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Ensign T'Lyn

A highly rebellious Vulcan prone to emotional outbursts, T'Lyn is a talented Engineer and Technician. While serving in the Vulcan Expeditionary Group, she excelled at innovating with both sensors and shields, straying far from her assigned work to partake in her own interests. While her work ultimately prevented the destruction of the Sh'vhal, she was removed from the ship because of her instability and insubordination. Because her rash disregard for her assignments removed any chance she had of continuing with the Vulcan Expeditionary Group, she was transferred to Starfleet, demoted to the rank of ensign, and assigned to the U.S.S. Electra as an engineer.   Born on the Vulcan colony world Ursula to a family of agricultural engineers, T'Lyn (24) spent her early years growing up on a modern farm. Unlike old-fasioned homesteads that could be seen on less civilized worlds, T'Lyn's family farm would be more accurately compared to a food factory. Their operation consisted of a series of 30 ag-towers utilizing automated hydroponic techniques, each dedicating 10,000 square meters to farming space. Per standard Earth year, her family produced roughly 6.8 million kilograms of food, feeding roughly ten thousand people. Because Vulcans are usually vegetarian, farms like these were the primary source of nutrition for most colonists. These towers were completely autonomous and controlled by microprocessors connected to a massive, delicate array of sensors. Much of T'Lyn's early exposure to engineering came from maintaining, these systems.   In early adolescence T'Lyn became disinterested in biological systems due to their unpredictable nature. When she was 11, she attended a children's science program called the "Sci-Kids" where she was introduced to many different fields. Intrigued by more complex aerospace topics like optical mechanics, energy fields, and warp infrastructure, T'Lyn decided, much to her parents dissapointment, to pursue a career in the Vulcan Expeditionary Group. Because of her childish recklessness in rapidly changing careers she burned most of her bridges connecting her to her family.   During her time at the Vulcan Science Academy, T'Lyn demonstrated a consistant intrusiveness as she attempted to pursue her own projects despite the instruction and advising from her superiors. One of her professors denoted her personality as "distractable" while another commented that, "Her meddlesome attempts to integrate herself into senior research without standard qualifications proved obstreperous, her persistence negatively impacting the efficiency of my group." Because of these demerits, T'Lyn was suitably relegated to a small science cruiser after graduation.   During her time aboard the Sh'vhal, T'Lyn continued to display impulsive behaviors in her work, consistently prefering to undertake her own research instead of dedicating all of her time to her regularly assigned duties. Additionally, her interpersonal behavior began to decline, often producing unseemly emotional outbursts in conversations with her superiors. It was due to this behavior that she was demoted and reassigned to Starfleet. She has just begun her first Starfleet comission aboard the U.S.S. Electra.

Ensign T'Lyn

Affiliation: United Federation of Planets
Highest Position Held: Ensign
In Service: 2370 SEY - Present
Personal Details
Born: 2346 Ursula
Age: 24
Species: Vulcan
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Current Residence: U.S.S. Electra
Maritial Status: Unmarried


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