridge. A model of the Quest is on top of the safe. The model is used for briefing purposes and helps plan how is cargo and personnel are distributed. A framed colored ship floor schematics of the Quest is on one wall and a big colored Realm Exploration heraldic emblem is on another wall. There are 6 wall mounted permanent continual light adjustable lanterns. There are 6 assorted plants in clay pots. 2) Spelljammer Quarters - There is a 4-high bunk beds in this room. Each bed is a hinged shallow locked chest containing personal properties of the spelljammers. A walnut desk and chair are next to the door. On top of the desk are an inkwell made out of whale ivory with scrimshaw of sailing ships, a crystal ball, an origami paper rhino, and a origami winged pig, affectionately called "Pigasus". A Philodendron in a painted clay pot climbed and snaked near the ceiling on all 4 walls. Inside the top drawer are 4 bottles of ink (black, red, gold and blue), 8 goose quills, ink blotter, 25 high quality paper, 25 papyrus, 10 vellum, magnifying glass and scissor. Inside the top side drawer are 30 assorted hand made color paper, a coin collector's album (with 300+ assorted coins the locked bottom drawer contains 10 boxes of assorted spell components (refilled from the supply at the cargo bay when empty). There is a soft sofa and mahogany table on a Waterdeep designed carpet. A silver water decanter and 4 glasses are on top of the table. A mahogany cabinet is divided into 4 separate storage compartment. 4 locked (superior lock -40% to pick, wizard locked, spell traps) metal bound oak chest holds the spelljammers personal spellbooks and magic items. There are 2 wall mounted permanent continual light adjustable lanterns. There are 4 assorted plants in clay pots. 3) Kitchen (Dumbwaiter To Galley Above) - There is an oven stove used to cook the dishes for the officers when they are entertaining guests. There is a cabinet containing cooking utensils, pots and pans. On top of the table are several cooking books held by white marble unicorn bookends, a recipe box and a herb pot. A water cask is used to provide water for cooking. A wash tub is used to clean the dishes and cooking utensils. There is a dumbwaiter used to send cooked food to the officer's galley and send dirty dishes back down. The trash bin has a disintegrate field inside that removes any non-living material introduce inside the bin. The floor and the back splash of the oven are lined with white with bue trim tiles. It helps prevent fire from starting on the ship. The fire is doused before entering the flow. Food for the guests are cooked on magical flameless self-heating large pots and pans when out on the flow. A coat rack is behind the door with several cooking aprons. There are 2 wall mounted permanent continual light adjustable lanterns. There are 4 assorted plants in clay pots. 4) Pantry - Here is stored some of the more fresh, exotic, or expensive food and ingredients on the ship. What is not eaten before the resupply arrives is served to the crew as a special meal, which is not often since the fresh food are the first used on board. There is an ice box at the corner of the room used to store some of the temperature sensitive items. The ice box magically keeps the temperature below freezing. There is a permanent anti-vermin/insect spell effect inside the room to protect the food. There is a wall mounted permanent continual light adjustable lantern. 5) Crew Quarters - There are 2 4-high teak bunk beds in this room. Each bed is a hinged shallow locked chest containing personal properties of the crew. Two teak cabinets are divided into 4 separate storage compartment each. There is a wall mounted permanent continual light adjustable lantern. There are 2 assorted plants in clay pots. 6) State Room - There is a large cherry wood framed bed with light blue goose down comforter and pillows next to the wall. A cherry armoire cabinet is next to the bed. A carpet of Calisham design cover the middle of the floor. A blue and white soft couch and a cherry table, on top a crystal water decanter and 4 glasses, is opposite the door. A cherry 3 drawer desk table and chair are next to the wall near the door. On top of the table are an inkwell made out of silver with gold engraving, ceramic pipe on a wooden stand and a geode, with multicolored crystals inside, cut in half displayed on a wooden plaque. The desk's top drawer contains 25 pieces of high quality paper, full black ink bottle, 3 goose quills, ink blotter, red sealing wax, tinderbox, small oil lamp, a magnifying glass, and a pouch of pipe tabacco; the top and bottom side drawers are empty. The bookshelf contains some famous