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Father of Immortality

Father of The Illithid Empire, and its leader.
The Person
Illsensine is a figure shrouded in mystery, legend, and darkness. The Illithid Empire, at its peak, touched worlds, swaths of the Astral Sea, entire planes unheard of and even some that they say are kept secret. Illsensine, they say, has seen it all through and has been the architect of his children's rise and natural stewardship of the chaos of reality. He appears, in all art and memory-slates, as a figure in a green cloak. Very little is factually known about his appearance save one thing --- what you see now is not what it once was.

The form the fighters of Entropy take came from him, and he himself was the first to undergo the process of salvation. The name, Illithid, is a testament to this -- to Illsensine's guidance, eternal hand, and sacrifice. No matter what rumors and suspicions detractors to the cause of the Empire might levy, even the Gith rebellion's leaders, in their cells throughout the Astral Sea -- Anadyr himself --- is said to speak softly when the subject of Illsensine comes up.
The Story
Of course, there are always going to be rumors and stories about the simple hooded figure in statues and city squares.

They say he's immortal, truly immortal. Some say he was one of the first creatures in all of existence. Some say, he is the last one just going backwards. Some say there are several Illsensines, and they just change the title. Some say he doesn't exist at all. Some say he alone can stop Entropy, others say he himself caused it. Some say that the Empire suffers under his austere rule, and he has long been asleep at the wheel, some say it is collapsing because we don't follow him well enough.

These rumors, always, hushed. The Empire adores Illsensine. Those that have taken his form revere him especially so. They often speak of his great sacrifice. When they lament the loss of their forms, some say that Illsensine had it worse. Illsensine, they say, regrets very little now. But young historians, full of feeling and knowing only this life, in the Entropic Era, tend to project generational sadness to him.
The Legend
That seems to give them strength. No matter what, no matter how cruel, no matter how brutal, with reverance or spite, begrudging or earnest --- Rebel or Loyalist, people always say Illsensine is a figure worthy of respect.
Current Status
Rekindling the Age of Light
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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