Emirate of Hallaba

The westernmost of the Runberi emirates, the Emirate of Hallaba is centered on the eponymous city of Hallaba. The emirate also contains the surrounding countryside, a few satellite cities subservient to Hallaba, as well as the loose allegiance of a few Beirhamin chiefs that have sworn fealty to the city.   The most significant Runberi settlements bound to Hallaba by treaty are Badath, Habshuf, and Musat. These three towns and their satellite villages make up much of the Hallaban coast that is not directly controlled by the ruling city.   The Hallabans have also secured the relative loyalty of a number of inland Beirhamin tribes, chief among them the Kyrimli, the Imransaidi, the Sukurlids, and the Kayanaids. The city of Hallaba also has a stake in South-Fahrig trade company, with individual councilors also holding minor stakes.


The city of Hallaba and the emirate of Hallaba are led by an emir, elected for seven years at a time by all present members of the Hallaban Assembly. Councilors of the assembly must fulfill the following requirements:
  • The councilor must be a resident of the City of Hallaba for at least 10 years.
  • The councilor must be of good Runberi character.
  • The councilor must be a faithful follower of Nuwa.
  • The councilor must be the master of their house.
  • The councilor must own and operate a vessel fit for voyages in the Great Bay.
  Any emir must also fulfill these requirements, and is elected from the councilors' own ranks, though the emir forfeits their voting rights for the time of their term. Though holding a royal title, the emir must frequently seek the assent of their assembly for various actions, and can even be recalled by the assembly. And while the emir's motions have primacy, any councilor may make motions on the floor. The emir has executive control over the assets of the city, and command over city personnel and its navy, as well as the authority to negotiate with subordinate cities, Beirhamin tribes, other emirs, and foreign powers on the city's behalf.   Left outside this decisionmaking process are the overwhelming majority of citizens who are not the masters of their house or do not own and maintain an oceangoing vessel. Also left out are residents of any other settlement in the emirate, regardless of their wealth, prestige, or good Runberi character. Any Beirhamin tribesmen are also naturally left out. The Nuwan clergy also has no direct voice. However, the Temple of Nuwa, the sheikhs of satellite cities (be they elected or hereditary), and even Beirhamin chieftains have significant influence in the emirate due to the people and resources under their command. Indeed, the most significant work of the emir is dealing with the various power blocs that affect the city, but are not under the umbrella of its assembly.
Geopolitical, City-state
Leader Title
Parent Organization
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