Technology in Stacked Odds | World Anvil


All the stories in the Stacked Odds games and media happen around the year 300 on the fictional calendar. This point is best approximated to about 1880 on Earth, but it is by no means a one to one comparison.

The world of Olo underwent an apocalyptic event just 300 years ago. The calendar starts at the point in history when the oldest known book was written. People don't know what happened before the year 0, but the aproximately 500 people who survived were left with a full language and technologies like ironworking and the printing press. The people left could not remember anything about their past, but they understood agriculture and civil planning and even philosophy.

200 years later civilization had grown and was already entering the industrial revolution. By 250 the first railroad was carrying supplies and passengers from city to city. The very first fully electric apartment building is set to open in the year 299.

The existance of the Olollo, the native species to this planet has made a large impact on the technology growth. While the Olo are masters of selective breeding and genetic modification, they have zero industry and don't like the concept. The one thing they hate the most about humans is gunpowder. They have taken measures to make it harder for humans to manufacture any sort of guns or explosives, but it has only managed to delay things. Though Tri-City may already have electricity, the guns they have are closer to the 1700s. The lack of explosives has also made mining slower. Some nations still use crossbows and catapults.

A lot of other aspects of this world are more advanced than the 1880s, especially art and culture. Tri-City has already developed a dynamic jazz culture and art-deco architecture. Styles of clothing and shoes are more 1920s - 1950s than Victorian, though they are still limited to natural fabrics.


Technologies that are very similar to 1880

Steam Trains and the Railroad: 1875
Steam Factories
Electricity: 1882  

Technologies that are ahead of 1880:

Rubber soled basketball shoes: 1892 (first prototype) 1917 (wide release)
Jazz Music
Electric Guitar: 1941
Art Deco Style: 1920
Motorized Scooters: 1915 TCT50CC
Electric Batteries can be found in ancient ruins and refilled by the very few who understand the process  

Technologies that are behind 1880:


Articles under Technology


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