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Vensia is the name designating the largest section on the east side of the northern continental land mass. Though it consists mainly of arid desert and plains, early civilization developed in this region along the many fertile river deltas. The title Vensia Major is used to refer to the whole eastern continental regions. Originally the word Vensia was a applied to the regions just to the south and east of Aishelon (later called Vensia Proxima or Elaria).


The continent is large enough to contain a number of different biomes, including mountains, plains, and river valleys. It is best know for having some of the largest desert regions in the world.

Fauna & Flora

Acacia Spike: This short many-branched member of the acacia family grows in warmer climates. In addition to its pea-like pods, this variety produces spiny outgrowths at its base. Bearing long thorns, bushes are often used around Mirriling dwellings as protective barricades. An acacia spike hedge inflicts (2-12) IP – Armor DR on anyone attempting to penetrate it. Gums from the bush are also used to make paints, water-colors, and dyes.   Fire Elm: Elms trees are relatively common, and are found many varieties. Their long tall trunk and wide canopy makes elms well suited to serve as a shade trees. The rare species fire elm is distinguished by its leathery serrated leaves which turn a dark vibrant red in the autumn. The tree holds its colored leaves far longer than most other trees. Fire elms have traditionally been planted along the avenues leading to the estates of wealthy Mirriling land-owners.   Gephtan Fig: Figs are a common edible fruit, and have been harvested by humans for centuries. One of the oldest cultivated species is the Ghephtan fig, which was originally from the region of Vensia, but was brought to the Southeran Continent by early Gephtan traders. This species is remarkably adaptable, and grows well in many kinds of soil.   Lypalm: A medium height tree from the palm family, the lypalm produces an thick-fleshed nut the size of a grapefruit. Oil from the nut can be used to make a soapy lubricating grease. Lypalm grease is resistant to acid; when used as an application on the skin, it reduces subsequent acid damage by half.   Witch Hazel: This flowering shrub produces bright yellow, orange, or red anemone-like blossoms in winter. The blossoms give off a pleasing fragrance. The petals are often crushed for use in perfumes, especially among the Mirriling people. Extract of witch hazel is used as a general household remedy for burns, scalds, and insect bites, and other irritations of the skin (cures 1-3 IP in such cases). Witch hazel grows in a cluster of trunk-branches, and can reach a tree-like height.   Cuprille Olive: Cuprille is an orange-red olive oil produced from the fruit of various kinds of olive trees found in the region of Vensia, growing in soil with a high copper content. Cuprille functions well as a dye or as fuel in oil lamps, but has a bitter taste if cooked in food. It produces a green/blue/purple flame when burned, intensifying its colors in the presence of ethereal energy.   Pomegranate: This fruit-bearing plant has been cultivated since ancient times. It is commonly found throughout the region of Vensia. The dark red fruit contains a juicy sweet pulp that is eaten off the tree as well as used to make jams. The tree also produces large colorful flowers of yellow, orange and red.
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