novels, history, science and reference books. There is a locked metal bound, iron wood chest (wizard locked at 20th level and superior lock -40% to pick) at the corner of the room. On one of the wall is a painting of an eddy in the rainbow river between Realmspace and Greyspace in the Phlogiston. A blue 1'x1'x1' box, with intricate holes carved on it revealing a crystal inside, magically cleans the air in this room one stage better every round. An permanent unseen servant spell cleans and tidy up the room when the occupant is out. The room is reserved for dignitaries and visitors on the ship. It has been know that the captain allowed visiting family members of a crew to stay in both state rooms. There are 4 wall mounted permanent continual light adjustable lanterns. There are 6 assorted plants in clay pots. 7) State Room Head - This head is for the exclusive use of the visitors staying in the state room. There is a table with a magical wash basin that drains after use, a magical continuous water pitcher, soaps and towels. Extra soap and towels are found in the table drawers, as well as, a covered wood water barrel under the table. There is a magical flower potpourri clay pot that emits sweets flowery scent in the air. A permanent unseen servant spell was programed to clean the Head in between use. When in the flow, the cabin boy stock up on supplies, cleans the head and fills up the water barrel since some spell does not work in the phologiston. 8) State Room - There is a 4-high bunk beds in this room. Each bed is a hinged shallow locked chest containing personal properties of the guests. A walnut desk and chair are next to the door. On top of the desk are an inkwell made out of silver and a silver bell. Inside the top drawer are a bottle of ink, 5 goose quills, ink blotter, 25 high quality paper and scissor. The top and lower side drawers are empty. There is a soft sofa and mahogany table on a Waterdeep designed carpet. The bookshelf contains some famous novels, history, science and reference books. A silver water decanter and 4 glasses are on top of the table. A mahogany cabinet is divided into 4 separate storage compartment. There are 2 wall mounted permanent continual light adjustable lanterns. There are 4 assorted plants in clay pots. 9) Bosun's Locker - The crew's personal items are stored here. Coins and valuables are stored in separate bags for each person, inside a locked (excellent lock -20% to pick) metal bound oak chest. The crew's personal weapons and armors are stored here in weapon racks. They are distributed when combat is imminent. Musical instruments, barber kits and other special items are also stored here. 10) Storage Room - This is used to store the visitors properties in several locked (wizard locked at 20th level and superior lock -40% to pick) iron bound oak chest. (In my campaign, this is where the hold of holding containing the ship's library is attached when in use. Since the crew of the Realm Quest is well read and educated, they are allowed to borrow books from the library to be read when off duty. The hold of holding is usually in the possesion of the ship's mage when not in use. Hold of Holding 50'x50'x10'; 25 tons; 750,000 GP Approx.; 15,000XP; Library is worth 50,000 GP when considering spell research, but DM might rule certain knowledge or information is beyond the library's capability. This is also the only place where people or things can be teleported into or out of the ship. There is a protective spell preventing teleportation, astral or ethereal shifting on or in the ship except this location. The teleport prohibition can only be turned on and off by the captain, the first mate or the ship's mage by using a magical item attached to the ship. Because of it's obscure location, not many beings will target it when trying to teleport beings, items or monsters to the Realm Quest when the teleport ban is turned on. When teleporting, astral or ethereal shifting, the ships act as a solid object that can not be penetrated except for the one spot on the ship. This seeming pin point hole in the Realm Quest can be located only by a long diligent search by the being using the teleport spell. There is always two marines stationed outside the storage room door at all times.) 