Keep'A'Ball in Stacked Odds | World Anvil


Keep'A'Ball is a game of keep away played with 4 person teams. Teams don't score points, they score time. The longer your team is holding the ball the more points you get. The first team to 5 minutes wins the round. In theory the longest a round can go is 9 minutes and 59 seconds.

You have to pass the ball to another player every 5 seconds or you turn the ball over to the other team.

The first team to win 2 round wins the game. The most rounds a game can go is 3 rounds. The championship is the only exception which is first to 3 rounds.

Because the games are short, multiple games are scheduled each night. Currently Keep'A'Ball is only played by the high school, though there are people talking about investing in a pro-league.

Keep-A-Ball teams consist of two men and two women. The two men are generally in charge of throwing and catching the ball. The two women are allowed to carry comically oversized swords made of bamboo and covered in a thick layer of pillows. These 'Keep-A Sticks' are used to bonk other players in an attempt to acquire the ball.

There are multiple different strategies of how to use the 'Keep-A-Stick' when on offense. Some teams stash the Keep-A-Sticks on their backs and have 4 players actively passing and catching the ball. Other teams will use the Keep-A-Sticks to defend the players passing and catching. Some do a combination where 3 players are passing and only one weilds the stick.



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