Faeries are classified as sophonts, albeit rather technologically primitive ones. They are borderline eusocial beings that nest communally and often behave as a hive. Faeries are infrequent simple tool users; most fae tools are things such as tiny spears fashioned from twigs and shell fragments, miniature knives, and hammerstones.
Basic Information
Faeries have a more robust body form than other trochilids, particularly in terms of the legs. Their ancestors diverged from true hummingbirds rather early on, before even the hermit-hummer split. However, they are still adept flyers, making them one of only two fully volant sophont species endemic to Sphaera.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Faeries are primarily nectavorous, supplementing their diet with the occasional invertebrate.
Additional Information
Social Structure
Faeries are borderline eusocial, forming "hives" with a matriarchal structure not seen in other members of the trochilid clade.
Geographic Origin and Distribution
Faeries are found almost exclusively across Thalassaterria, though some hives have been found on mainland Sikano.
Civilization and Culture
Major Language Groups and Dialects
Faeries speak a wide variety of tribal dialects derived from two major regional-dependent language families: siili and n’cyli.
Interspecies Relations and Assumptions
The relationship between fae and sprites is complex and regionally dependent. In some subchains of Thalassaterria, fae and jorogumo are mortal enemies, whereas in other places the two species cooperate to build intricate minature-scale metropoli deep in the jungles.
Scientific Name
Euneraida lucilentus, subfamily Neraidae
genus Eurotrochilus
Average Height
10 centimeters
Average Weight
3.8 grams