11) Companionway - The corridor is lined up with 6 paintings of different Torillian sites. A bulletin board is on the wall at the bottom of the stairs, next to the Head. The bulletin board has the crew work schedules, announcement from the captain, and other bulletins. A mailbag hung on a peg next to the bulletin board and a white suggestion box hung on the other side. A wooden bench is wrapped around the mast for people waiting to see the visitors staying in the staterooms or just to talk in private. This is the ensign battle station, commanding what crew he has in protecting this corridor and preventing the enemy from reaching the lower bridge helm room. Any injured crew during a battle would be placed here where the ship's medics can administer cure and help protect them. There are continual light lanterns and plants in clay pots on each side of the lanterns hanging every 10' on walls of the walkway. 12) Head - There is a table with a magical wash basin that drains after use, a magical continuous water pitcher, soaps and towels. Extra soap and towels are found in the table drawers, as well as, a covered wood water barrel under the table. The toilet is magically kept clean by a disintegration field inside the box. There is a magical flower potpourri clay pot that emits sweets flowery scent in the air. A permanent unseen servant spell was programed to clean the Head in between use. When in the flow, the cabin boy stock up on supplies, cleans the head and fills up the water barrel since some spell does not work in the phologiston. 13) Cargo Hold - Crews that are displaced by guest or special crews set up hammock here at the cargo bay. The marines and their officers sleeps here. There are wood lockers on the ship wall for storage. The cargo hold contains 10 tons of assorted food supply for 6 months for 60 people, 5 tons of bartering goods (ex: metal wood axes, pots, pans, bolts of cloth, and jewelries)for trading with primitive cultures, and 5 tons of equipments, gears and spell components. The food/subsistence supply are comprised of such items as flour for bread and pasta, fresh/salted beef, fresh/salted pork, fresh/dried/salted fish, fresh/dried/preserved fruits, fresh/dried/pickled vegetables, cheese, distilled spirits (strict rations, off duty), beer (magically preserve, during meal periods), butter, sugar, salt, spices, herbs, molasses, hard tack (emergency rations/hard biscuit), tabacco and water. There is always several weeks worth supply of drinking water in covered barrels for emergency. The barrels are checked to see if full before entering the flow and entering unknown areas of wildspace. All items are stored in 50, 20, and 5 gallons oak barrels. The oak barrels are easier to move and store than a wood box crate of the same size. A 5 tons jet-steam non-magical engine is located here in case of emergency. The jet-steam engine pushes the ship on SR2 and using levers could be diverted into nozzles at the side of the ship to make it turn. There is currently a 3 days supply of oil and water for the steam engine. The spare major helm is in a secret compartment behind the stairs and accessible through a secret door from the bathroom. The wash is sometimes hanged here to dry here on temporary clothelines. There is a magical metal cat constructs that keep the cargo hold free of vermin. There are 6 wall mounted permanent continual light adjustable lanterns. There are 12 assorted plants in clay pots. Mechanical Cat - INT non; AL N; AC 4; MV 6 (can pounce 5' in a single bound HD1-1; hp 3; THAC0 20; #AT 3; Dmg 1/1/1; SA rake for 1/1 Dmg if both front paws hit;XP 25; New Monster [Source: Castle of the Blind Sun, Dungeon Magazine September/October 1994 Issue #49] 14) Laundry Room - Several wash tubs with washing boards are on the work table. There are soaps, a box of wooden clothes pins and dirty clothes hampers under the table. The sailors are scheduled to wash their clothes several times a week and their bed rolls once every two weeks. The officers can wash their clothes, but usually can pay the cabin boy or other crews to wash their clothes. The cabin boy and other crews with free time can earn a few coins by washing clothes for other crew members. Two cabinets contains the clean clothes ready for pick-up or delivery by the cabin boy. Two covered water barrels are magically kept full and allowed to fill up before entering the flow. There are 2 wall mounted permanent continual light adjustable lanterns. There are 4 assorted plants in clay pots. 15) Bath Room - The tubs are magically filled and drained of water on command of the bather. The bather can specify the temperature of the water. Towels, soaps and a laundry basket are under the long table and magical water basins are on top. Two covered water barrels are magically kept full and allowed to fill up before entering the flow. The door is magically enchanted to not allow men to enter if a woman is inside the bath area and reverse for when men are inside. There are 2 wall mounted permanent continual light adjustable lanterns. There are 6 assorted plants in clay pots.  

