Griffin Species in Spheres | World Anvil
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Griffins are majestic hunters of the skies. Combining the traits of birds and cats, they are skilled ambush predators. They live on the vast planes, making nests in trees and hunting flocks of grazers. Many communities of griffins, however, also make their home alongside or even within the cities of other races. They often find work there as couriers or serving as willing mounts for soldiers. Griffins rarely find this undignified, as having the aid of someone with thumbs can be quite useful. In general, griffins prefer not to let their pride get in the way of common sense.   Born with divine magic in their veins, most griffins demonstrate and aptitude at commanding the wind, though many go on to develop more skills. In general, manipulating the weather suits them, but some do develop other skills.   In combat, griffins prefer to only fight if they are sure to win. Combining positioning with surprise attacks, griffins can down much more powerful opponents quickly. Should the fight go against them, they are not too proud to flee, returning when they can secure the advantage once again. Should they be in a position where escape is either not possible or practical, griffins will fight with unrelenting fury, seeking to stay on the offensive for as long as they can.

Basic Information


Griffins a quadrupeds that blends avian and feline traits. Their front half is covered in feathers, while their back half is covered in fur. Their front legs end in talons and their rear legs in paws. Their head features a large beak and two wings spread from their shoulders. The hide of a griffin is very tough and especially durable when absorbing blunt trauma. Their coat is also magical, shaping the wind around them, allowing them to fly in even the most turbulent storm. The halves of their brain is not fully connected. While this sometimes lead to issues(Griffins can have trouble remembering things they've only seen with one eye) it also allows them to rest by letting half their brain sleep at the time. This means that a griffin is aware of its surroundings all hours of the cycle.

Genetics and Reproduction

Griffins reproduce through sexual intercourse. Once impregnated, the female griffin lays one to three eggs after roughly three seasons. It takes another three seasons for the eggs to hatch.

Growth Rate & Stages

Griffin chicks can move from the moment they hatch. By the end of their first year, they can usually talk and fly. A griffin is considered fully mature and adult by age nine.

Ecology and Habitats

Griffins live in wide, open plains, where there's plenty of open room. There, they hunt various animals, usually grazers and larger herbivores.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Griffins are carnivores. They prefer to hunt by ambush, using their superior positioning to surprise prey, primarily larger grazers, from above. Prey is usually shared in between members of the flock.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Griffins tend to live in flocks of six to ten members. The oldest are usually seen as the leader, but this is not always the case. Griffin flocks may grow larger in areas bountiful with prey, but they usually agree to split under normal circumstances when their groups become too large.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Griffins are a common species and found in many spheres

Average Intelligence

Griffins are sapient. They are of keen mind and very observant, though with a feral bent.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The eyes of a griffin are exceptionally sharp, capable of picking up fine details on the ground even when the griffin is soaring high. Their eyes can also absorb a great deal more light, allowing them to retain clearer vision even in the dark.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Griffins choose a great variety of names for their young. Some are named arfter figures of myth, some after notable features and some based on local cultures.

Common Myths and Legends

The origins of griffins lay in an ancient battle. It is said that among the first spheres, a great and terrifying creature prowled, a monstrous avian of great power, who fed of everything in sight, bringing with it an endless storm. Hearing the cries of their people, the goddess Birihan_, manifested her avatar and did battle with the horror. In the end, her light pierced its heart and it crashed to the ground, where she smote it. From the ashes, however, a new race crawled form, formed from the mingling of essence of the horror and the goddess. These were the griffins. Birihan saw that they lacked the rapacious nature of their accidental creator and let the fledgling race go to make their own place in the world.
Scientific Name
Leo Aquila
180 years
Average Height
1.5 meters
Average Weight
300-400 kilo
Average Length
2.5-2.8 meters
Average Physique
Griffins tend to be fast and agile, as well as quite strong. They are not the toughest of creatures, preferring to be on the attack rather than defense.
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