
The word Corpo is used to refer to:
  • Corporations
  • Things in the corporate structure
  • Monetization of things that should belong to the community
  • Investment and banking
  • Concern with short term profits over sustainability or health of the company/employees
  • Admiration for rich people and using propaganda terms like 'job creators'
  • Profesional Managerial Class and Human Resources
  When it comes to social classes however, Corpo is used a little bit different. A business owner may do Corpo things and push Corpo culture, but they are not part of the Corpo class. If you own the means to produce profit and people work for you, then that is the 'Owner' class. Corpos still work for a paycheck, even if it is much higher than their fellow working class people.

Corpos are the working class people who are traitors to the working class because the Owners give them slightly more scraps. They help the business owners take advantage of the working class through implementing a company first approach as opposed to a people first approach.


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