Fore Castle

1) Forward Ballista - (Heavy Ballista - 360 degrees, Range: 2, Hull Damage: 1d4+2, Personnel Damage: 3d10, ROF: 1/4, Crew: 4, THAC0: 17, Critical Hit: 19+, Cost: 800 GP) 2) Ballista Shot Storage - 30 ballista bolts in each box (60 bolts). In a locked chest (wizard locked at 20th level and an excellent lock -20% to pick, permanent protection from fire spell) are 3x bolt+1, 1x bolt+2 and 1x bolt+1, +3 vs giant creature. 3) Fore Castle Deck - The side railing of the deck is protected by shields to protect defenders from enemy arrows. On an alert, sailors are stationed here with crossbow to shoot boarding enemies while marines repel them on the main deck. In an alert situation, the lieutenant command the ballista and the defenders on the forcastle deck. When not on an alert the crew who are not on duty sometimes used this area to get away from the hustle and bustle of the ship's daily activities. 4) Main Mast - The main mast, supported by ropes using blocks and tackles, stands 60' from the deck of the forcastle. The main boom supporting the sail are raised and deployed by a pulley system. There is a crow's nest at 50' that can accomodate 2 people. There is a net rope ladder from the crow's nest to the port and starboard side of the forecastle. A bell is mounted to the mast, with the clapper secured from making any sound, until the watch rings it in alert or alarm. There is a leather case, with 2 telescopes inside, hanging inside the crow's nest. A small boom just above the crow's nest allow adjustable lanterns, with continual light spell that can be closed shut by the watch when necessary, hung on both ends. A pulley system at the end of the boom allows semaphore flags to be hoisted from the forecastle deck. A pulley system at the top of the mast allows the REX flag to be raised from the crow's nest. The sail boom is also used as a crane to lower and raise cargo from the cargo hold. A tackle and block system attached at the bottom of the boom allows sailors to move light to medium (500 pounds) cargo using ropes and cargo net. The boom, supported by ropes to the mast and with the sail lowered and secured, can be swanged from the pier to the cargo hold. Heavy cargos are moved by teleport or levitation spells instead of the boom crane.  

Stern Castle

  1) Aft Catapult - (Heavy Catapult - 360 degrees, Range: 3, Hull Damage: 2d4, Personnel Damage: 3d10, ROF: 1/3, Crew: 5, THAC0: 16, Critical Hit: 18+, Cost: 1000 GP) The catapult is on a modified turret. The construction allows the catapult to be moved 360 degrees in any direction and straight up. The turret is on an axel and bearing mechanism allowing top control instead of from the galley below. It can also be used as a jettison when pursued by ships. It is also used to catapult debris and junk from the ship into space. In an alert situation, the first mate commands the aft catapult and defenders on the stern castle.   2) Catapult Shot Storage - 30 catapult shots are in the shot box. There are 3 locked chest (wizard locked at 20th level and a excellent lock -20% to pick) with permanent protection from fire spell. The first chest contains are 2 snow shots, 2 dust shots, 2 ring shots, 1x hornet nest shot (magical stasis). The second chest contains 10x smoke powder shots. The third chest contains 5x holy water shotsand 5x oil shots.   3) Stern Castle Deck - The side railing of the deck is protected by shields to protect defenders from enemy arrows. On an alert, sailors are stationed here with crossbow to shoot boarding enemies. A permanent continual light adjustable lantern hung on a post by at the stern of the ship that can be closed by the watch when necessary.   The "R.S.S. Realm Quest" or "Quest", as her crew calls her, is an exploration ship used by the Realm Exploration Group (REX). It is the flagship of the 1st Exploration Fleet consisting of one shrikeship, the "R.S.S. Swift"; two remora ships, the "Victory" and the "Valiant"; 3 Wreckboats/Shuttle, the "Habanera", the "Blue Zephyr" and the "Quicksilver"; two cargo barges, the "Ox" and the "Mule"; an Apparatus of Kwalish, the "Siren; 3 spikes; 1 research barge, the "Truth Seeker"; 1 astronomy barge, the "Star Gazer"; and a science ship, the ark ship "R.S.S. Realm Princess".   The fleet's specialty is wildspace exploration; new crystal sphere exploration; star chart cathography; ore and mineral mining exploration; new trade routes and trade goods study; ancient civilization and ruins archeological exploration; first contact with previously unknown wildpspace groups; and magical, psionic, knowledge and technological research and development.   Allowance Of Provision The Realm Quest carry enough provisons and supply to last a 6 month voyage for 60 people before needing resupply. Because of the long journey, most of the food on board, that are not magically protected, are salted, smoked, preserved, pickled or dried to preserve them for the long journey. The preservation helps the food from turning rancid and bad before they are ready to be cooked and eaten. The salted pork, fish and beef must be soaked overnight to remove enough salt to be palatable. Fresh foods are also available, but usually are used up after the first few weeks of the voyage. Resupply usually comes every 6 months, but local sources are sometimes used to supplement the provisions. The Realm Quest crew and officers are lucky that they have a cook and a magical chef that can prepare and cook their food. In most ships, the crew collect the provison from the purser, elect one crew to cook them and eat the same bland food everyday. They usually dine on hard bisquit and boiled meat, if they are lucky they would have fresh food instead of the salted and preserved provisions. The Realms Quest crew have the luxury of having their food prepared the way they wanted it. The Realm Exploration Society thinks that a happy well fed crew performs better and have higher morale than a regular ships. The provisions are rationed every day to each crew, which is collected by the cook and cabin boy before each meal period. The crew galley pantry and the ship's pantry are magically treated to preserved the food and are stocked by the crew when low under the eyes of the cook. Everyone eats together except those who are on watch, when the meal is over, the people on watch are replaced so they can eat. The schedule rotates the crew that no one stand watch more than once a day during meal periods. The Realm Quest has alloted 10 tons of cargo space for the food provisions. The food are kept in 50 gallons oak barrels with metal bands. Some of the provisons are as followed: 252 barrels of beer; 30 barrels of flour (bisquit, bread and pasta 2 barrels of sugar; 2 barrels of butter; 2 barrels of distilled spirits; 7 barrels of oatmeal; 9 barrels of pease; 9 barrels of pork; 18 barrels of beef; 10 barrels of olive oil; 3 barrels of assorted spices; 17 wax covered cheese wheels (80 pounds per wheel 9 barrels of fish; 5 barrels of fruits; 1 barrel of lemon juice and 20 barrels of assorted food provisions.  

Officers And Crew

The crew is comprised of the captain, first mate, lieutenant, ensign, 2x spelljammer/navigator, 2x ship's mage, 2x chaplain/medics/scribe, 20x sailors, 1 marine lieutenant, 1 marine sargeant, 12x marines, ship's carpenter, cook and a cabin boy. The 20 sailors are divided into 2 watches and supervised by 2 officers per watch. The two watches are the Larboard Watch and Starboard Watch. Idlers are part of the crew that is not oblige to stand watches. The carpenter, cook, healer, helmsman, and cabin boy are considered Idlers. Their duties have them working throughout the day. The sailors are dressed up while on the ship in white with blue stripes linen or cotton shirts, loose black knee high canvas or sail cloth trousers, a belt, a light blue nekerchief and usually barefoot. They also carry a knife, usually handmade with a ornate scabbard, for cutting riggings and for miscellaneous tasks. The sailor on shore leave add a navy blue waist coat, navy blue jacket with the ship ensignia on the left breast pocket, black hat, knee high white socks, black leather square shoes with metal buckles and a heavy black wool coat in ports with cold weather. During wet period operations, the sailors wear oil and tar treated canvas boots, long rain coat and hat and during cold operations, they wear fur lined boots, long heavy trousers, long coat with hood and gloves. The bosun wears a red lanyard on his jacket to signify his station. When combat is imminent, the sailors dons on their respective armors and weapons over their clothes. The crew without their own gears are usually supplied by the Realm Exploration Society with leather armor, swords, throwing axes (tomahawks), pikes, shields, maces, crossbows, bolts and daggers. The ship's officers all wear white cotton shirts, black knee high trousers, navy blue waist coat, navy blue long jacket, black leather belt, white knee high socks, black leather shoes and a navy blue tri-corner hat when on duty. They also carry their sword or weapon in a scabbard, on their belt, while on duty. Their ranks are displayed on the shoulder of their naval jackets. They wear appropriate clothings and gears during cold and wet operations. Mages, priests and other special high ranking person are not obligated to wear the officer's clothing, but may wear the appropriate clothing for their station. The marines and their officers always wear their armor and weapons during on duty. They also wear a white vest, with the REX's ensignia, over their armor and a blue cape. When off duty, they wear the same clothing as the sailors, but with a red shirt instead of the blue with white strips used by the sailors and a red long jacket by the officers. Since they help and trained to operate the ships, when the ship is short on sailors, the marines adopted the sailors clothing when on board.    
  Another of the more common ships to be found in space, the Hammership is often seen as the Squid Ship's militaristic offshoot. While the Squid Ship is highly versatile, the Hammership is nothing short of a tank that sails through space. Boasting a resilient hull, three large hardpoints, solid construction, reasonable maneuverability and cargo storage, the Hammership is a force to be reckoned with.   The most unique feature of the Hammership is its built in ram. This blunt ram is capable of absorbing a great deal of force, making this ship an effective battering ram. Hammership Helmsman tend to find that their enemies take far more damage from a ramming attack than they do.      

Ship Uses



A Hammership requires a larger crew than the more common Squid Ships or Tradesmen, but it can carry more cargo, and is a daunting vessel for a pirate to attack. This makes it ideal for carrying large bulk cargos. Such ships frequently run on a minimum crew, unless they are passing through a contested area of space, in which case the captain will usually take on a full crew, including whatever battle wizards and priests he can hire. Some mind flayers use Hammerships as free traders, unaligned to any illithid faction or house. This is particularly common in those areas of space where Nautiloids are frequently fired-upon on sight. The eyes of Hammerships controlled by mind flayers are usually covered over with steel plates.  


  Though not commonly used as a pirate vessel, the Hammership is the favorite craft of some of the most stylish and brazen pirates and privateers in known space, including the legendary Bloodjack of Realmspace. His Hammership is dyed in shades of red, supposedly representing the the blood he and his ship, the Lucky Victory, have spilled over a career spanning a decade. The size of a Hammership makes it ideal for prolonged battles - just the sort of conflict Bloodjack seems to revel in. Most pirates and privateers, however, prefer smaller swifter ships which will allow them to board an enemy as quickly as possible, thus avoiding a long space battle.  


  The Hammership is a common armada craft, capable of hauling many men across space, and returning with supplies to support an invasion. For intra-sphere uses, such craft frequently carry up to 200 soldiers (including the crew), although this is obviously not possible for longer voyages unless magic is used to keep the air envelope fresh and the crew provisioned. Hammerships can be considered to be the standard heavy warship of most human nations.      

Model Variations

The efficiency of the Hammership as a combat ship is not to be underestimated. Nevertheless, as with other popular ships, there are many variations of the Hammership.  


Whether it be legal or illegal trade, the Hammership's thick hull makes it a valuable trader for the right crew. This variation sees all of the hardpoints reduced to medium size in exchange for the cargo hold increasing to 31 tons.  

Support Cruiser

Favored by the Elven Imperial Navy, this variation foregoes much of the Hammership's resilience in favor of it being more maneuverable. This variation sees the AC reduced to 14 in exchange for its speed increased to 2,500ft (135°).  

Heavy Gunship

  This variation on the Hammership was designed for factions that need a ship optimized for short missions between planets, rather than over extended distances between spheres. This variation sees the main deck affixed with two additional large hardpoints in exchange for the cargo t hold reducing to 22 tons. Due to the odd і placement, the Hammership loses its ability to land in water safely.  

Elven Support Ship

  Hammerships are sometimes used by the Imperial Elven Navy, primarily as supply and troop ships. The Hammership's bulk and heavy handling (compared to most elven craft) make it unsuitable for the elven style of space combat, relegating it to the role of support ship. Hammerships which the elves believe may see combat may be stripped, reducing AR to 8 but increasing MC to C. Topping out is not a popular option, since the elves prefer to operate their Hammerships with as few trained sailors as possible, instead sending such trained elves to the more important Men-o-War and Armadas which make up the main elven battle line. Troop ships, however, may be topped out.
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Used by
Complement / Crew
Crew: 15 / 24 / 60
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Tonnage: 60 tons, Cargo Hold: 30 tons, Crew: min 15 / 24 / max 60 Passengers: 36


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